Using nutrition with intermittent Fasting for fat loss



  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    he eats at 8pm so hasn't finished by that time so guessing he's done by 9pm so it's a 16 hour fast.

    oh and in response to the discussion about fasted training ... this was recently published to debunk the myth that fasted cardio is better. Apparently not.

    the study was well conducted in fact so worth a look.
  • Missyb322
    Missyb322 Posts: 145 Member
    Well, it seems there is a lot of controversy and differing opinions as to which way builds more muscle, less wt, and speeds up metabolism. I recently started the IF diet....3 days ago. My fasting period is from 2am to 6pm. This is to coincide with my night job. So far, I'm really liking it. I'm attempting to train myself to eat when I'm hungry and not around some pre-determined meal time. I did 4 straight weeks of calorie counting prior to starting this new way of eating. I did lose 12.2# but my calorie intake was low. So I'm attempting to compare the two by doing this for 4 weeks as well. It's not only weight. I want to lose fat and develop muscle. So we will see. BTW...It is usually extremely difficult for me to lose any weight. My metabolism is probably really low.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    People freaking out about glycogen storage's... do they not know that protein can be synthesized into glucose if the body needs it? At the end of the day.... this is all just advice.... YOU CAN TRAIN HOWEVER THE FK YOU WANNA TRAIN!!!! Shout out to the Hodge Twins.
  • Missyb322
    Missyb322 Posts: 145 Member
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Are you mad at carbs?
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    he eats at 8pm so hasn't finished by that time so guessing he's done by 9pm so it's a 16 hour fast.

    oh and in response to the discussion about fasted training ... this was recently published to debunk the myth that fasted cardio is better. Apparently not.

    the study was well conducted in fact so worth a look.

    I'm not at home right now, mobile, so I really don't have the time to read it until tomorrow. However, I believe I know what it says from skimming over it as I was thinking about it. There are a lot of people who have great success on spreading out their meals or carbs. I don't deny that and I believe it is because these individuals don't have a high insulin spike because their carbs are spread out during the day. However, I see some people in that thread take BCAAs precardio workout to prevent muscle loss which really isn't any different from leangains approach. If you follow leangains IF protocol, he recommends taking 10g of BCAAs.

    What I feel that I can take away from this thread today is that it is bad to eat post workout. But maybe someone will show me some research that says otherwise?
  • wmagoo27
    wmagoo27 Posts: 201 Member
    My current nutrition plan involves both intermittent fasting and a Targeted Ketogenic Diet. I have a 6-8 hour feeding window and I eat all of my carbs around my workouts. I still see my body fat fluctuate depending on calorie consumption but I can cut to 11% to 12% relatively quickly (I do 5 week cuts when I see that I need to).

    You should use the numbers from the end of your first week as a starting reference instead of progress. A ketogenic diet tends to cause a large amount of water weight loss the first week or so. You should not expect that kind of weight variance every week.

    If you are just aiming at a 'low carb' diet then your macros are probably fine, but if you are trying to do a ketogenic diet (which I think you are if you're measuring ketones in your urine) then you may need to drop the carb count down some more. The rule of thumb that I follow is 5% of my daily calories from carbs during the low carb portion of my day. I count my carb ups around my workouts separate.

    There is a keto group on this site that may have more information for you and less arguing about whether the diet works or is any good.
  • SaebraSpirit
    SaebraSpirit Posts: 150 Member
    Hi everyone, I though I give my first update on my new venture. My main goal is to lose bodyfat and increase Lean Mass using nutrition mainly

    I started on Friday 3rd May, preparing for the Fast. My stats are as followed:

    Weight:111.7kg - 245.7lbs

    Fat:28.7% 70.5lbs


    Lean Mass:176.2lbs

    After a final meal on Friday I startedmy fasting with a calorie controlled diet of 2500 calories per day, eating only 3 times a day at 1.00pm, 4.30pm and 8.00pm.

    My nutrition breakdown per day is as followed:





    I fast from 8.00pm to 1.00pm (16 hours) and have a 8 hour eating window.

    I train in fasted stated at 12.00pm before my first meal. The training is intense for 45mins to 60 mins as I am carb depleting at the moment for carb load up on Saturday 11th May at 12.00pm.

    I am using several techniques, fasting, low carb nutrition and carb loading. I am trying to get my body to use fat as source of energy and minimise lean mass loss at the same time.

    I will be measuring ketones on Sat 11 may on my urine.

    Here are my new stats as follwed after 5 days:

    Bodyweight: 110.5kg 243.1 lbs

    Bodyfat: 27.3% 66.3lbs

    Lean Mass: 176.7 lbs

    BMI: 32.3

    So I have decrease total body weight by 2.6 lbs, decrease bodyfat by 4.2 lbs and gained 0.6 lbs in lean mass.

    I have been drinking 8-10 litres of water per day ( makes you go to the toilet every 30 minutes)

    My passed background in training was strength training and heavy weight training, eating 7 times a day and high calories with focused on protein. I gained good progress in the passed but slow in losing body fat hence I am trying this method which totally going against my past experience.

    So there you are, let me know what you think.

    Many thanks


    Are you perhaps paleo or primal?
    By the looks of your macros and your knowledge on the benefits of IF, I'm guessing you atleast know of it?

    Anyways, IF is absolutely wonderful for health if you want to enter ketosis you will need to lower the carbs further especially as you gotta have high protion to build lean mass. Protein can sometimes inhibit entering ketosis.
    Anyways I think otherwise your methods are very practical and you should see some excellent results. :)
  • PcShed
    PcShed Posts: 84 Member
    First Week results from 4th May til 12th May 2013

    I have decreased my Body Weight by 0.4lbs
    I have decreased my Body Fat by 2.41lbs
    I have increased my Lean Mass by 2lbs


    Video Dairy: May 2013 IF/IMAG0042.mp4.html

    Only 38lbs to go!!!

  • PcShed
    PcShed Posts: 84 Member
    First Week results from 4th May til 12th May 2013

    I have decreased my Body Weight by 0.4lbs
    I have decreased my Body Fat by 2.41lbs
    I have increased my Lean Mass by 2lbs


    Video Dairy: May 2013 IF/IMAG0042.mp4.html

    Only 38lbs to go!!!
