Any 5'6, 180-190lb Ladies out there? Or were you once??



  • 86knw
    86knw Posts: 1
    I'm 5'5 1/2, in my 170's. Before both of my pregnancies I was in my 120's, but after my 10 lb kid my body looks terrible! I was up at 220 with my second child and joined a gym. Started around 193 when I joined and my personal trainer's jaw dropped when she saw that number on the scale b/c she didn't think I would weight that much. I have an hourglass shape so things sort of distribute evenly I suppose, but the more weight I lose the worse my stomach looks. :(
    I think I'm aiming for 130-140's now since I enjoy working out and would like to have muscles, lol. Before in my 120's I was just skinny but not healthy. You can add me if you want. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • booplus2002
    booplus2002 Posts: 8 Member
    How interesting that so many of us say the same thing. "I usually carry my well, but over a certain number it wasn't so easy to hide." I topped out at 235, and have vowed to never go back. I am at 201 (or 204, my scale is wonky) and have stayed right around there for almost two months. The problem is not a plateau, it is that I've adjusted to my new eating and exercise level. I'm maintaining. Better than gaining, so true, but I am only halfway to my goal of 160 pounds. I guess I have to make The Decision all over again. This is the time to do it, I'm doing it for me, and I'm willing to do the work for it. I haven't made that decision yet.

    I'm looking forward to supporting each other!

    P.S. How do I make a weight ticker?
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    I sent you a message and friend request. :)
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    How interesting that so many of us say the same thing. "I usually carry my well, but over a certain number it wasn't so easy to hide." I topped out at 235, and have vowed to never go back. I am at 201 (or 204, my scale is wonky) and have stayed right around there for almost two months. The problem is not a plateau, it is that I've adjusted to my new eating and exercise level. I'm maintaining. Better than gaining, so true, but I am only halfway to my goal of 160 pounds. I guess I have to make The Decision all over again. This is the time to do it, I'm doing it for me, and I'm willing to do the work for it. I haven't made that decision yet.

    I'm looking forward to supporting each other!

    P.S. How do I make a weight ticker?

    Click on APPS at the top right of the page and its right there. If you click on settings it should let you have the option of showing it every time you respond. :)
  • janelle1993
    janelle1993 Posts: 128
    5'6 and was 185, now I'm down and hoping to be at 155 by the end of summer! Add me we can do this together!!
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey! I'm 5' 6.5" (yes the half inch counts lol) and weighed 198 lbs. at my highest weight (more when I was pregnant, about 214 lbs. just before I delivered my son). I started on here at about 195 lbs. It's funny, I am the exact same way as far as hiding my weight well goes. People are shocked when I actually divulge how much I weigh/weighed. I think it may be the clothes for me too though, lol. I've always had a smaller chest, a little bigger now since I am breastfeeding, and my weight likes to go to my stomach, hips, thighs. At my lowest I was around 130 lbs., but I was "skinny fat". Hoping to be fit this time around!
  • Next50years
    Next50years Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5' 6"....I'm down to 189 pounds and am motivated to my goal of 150 pounds. I started back last October and am excited to say I've hit 70 pounds. When I started with my program for the 1st 2 months I did shakes/bars..I worked with a dietitian and that has been a life changing event. I still do some shakes some bars but have figured out some food to eat so I can continue to loose weight but can eat normal food. I'm finally getting the food thing. I love my fitness pal because it keeps me in check!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I am 5'6" and currently around 178ish.. (i havent weighed this week!) I think i hide my weight well, but i suffer from linebacker shoulders & big fat arms *sigh* I have a wide butt, but its flat.. but my chest is HUGE! I also need some work in the belly.. but really, who doesnt? lol

    Here are some pics... maybe you guys can help me with QUICK tips for problem areas? I literally have NO time. If you send me a FR, and scroll my wall... you will see why! (and ill accept tomorrow.. im heading to bed for the first time before 3am in a week!) talk about busy and stress.. SHEESH!

    So this picture (the before) was taken at 233 pounds (my highest weight was 246) and the after was at 195 pounds.


    and this picture was taken at 210 pounds (before) and the after was taken at 190 pounds.


    Good luck to everyone & feel free to send a FR, just please send a message that says "5'6" thread" so i know you at least read this and the trolls arent sending FR... also.. No men. ;) Yeah, im on to you! LOL :wink:
  • terra81
    terra81 Posts: 1
    I'm 5'6", was in 190s for 4+ years and 180s for 2 years and now 160s since i started jogging in Oct 2012. I'm pear shape with big bottom and big thighs but still have areas to lose fat all over. I haven't been at this low of weight for 14 years, my wedding dress was size 16/18, now I'm size 10.
  • janeshearl
    janeshearl Posts: 19 Member
    Hello, well I am 5'6 1/2" and weigh in at 174.5. I started MFP July 15, 2012 and have lost 58 pounds. I have really slowed down the weight loss this past month and would really like to lose 10 more pounds... I had gastric by-pass in 2005, lost good until my son died and i started to eat again. The most I weighed was right before surgery was 264. I retired in February 2012 after working for the same company 42 years. Then on April 13, 2012, found out I had a Brain tumor, size of a lemon, but not cancer! It had to be removed, it was getting real close to my brain stem. With that and the steroids, again I gained weight. I kept noticing a friend on Fb talking about MFP and decided to give it a try. I have been very loyal to the program, logging in daily, trying to keep within in 1200 calorie goal. It has really been a great blessing for me...I would love to "travel this journey" as your friend or anyone elses on MFP for the support I need and hopefully give too.
  • elsh1700
    elsh1700 Posts: 17

    Im a 24 year old mother of one. My heaviest was about 190 pounds and over about 5 years have managed to get down to 154 pounds. Obviously theres was a few ups and downs especially when I got pregnant 2.5 years ago. After having my daughter I was SOOO sick of feeling huge and finally lost about 20 pounds to get to where I am now. Have just joined the gym and am hoping to lose another ten pounds to get to a happy place :-)
    I am also 5'6....

    Do you think that it was just in our heads that we carried it well??? Looking back I was actually a whale and am so ashamed it took me so long to lose weight!!!

    BTW Try 'Clean eating' not dieting. Forget about just focusing on calories... make sure that the calories you are eating are natural no adulterated, packaged, processed foods. Eat from the ground not the packet. This worked amazing for me!! It detoxs your body from the bad stuff and you will naturally lose weight. I stick to it about 80% and still see results however slow it feels.

    Would love a reply!

  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I'm 5'7" and at my heaviest I was 210 lbs (2011). Currently I weight 163 lbs and looking to be around 150 lbs. I hit the 150 mark last year then gained back close to 30 lbs. This time around I am lifting heavy and doing cardio 5 times a week.

    When I gain it is all over (plus a little extra around the middle). Even my hands get puffy. Had to get my rings sized down.

    Please add me as a friend.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    5'6" started at 205, currently at 195
    I gained in uniform. A little bit all over. I have people tell me all the time that there is no freaking way I weigh around 200lbs.
    The really super suckish thing about it though is losing in uniform as well. I am thinking it may be a long time before anyone in my real life notices any difference. My loss, in inches, has been just a little bit here, there and everywhere.
    Only major difference I see between me and you is I have huge boobs, always have and am afraid I always will (gosh, I hope not.)
  • Chucksteakswife
    Chucksteakswife Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'6 and started my weight loss journey at 193. People use to not believe that i weighed that amount, and i guess like many others here, i hid it well. Now I'm down to 169 with another 20 pounds to go. What has worked for me is switching toba cleaner diet and incorporating hiit and strength training. I'm am trying soooo hard to lose my stomach but it is very difficult. It comes off everywhere else first. I've always had junk in my trunk and not so tiny boobs too and I'm happy with both assets - I just want to be curvy at a lower weight (with a flat stomach).

    I Would love some more friends, especially ones with similar weight loss goals. I log daily and my diary is open to my friends. Feel free to add me! Good luck
  • JaimeCST
    JaimeCST Posts: 118
    I'm 5'5" and 191 so I am close! Anyone in this thread is welcome to add me. I have lost 10 pounds in the last 8 weeks and look forward to losing 40 more!

  • fluffymcfluffster
    fluffymcfluffster Posts: 51 Member
    Hi to all! I am 5'6" and currently in my 160's but started in the mid 190's. My goal is to get down to a body fat percentage that is healthy more than caring about the number on the scale. I am hoping to get down to about 147 and decide what a good weight for my body is. No one believed I weighed as much as I did, still don't. Cool to see others in the same situation I am in! Good luck ladies! Looking forward to us all reaching our goals!
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I started at 232 and as of Monday was at 184. I am 5'6", and want to lose about another 20lbs, that will get me to my first goal.

  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I am 5"7 and started at 210 and am now 172...I gained all over and apparently hid my weight well too. I recently had an acquaintance say that I didn't look like I had that much to lose.

    I started in Aug 2012 and have been losing pretty steadily... with a couple of stalls around my wedding and Christmas.

    I would love to have more friends with similar goals... feel free to add me.
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member

    I just joined today. I can relate :smile: I have an hourglass figure. I'm 5"5, and I keep most of my weight in my thighs, hips, and butt. I probably look 20 lbs lighter than what my scale flashes. I also know how to hide it well. For example, I wear tops that outline the sides of my waist and back. I also find that thick belts look great on me. I also love a good push up bra!

    I started at 199 lbs and dropped to 186 lbs. I slowly started mid-Jan. However, I can tell that I may have gained 5 or so lbs in Apr. I'm going to get back on track! Feel free to add me. I realize this is a major emotional journey, and I'm looking to encourage and be encouraged. Keep pushing :happy:
  • alisha_1983
    alisha_1983 Posts: 507 Member
    I am 5' 6, and am down to 187. My weight when I started MFP was 248 :/ I have lost 61 pounds since December 15, YAY! But still have a ways to go before Im at my goal. I am making a total lifestyle change, and want the things that im doing now to be maintained forever!

    Feel free to friend me :)