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What's with the attitude?



  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    AMEN! I had that mindset for a while too - no one else around is supporting me, they're not doing what I'm doing, blah blah blah...

    Then I put myself first. I may have some struggles (see my recent post about BP issues), but I'm willing to do this all for me. You're right, support is nice. But when you are willing to make the change for yourself - that's all that matters.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Not everyone has self-control and you ranting that they need it is ridiculous.

    I have a boss who stands in my office and constantly offers me cookies and cake and tator tots, even though he knows damn good and well that I cant eat those things. There is no self-control issue there, that is just pure sabotage and spite.

    Before you hop off that soap box of yours and finish walking through the line of pats on the back your getting, you may want to consider that.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    l love when they blame the kids. "Oh I have such a hectic life I don't have time to cook, I have two kids..." So if you aren't cooking, what are you feeding your kids? So you want to be selfish and only eat what's right for you and not teach you kids the proper healthy way to eat. You had to learn the hard wasy so they should too.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    What an EXCELLENT way to put it. I am in control of me. :flowerforyou:

    "I've been single for a while and I have to say, it's going very well.

    Like...it's working out.

    I think I'm the one."

    -Emily Heller
  • BathtubBadger
    BathtubBadger Posts: 217 Member
    Not everyone has self-control and you ranting that they need it is ridiculous.

    I have a boss who stands in my office and constantly offers me cookies and cake and tator tots, even though he knows damn good and well that I cant eat those things. There is no self-control issue there, that is just pure sabotage and spite.

    Before you hop off that soap box of yours and finish walking through the line of pats on the back your getting, you may want to consider that.

    If he isn't shoving it down your throat, he isn't sabotaging you. Have you tried saying "Thank you, but I'd appreciate if you stopped offering me food. I don't want it, I have my own, don't worry!"
  • nicolaturner1986
    nicolaturner1986 Posts: 45 Member
    Does it not count when your other half tells you they made the curry from your cook book and it should only be 483 cals including rice then after you eat it casually mention they couldnt find reduced fat coconut milk so used full fat, didnt use 1cal spray and just used a lump of butter and also didn't use 0% fat greek yoghurt and just used full fat greek yoghurt as it was cheaper?

    When I worked out my 'low cal' dinner I'd eaten 890 cals by the time he had finished changing the recipe to suit him.

    Does that not count as sabotage?

    edit - oh yes it was a recipe for 4 and he made it go between 2 of us so double the cals per portion
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Does it not count when your other half tells you they made the curry from your cook book and it should only be 483 cals including rice then after you eat it casually mention they couldnt find reduced fat coconut milk so used full fat, didnt use 1cal spray and just used a lump of butter and also didn't use 0% fat greek yoghurt and just used full fat greek yoghurt as it was cheaper?

    When I worked out my 'low cal' dinner I'd eaten 890 cals by the time he had finished changing the recipe to suit him.

    Does that not count as sabotage?

    I'd consider that one meal as sabotage, but 1 meal doesn't derail you. If you let it happen often enough that it affects your weight loss, then yes, you are being a victim
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,888 Member
    Does it not count when your other half tells you they made the curry from your cook book and it should only be 483 cals including rice then after you eat it casually mention they couldnt find reduced fat coconut milk so used full fat, didnt use 1cal spray and just used a lump of butter and also didn't use 0% fat greek yoghurt and just used full fat greek yoghurt as it was cheaper?

    When I worked out my 'low cal' dinner I'd eaten 890 cals by the time he had finished changing the recipe to suit him.

    Does that not count as sabotage?

    edit - oh yes it was a recipe for 4 and he made it go between 2 of us so double the cals per portion
    Only if the intent is to ENSURE you don't lose weight without your knowledge. So ask yourself, does your other half NOT want to you to lose weight? And if they don't, then make all your own meals and reassess your relationship if that's the case.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    ::golf claps::
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,888 Member
    Lots of people these days don't want to take accountability for their actions and usually try to use an excuse for their lack of discipline.
    Think about it, of course you won't eat a cookie if it's not around to eat it. But if you think that the world really cares that you're not including it in your particular diet, then I've got news for you....................................they don't.
    So buck up. Get a backbone instead of a wishbone.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    but... its so much more convenient to be a victim...

    True story. I use to be a victim, blaming and whining and making excuses. Its WAY harder being the perpetrator ( :laugh: ) but way more rewarding. Hard work has payoff. I think I'll do this for awhile.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Not everyone has self-control and you ranting that they need it is ridiculous.

    I have a boss who stands in my office and constantly offers me cookies and cake and tator tots, even though he knows damn good and well that I cant eat those things. There is no self-control issue there, that is just pure sabotage and spite.

    Before you hop off that soap box of yours and finish walking through the line of pats on the back your getting, you may want to consider that.

    If he isn't shoving it down your throat, he isn't sabotaging you. Have you tried saying "Thank you, but I'd appreciate if you stopped offering me food. I don't want it, I have my own, don't worry!"

    Yes! I have a boss who does the same thing, not out of spite, but just because she's sweet and likes to bring treats for the staff. It's hard to tell her no to pizza/brownies/etc. because she's just such a sweet person, but I tell her it's just not within my calorie allowance for the day. I will compromise though and when she brings in something small that wouldn't make too huge of a dent in my day, I'll take one. I understand that she's not trying to sabotage me, and it's my responsibility to be a big girl and say no thank you if it's not something that I can have right then.

    Fantastic rant, OP! :drinker:
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    I had a friend that would constantly post pictures of his tasty looking (and likely high in calorie) meals. Apparently he got requests from other friends to not do that anymore as they were on "diets" and it was hard for them to look at the images...I didn't even know what to say to that.
  • KristyAnn81
    KristyAnn81 Posts: 128 Member
    We are in charge of our own diet and own will power.

    I have noticed people take it as a personal offense if they see someone dieting because they feel they, themselves, should be dieting. I noticed this a lot, "oh you're eating bla bla? yeah, i know i should, but *insert excuse*" I don't give a **** if you are dieting or not, leave me and my salad/shake alone and go about your day. I'm not going to break down and be like "oh yeah, you're right, I'll just eat that cupcake instead" because you feel bad about eating half a bag of chips and 2 snickers bars. I won't let their attitudes sabotage my success..... no one should... and if people are saying this, it's just an excuse for their own lack of will power.... i only sabotage myself every once in a while.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Not everyone has self-control and you ranting that they need it is ridiculous.

    I have a boss who stands in my office and constantly offers me cookies and cake and tator tots, even though he knows damn good and well that I cant eat those things. There is no self-control issue there, that is just pure sabotage and spite.

    Before you hop off that soap box of yours and finish walking through the line of pats on the back your getting, you may want to consider that.

    If you didn't eat what was offered to you, then guess what, you just used SELF control. It was offered, they didn't jam it down your throat.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Hello, my name is Phil, and I'm a food addict. No else but me is responsible for this.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member

    What. the. hell? On toast.

    carbs?! are you mad?!

  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    I don't have but a second, so I can't go through all the replies... so, I apologize if I repeat anything already said.

    I never use the 'excuse' so-and-so is sabotaging my diet. However, I have had someone try to do so. It was a manipulative person that would attempt (and focus on the word attempt) to spoil my eating habits by pushing high-calorie foods at me (cupcakes, cookies, regular sodas, etc). This person would also take unflattering pictures of me and post them on social media, and do other not-nice things. However, as much as I wanted to stew over it, how much easier it would have been to accept the cookie and whine about sabotage I didn't. I took responsibility for me and refused the offered food. And I called the offending person out multiple times for their actions. Their behavior never improved. That person is no longer in my life directly, for more sins than being too generous with food, but I took that responsibility to remove them so that I have a good support network around me.. that way when my self-control is low I don't have a devil on my shoulder further lowering those defenses.

    In other words, I'm a grown up and I act like it.
  • This is everything I ever wanted to say, but worded better lol. <3 I mean I have a family of larger people and well they buy my favorite junk food and tell me I don't need to be on a diet, but it doesn't mean I have to eat it. I think it actually is a good thing to be tempted with food you like because it builds up your will power because there's unhealthy food everywhere and if you can't resist it than you obviously don't want to look/feel the way you say you do. Diets are about willpower, not about who is around you.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    The "sabatoge" whining is just another excuse. You are in charge of what goes in your mouth. We are all adults around here and responsible for our own darn selves.

    I'm gluten-free. My co-workers, family and BF are not. Does that mean I insist them do what I do to 'support' me. NO. If they want to eat the bread, the cakes, the cookies, and the waffles it's all the same to me. Just don't ask me to eat them. Simple as that!