Why do people consider weight loss surgery cheating?



  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    It's the easy way out and it condemns you in a lifetime of abnormal relationship with food.
    You learn absolutely none of the tools that are necessary for a healthy lifestyle. It's a surgical magic wand....

    Also I know of 2 people that have lost so far 60 and 80 lbs with PCOS and they're doing it the RIGHT way, not the easy way. So excuse invalid.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Just so I'm clear

    WLS is cheating because it's just an easy fix, and that's why 50% of people gain the weight back.

    Because it's an easy fix.

    An easy fix that without proper diet and fitness will fail.'

    Wouldn't something that has to be followed with diet and fitness be the opposite of an 'easy' fix? Sounds more like a jump start to me.

    But I get it; your mom's cousins pig's first owner got surgery and remained an unhealthy slob and gained back all their weight so it's a cheaters way out. A cheaters way out right back to the weight they started at.

    Logic clearly checks out.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Just so I'm clear

    WLS is cheating because it's just an easy fix, and that's why 50% of people gain the weight back.

    Because it's an easy fix.

    An easy fix that without proper diet and fitness will fail.'

    Wouldn't something that has to be followed with diet and fitness be the opposite of an 'easy' fix? Sounds more like a jump start to me.

    But I get it; your mom's cousins pig's first owner got surgery and remained an unhealthy slob and gained back all their weight so it's a cheaters way out. A cheaters way out right back to the weight they started at.

    Logic clearly checks out.

    Hahaha, wow, you said it better than I did.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Just so I'm clear

    WLS is cheating because it's just an easy fix, and that's why 50% of people gain the weight back.

    Because it's an easy fix.

    An easy fix that without proper diet and fitness will fail.'

    Wouldn't something that has to be followed with diet and fitness be the opposite of an 'easy' fix? Sounds more like a jump start to me.

    But I get it; your mom's cousins pig's first owner got surgery and remained an unhealthy slob and gained back all their weight so it's a cheaters way out. A cheaters way out right back to the weight they started at.

    Logic clearly checks out.

    Not only that, but if you're one of the 50% that regain their weight.. what's the solution then?? They regained the weight slowly, overeating a handful at a time, and now there's nowhere to cut to...
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I knew someone that had the weightloss surgery. Afterwards... she kept eating pretty much the way she was before only in smaller quantities so she didnt make herself sick..so she pretty much didn't learn her lesson.

    I think that is why most people say its cheating. But in your case, if you're eating a healthy diet and exercising and this is more or less a "last resort" then go for it.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Because it is...

    But it's our choice. I see how when people are "News Worthy" fat. But a lot of people who get it are just "Get you but in the gym and stop eating so much" fat
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Just so I'm clear

    WLS is cheating because it's just an easy fix, and that's why 50% of people gain the weight back.

    Because it's an easy fix.

    An easy fix that without proper diet and fitness will fail.'

    Wouldn't something that has to be followed with diet and fitness be the opposite of an 'easy' fix? Sounds more like a jump start to me.

    But I get it; your mom's cousins pig's first owner got surgery and remained an unhealthy slob and gained back all their weight so it's a cheaters way out. A cheaters way out right back to the weight they started at.

    Logic clearly checks out.

    Not only that, but if you're one of the 50% that regain their weight.. what's the solution then?? They regained the weight slowly, overeating a handful at a time, and now there's nowhere to cut to...

    So, how is WLS cheating if it's a supposed failure?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    The surgery does not mean that you don't have to work at losing weight and getting healthy. Plus, up to a third of the people don't have success with the surgery. A friend of mine had it done and didn't drop an pound, even with eating healthy and exercising. It isn't a cure all.
  • willhare
    willhare Posts: 44 Member
    One of my best friends had bypass surgery a few years ago. I wouldn't say it's "cheating," necessarily, but I'm a proponent of doing it the old fashioned way.

    Any invasive surgery is tough on the body, and my friend went through minor, albeit frustrating, complications afterwards. He's doing pretty well now (though he's added a portion of the weight back), but I'd say that biggest issue I have with surgery is that most people who are large enough to need the surgery need a lifestyle change, and that change doesn't happen with surgery. The surgery forces your stomach to refuse food, but over time it'll stretch unless your mind is capable of refusing food. That, is the truly difficult part of weight loss for everyone, regardless of the weight they've lost or want to lose.

    There's deep-seeded things that need addressed that surgery doesn't cure, and while it seems like a "quick fix," it's still a long road. We've all seen a lot of people on these forums achieve what my friend did by dieting and changing their lives instead of opting for surgery…and they ultimately achieved their similar results in a relatively comparable amount of time. Not to mention, those people should be stronger from working out, and hopefully have new metabolisms to help them keep the weight off. Both things that won't be there after surgery.

    To me, the surgery is a last resort, but to each his or her own. At the end of the day, it's about doing whatever you need to improve your health. Good luck!!!
  • cassiegal724
    cassiegal724 Posts: 63 Member
    I don't think it's cheating, but I do think that it's far less safe and does not guarantee weight loss.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    WLS is a tool. That's it, nothing more. The problem is that doctors are now tossing it out to patients that aren't morbidly obese, or aren't instructing the patients about the risks, the lifestyle changes that need made, etc. If you use the tool correctly, you will succeed.

    I think the problem with WLS, as some have mentioned, is that Dr's are throwing it out there too often for cases where it's not needed, or the person isn't capable of coping with it. You and the OP will be using it as a tool to assist, others do it for a quick way out assuming that it's a magical fix, and life can continue on as they did before surgery.

    Amusingly, while I am in the morbidly obese range of weight, and having thyroid issues (the whole thyroid is gone!), it's never been suggested to me to have surgery because I am 'young' and well enough to get better with proper eating and exercise. Yay for not all Drs being WLS-happy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Just so I'm clear

    WLS is cheating because it's just an easy fix, and that's why 50% of people gain the weight back.

    Because it's an easy fix.

    An easy fix that without proper diet and fitness will fail.'

    Wouldn't something that has to be followed with diet and fitness be the opposite of an 'easy' fix? Sounds more like a jump start to me.

    But I get it; your mom's cousins pig's first owner got surgery and remained an unhealthy slob and gained back all their weight so it's a cheaters way out. A cheaters way out right back to the weight they started at.

    Logic clearly checks out.

    Hahaha, wow, you said it better than I did.


    The judgement and condemnation in this post is thick and flying fast. I just want to make sure I understand all the arguments correctly.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I don't have any strong opinions either way...My wife is a PA student and after all the complications she witnessed during her ER rotation it made her raise an eyebrow regarding the procedure.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    In a word, its frustrating. I have reservations about it being used by people who could work a little harder but choose to do it (In my words) the fast way. I do, however, understand that there are people who need the surgery because of medical reasons and I have no problem with that. I just happen to know one who shouldn't have done it because she was not ready and nearly died because she could not stop throwing up, and another who thinks that she will be fine on very little calories (less than reccomended for someone who is a year post surgery) because she's still losing weight.
    This all being said, if you and your doctor agree this is the best route for you, then go ahead with it. Just please take care of yourself and eat sensibly afterward. Good luck no matter what you choose to do.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    cant see the difference...

    you re all trying to achieve the same goal because you ve gotten in a state for similar reasons , just a differing solution !
  • sweetiecorn
    sweetiecorn Posts: 115 Member
    I have PCOS and have lost 144#s....just sayin. People ask me when i had my bypass surgery, i say I DIDN'T, I just put the fork down & started walking....sorry, I call Bull****. Weight is mental....eating is mental....a surgery is just a REALLY big bandaid...if what's going on in your head isn't taken care of, well.....
    Bravo...well said.

    Good for you. Also have PCOS, didn't put down the fork just changed what was on it and moved some more. My mum went the surgery route, and yeah she lost a load of lbs but nothing got taken care of up there and it has slowly crept back on for her.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I don't understand how if eating low cal didn't work, being forced to eat low cal will? Weight loss surgery is proof that if you just ate less you would lose weight it seems. I personally think its a terrible idea unless someone is incredibly morbidly obese and their life is in immediate danger. There are so many complications, you are forced to lose quickly and there are ramifications from that (empty sack of fat lose skin look) and it risks your long-term health as unless you can be incredibly disciplined, (if you could be you wouldn't likely need surgery) you will not be able to get all of the nutrients you need to be active, build muscle and be healthy.

    If your goal is to be smaller at any cost, well there ya go.
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    If you still need to eat right, if you still need to exercise....

    What's the point of having a doctor cut you open and shrink your stomach through surgery?

    From what I've read about it it's a miserable procedure that can really do a number on a person's life. I don't consider it cheating because it doesn't make things any easier. If anything it gives people an entirely new set of problems they also have to deal with. They can and do still gain weight. To have any real success they still need to eat right and exercise. Like the rest of us.

    So why the surgery?
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    People who are at the point of going in for surgery are doing it to save their lives really , what will be the trick is keeping it off Good Luck to you and never mind those people who snicker ....
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    People will have their opinions and that's ok. I lost and have kept off 174lbs with the help of gastric bypass, healthy eating, fitness and a lifestyle overhaul. Anyone that thinks it's easy has never walked in my shoes or knows the circumstances of what made me make such a drastic life choice. You can't rely on what others are going to think.