pregnancy doesn't "ruin" your body...



  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    by "let yourself go", believe it or not i didn't mean 'end up looking like anything other than me'. hahaha. you guys are too funny. I am referring to the women who dont even try. the women who are self described as being "fat", who complain about being overweight/out of shape, the women who HATE their body and yet eat donuts, drink milkshakes, and sit on their *kitten* because they're moms and that what moms do. i have a relative who was pregnant at the same time as i was. we started off the same. same height, same weight. she gained three times as much weight as i did during pregnancy. she said how she was going to 'enjoy' her pregnancy and eat whatever she wanted. i didn't do this. after delivery, she took it easy and still does. i didn't do this. she says things like, "i'd rather have my child and hate my body than love my body and not have my child". i say you can have both: a body you can be proud of AND children. it's not one or the other.

    and yes, i realize that individual results may vary. as long as you do the best you can, that's all that matters.

    You know a lot of women like this? Or are you making broad, sweeping generalizations....yet again based off ONE person you know who did something different than you did. :noway:

    After reading all your responses, you come off as the most whiny person I've seen on here. Seriously,,,after all the crap I've read on here, you might be the worst.
  • Stinkerbelle84
    To the OP, you look absolutely amazing!!!! My best friend had a very similar experience. She was in great shape pre-pregnancy, and is now about 20 pounds lighter that her pre-pregnancy weight. She is also a gym rat and has done a couple of rounds of Insanity. Am I extremely jealous of her? Yes!! But, did I work half as hard as she did? Not a chance! She gained a good bit a weight for her pregnancy, but she worked hard after to get it off. Does she take more pride in her body than in her son? Absolutely not!!! I have several other friends who are in great shape and had less than pleasant pregnancies. While every body is not the same, it is not fair to bash someone for being more fortunate. And if you are less than fortunate in the post baby body department, it is not fair to assume that the OP was putting you down for NOT looking like her. She worked hard for her body, and should be proud of it.

    There are tons of other threads on here asking to see post baby bellies. I have spoken to so many women over the years that are fearful of what pregnancy would do to their bodies. As they should be! Pregnancy has its benefits as well as risks. You should always be informed and educated in all aspects of it. Yes, you can tear, your abs can separate, you can have bladder problems, hernias, and nerve damage. Yes, you can be left with horrible stretch marks, extra weight, and ZERO bladder control. Or, you can not. While genetics plays a large part of it, so does attitude. As the OP described, I know MANY women who did in fact "let themselves go" while pregnant. They "ate for two," indulged in dessert daily (if not more), ate whatever they wanted, and did not exercise. It is a decision. But making the statement does not mean they she is talking about YOU!!!!! Don't get offended by something just because you feel as though it is inflammatory. I see it as hope. Just is there is a chance that the above mentioned things can happen, there is a chance that they won't.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I clicked on this thread hoping to hear that all my fears were unfounded, but after the OP, it seems like pregnancy really is going to mess with my body in ways I won't like. Oh well, I'm sure if I ever do have kids, they'll be worth the damage!

    My body bounced back also. I was back to pre-pregnancy body 7 months after my second baby (I was 29).
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I clicked on this thread hoping to hear that all my fears were unfounded, but after the OP, it seems like pregnancy really is going to mess with my body in ways I won't like. Oh well, I'm sure if I ever do have kids, they'll be worth the damage!

    Pretty much, how I feel. I was like "whoa , really?!" and then "oh...", lol.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I clicked on this thread hoping to hear that all my fears were unfounded, but after the OP, it seems like pregnancy really is going to mess with my body in ways I won't like. Oh well, I'm sure if I ever do have kids, they'll be worth the damage!

    It's possible but not necessarily. I lucked out when it came to my skin, no stretch marks and no saggy skin. I DID gain a lot though, 60lbs, but have lost 37lbs already through hard work (working out at home, no time for gym). I had my baby 3 months ago. So it's not necessarily doom and gloom. And I can say even if I hadn't lucked out, I'd still consider myself lucky to have had my beautiful daughter!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    mmmmmmmmmmm you may be upsetting a few mummies here:( i was lucky no stretchies and im 4 kilo away from pre preggo weight. i think i look great
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Not convinced. Still don't want kids.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    Wow, some of you negative people need to get over yourselves. I feel sorry for anyone that is so insecure in how they look that they have to bash the op. and don't give me the crap about how your "protecting someone else from false information". It's just another transparent attempt to put someone else down to make yourselves feel better.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    And how old are you?

    Your shape doesn't bounce back at 40 the way it does at 30 or 20. You young people think everyone has, or should have, the exact same experience as you. When you have more experience you will find that isn't true.

    Really? I had my son at 18, he is now 19 & that makes me 38 in a few weeks so that's closer to 40.... my body bounced back easily. In fact it came back better. I only started last year & only been at it for 7 months when I hit goal, and that was under what I was before I had my son. 18 months in total & you would now not know I'd had a child.

    Doesn't bounce back. :laugh: That's the excuse people use when they want an excuse for slacking off.

    This post and posts like it are the problem with OP's thread. Comparing yourself, your life, your body to women who you don't know. People are getting "negative" and upset at comments like this because there are people (like myself) who work very hard and while my body is stronger and smaller (21%BF smaller), I still have sagging skin. My body hasn't bounced back in that regards but thanks for assuming I slack off. I know I haven't. I feel incredibly sorry for you.

    I completely agree, comments like this are incredibly degrading to women who work their butt off knowing that their body will never look the same again. Realistically not all women have the genetics to just "bounce back" to their pre pregnancy body. I'm only 24, I only found out I had gestational diabetes coming to the end of my pregnancy and by then my bump was so big there was no way it would just spring back, instead I was left with a "pooch" of fat with wrinkled skin, I've gone from a UK size 14 to a UK size 8, I'm in much better shape but I still have that pooch, there is no saying that I will ever be able to completely get rid of it either..


    Please excuse the double belly button that I have been left with :ohwell:
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    You still look great and lots of women would love to look as good as you do.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I was on bed rest for the vast majority of both pregnancies. I had a ovarian tumor removed during my first pregnancy...they had to cut my abdomen from my belly button down. I couldn't heal right because of the growing baby. My daughter's heart stopped beating and I was dying so they cut me open again from my belly button down (the anesthesia hadn't even taken effect yet when they began to cut and I still remember the pain!). I then contracted a uterine and blood infection. And then after that mastitis.

    Baby number 2...I was told at 9 weeks that I was miscarrying. I bled more than I knew was humanly possible. 5 days later when they realized I wasn't going to lose the baby I was put on strict bed rest. I dealt with migraines and HELLP syndrome. My platelet count dropped really fast and they AGAIN cut my ab muscles from the belly button down. Because my baby was a NICU baby...I exclusively pumped every 2 hours day and night for 6 months. My boobs will never be the same.

    My poor stomach is COVERED in stretch marks and the skin folds over on itself in a crease from my belly button down. I will eventually have to have surgery to fix my muscles.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I was on bed rest for the vast majority of both pregnancies. I had a ovarian tumor removed during my first pregnancy...they had to cut my abdomen from my belly button down. I couldn't heal right because of the growing baby. My daughter's heart stopped beating and I was dying so they cut me open again from my belly button down (the anesthesia hadn't even taken effect yet when they began to cut and I still remember the pain!). I then contracted a uterine and blood infection. And then after that mastitis.

    Baby number 2...I was told at 9 weeks that I was miscarrying. I bled more than I knew was humanly possible. 5 days later when they realized I wasn't going to lose the baby I was put on strict bed rest. I dealt with migraines and HELLP syndrome. My platelet count dropped really fast and they AGAIN cut my ab muscles from the belly button down. Because my baby was a NICU baby...I exclusively pumped every 2 hours day and night for 6 months. My boobs will never be the same.

    My poor stomach is COVERED in stretch marks and the skin folds over on itself in a crease from my belly button down. I will eventually have to have surgery to fix my muscles.

    I'm sorry for what you went through, I really am. Buy WHY WHY WHY would you post this on this thread?
    Is this a contest of who has had the worst time with pregnancy?
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Boo to this thread. It has descended to...well...pretty much where I knew it would. Just posting to complain, and to help this turd roll and get off my topics list.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Boo to this thread. It has descended to...well...pretty much where I knew it would. Just posting to complain, and to help this turd roll and get off my topics list.

    I'm with you. Lets roll this turd and pretend it never happened.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    And how old are you?

    Your shape doesn't bounce back at 40 the way it does at 30 or 20. You young people think everyone has, or should have, the exact same experience as you. When you have more experience you will find that isn't true.

    Really? I had my son at 18, he is now 19 & that makes me 38 in a few weeks so that's closer to 40.... my body bounced back easily. In fact it came back better. I only started last year & only been at it for 7 months when I hit goal, and that was under what I was before I had my son. 18 months in total & you would now not know I'd had a child.

    Doesn't bounce back. :laugh: That's the excuse people use when they want an excuse for slacking off.

    You bounced back 19 years later?! That is amazing! Tell me your secret???????
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    HIPPO'd a lot of this thread. I had 3 kids in my 30s and 40s and was lucky to have no stretch marks. Do I have a little pooch and extra belly skin? Yeah, but you'd probably only notice in a bathing suit. I ate well, exercised, and gained the recommended 25 lbs with each. And I was genetically lucky.

    But if you are that worried about pregnancy "ruining" your body, you are right to choose not to have kids. They are worth every jiggle and bounce. When you read any thread about pregnancy, be prepared for a lot of horror stories. Most moms love to talk about pregnancy and labor. Don't even get us started on the mucous plug! For those planning to have kids, please don't let this crap worry you. You'll be fine!
  • _Wild_Card_
    _Wild_Card_ Posts: 124 Member

    Please excuse the double belly button that I have been left with :ohwell:

    :love: :flowerforyou:
  • bwalker0823
    bwalker0823 Posts: 107 Member
    ...and it shouldn't be an excuse to let yourself go.

    When I got pregnant, I searched the internet, hoping to come across post baby belly pictures. No one continues to take photos of their belly after the baby is out! I desperately wanted to know what to expect and was terrified of what pregnancy would do to my body. I'm here to tell you that it doesn't ruin your body and you will bounce back quickly.

    few days before delivery

    6 months post delivery

    now. 1.5 years post delivery

    I beg to differ...did you have C-sections or vaginal birth? How are your genetics? how is the elasticity of your skin? this all plays a part. I had 3 C-sections and my belly got really stretched out. I can work out and loose the weight I have with each kid up until my last one and no matter what the stretched out skin is still there.

    I know people that have great genetics and have kids and go right back to their original body. not all of us are this lucky-so count your lucky blessings.
  • Samanthaskywalker
    Samanthaskywalker Posts: 27 Member
    I think what would have saved all the butthurt on this thread is if you had included the word "always" between "doesn't" and "ruin" and had used the word "can" instead of "will" before "bounce back quickly." "Pregnancy doesn't always ruin your body and you CAN bounce back quickly" followed by your pictures is a very hopeful statement! I don't think you deserved all the snarky and rude comments. People are incredibly sensitive, especially postpartum women. I'd say the majority of women's bodies change after they give birth, in ways that are NOT shown on tv or magazine covers, which adds to their low self esteem. I don't blame them in the slightest.

    I think it was a good try to motivate folks. I hope it makes you feel better to know that I find your pictures inspiring! Thanks!

    I'm due in September and I'm hoping I have as good results as you did.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    LOL this made me laugh. I did not read all of the responses. But I did look at your photos. You didn't appear to have a single stretch mark. I know you can't think that every woman is so lucky? And yes I say lucky because whether I lathered with cocoa butter daily my skin still genetically had little elasticity. I lost the baby weight fine with both pregnancies. Only took me a few months, but I do have loose skin and stretch marks. And my breasts are absolutely destroyed from pregnancy and breastfeeding. I was an "a" cup and got up to a "d" when breastfeeding. You look absolutely incredible but it is actually discoursaging seeing this knowing that I do everything I can and my tummy will never look like yours. Unfortunately everyBODY is different...
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