pregnancy doesn't "ruin" your body...



  • _Wild_Card_
    _Wild_Card_ Posts: 124 Member
  • _Wild_Card_
    _Wild_Card_ Posts: 124 Member
  • _Wild_Card_
    _Wild_Card_ Posts: 124 Member
  • _Wild_Card_
    _Wild_Card_ Posts: 124 Member
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
  • HaleyxErin
    HaleyxErin Posts: 94 Member
    Congrats for having good genetics and being young and perfect.

    Some of us aren't so lucky, some of us had babies at 35, have stretch marks and had complications that caused weight gain. Try being locked into a hospital bed and told what to eat and see what happens to you.

    I really don't appreciate being told how I "let myself go" because of my kidney stones and pneumonia and a list of other stuff you don't care about. I'm working hard to get back in shape and I don't appreciate your flippant attitude. One size doesn't fit all in life. Please don't pretend it does.
    I'm pretty sure that isn't what she said.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member

  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    isn't diet and exercise all about generalizations and anecdotal evidence? obviously there will ALWAYS be an exception to the rule.

    I think in this particular case, YOU'RE the exception.

    Most women don't purposely "let themselves go" during pregnancy, or even after. With my daughter I gained 18 lbs, and when I got pregnant five months post-partum with my son, I had a net gain of 2 lbs. But I was never able to achieve a "slim" look again, thanks to a botched C-Section. No matter how much work I do on my abs, how much weight I lose, or how much I want it to be true, the only thing that's going to do anything for my stomach is going to be surgery.

    I prefer to think of pregnancy not as ruining one's body, because I did get two great kids out of it. I'll wear my stretch marks with pride and be content in the knowledge that while my skin might be lose, I might always have a poochy belly, and you could get to Beirut using the map on my stomach, I gave birth to and raised two phenomenal kids.

    And that means more to me than the flattest stomach in the world. :-)
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Ok so having babies isn't always pretty. I get that. But I wouldn't give it up for the world. Four kids and three pregnancies later, actually much later, they are the best thing ever. Will I ever have abs of steel? Not freeking likely! I love my kids! I accept my body! Ps... My husband loves my body! Many years later!
  • kath2810
    kath2810 Posts: 93
    ...and it shouldn't be an excuse to let yourself go.

    When I got pregnant, I searched the internet, hoping to come across post baby belly pictures. No one continues to take photos of their belly after the baby is out! I desperately wanted to know what to expect and was terrified of what pregnancy would do to my body. I'm here to tell you that it doesn't ruin your body and you will bounce back quickly.

    few days before delivery

    6 months post delivery

    now. 1.5 years post delivery
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    what the?
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    To the OP: you are very lucky genetically, and you must have been very, very motivated to stay in shape during your pregnancy and afterwards to have a body that no longer looks like it bore a child. I think it is nice that you posted these photos so those who might be genetically inclined like you can see that pregnancy doesn't always "ruin" our bodies.

    I, on the other hand, had 5 babies. The first one I gained over 30lbs of water weight in 2 weeks and my body has stretch marks everywhere that they can possibly form, from my breasts on downwards. That baby is now 25, so they don't show except in certain light at a certain angle. Each of my other children I gained 40lbs or more, with the exception of one pregnancy, and I continued to stay heavy after each of my last 2 were born, because my head wasn't yet ready to deal with the added pressure of eating right.

    Now, I'm in a better place mentally, and I've lost over 50lbs, bringing me from borderline "morbidly obese" to slightly overweight. I'm not at my goal yet. I won't ever wear a bikini. My "baby" is 15 now, and it's okay with me that my body won't ever look like yours. I earned every single mark and scar on it from my pregnancies and years of breastfeeding, and I even proudly wear my wrinkles on my face and the beautiful shiny white hairs that are popping in on my head. Those I have earned from learning how to be patient and loving in the face of adversity from my challenging children.

    Would I ever say to someone that pregnancy "ruined my body"? No way! It's not ever going to look like it did when I was 18, but it looks better than it has in a long time.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I don't consider my body ruined on account of my pregnancy, but pregnancy coupled with overeating and an overweight starting point sure didn't do *good* things for my stomach or breasts, cosmetically speaking!

    That said, I've learned to love my post baby body and I'm dedicated to making it the best that I can. It is my only body, and it brought me my beautiful daughter. Life is too short to hate your body.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I :heart: you KatLifter!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member

    I don't know how to post GIFs, but I'm tempted to figure it out just to roll this sucker.
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