To Lift or not to Lift

So I think I want to start lifting. I've always flirted with the idea, but never really done anything about it. I'm afraid of getting too bulky (which as a bigger girl I know I'm already predisposed to bulk). There's also the fact that going into the weight room with a bunch of big guys who roll their eyes like "why is this chick in here" scares me. What suggestions to you guys have for someone who wants to get into lifting? Should I even get into it? Should I wait until I lose more weight first so I don't get too bulky (if that's even a thing)? Answers please!


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    LIFT NOW!!

    i really wished i'd started earlier - you will NOT bulk :)

    i hate that the boys are there too :S but just ignore it - they are not interested and once you're lifting heavier than some of them you'll feel great x
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Don't be afraid of getting too bulky, that will only happen if you are eating at a surplus or have abnormal amounts of testosterone for a woman. If you are still unsure look for success stories in the forums for pictures of what women have achieved through lifting. Good luck!
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    I'm afraid of getting too bulky

    Unless your planning on taking steroids this wont happen.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I always suggest people start sooner rather than later. It's much better to start now then stop at some point if you choose to than it is to wait and start somewhere down the road (for a variety of reasons).

    I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for a lot of people... no one is rolling their eyes at "some chick" lifting. I think it's great to see people lifting, regardless of gender. Just don't hog the squat rack when I need it (kidding).

    There are a bunch of ways to get into it. The biggest determinant is what equipment you have access too. Do you/can you go to a gym? If so, then things like starting strength and New Rules of Lifting are great places to start. A couple sessions with a trainer to get you going and introduce you to the equipment is also worth considering.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    I wish I started to lift heavy years ago. Sadly most women are trained to think that all we should do is lift 5lb pink dumb bells and run like hampsters on treadmills :/

    Do you need to add cardio into your mix - yes. How much is dependent on your goals and your current weight/BFP
    Lifting weights does not make anyone bulky. Lifting weights increases muscle mass and if it is hidden under layers of fat then that is the issue, not the muscles.
    Lifting weights really is the only thing that changed my body shape, do it now and you will see the results
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    Lift. So tired of women thinking they will bulk up. You really have to work at it to do that. And we don't have the right hormones for bulking.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You're not going to get "bulky" me...if it was that easy, every guy on the planet would yolked. Lifting some weights a few days a week for 30-60 minutes isn't going to make you "bulky"
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm afraid of getting too bulky

    Unless your planning on taking steroids this wont happen.


    also I'd love if it was that easy to get big
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Lift. So tired of women thinking they will bulk up. You really have to work at it to do that. And we don't have the right hormones for bulking.

    While this is true...

    I'm so tired of people assuming everything thinks of the same thing when they think "bulky". I think a lean, strong woman is incredibly attractive, but not everyone wants to look like that. Some want to look like Kim Kardashian or Kate Upton. Some don't even want to be that "thin".

    I also think that part of the problem is terminology. Most people don't need to worry about being to bulky (as so many people have pointed out), but should rather worry about being too lean (body fat % too low). Being lean is not the same thing as being bulky, but most people new to dieting/exercise don't realize that, at least not enough to be clear when they ask questions.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    So I think I want to start lifting. I've always flirted with the idea, but never really done anything about it. I'm afraid of getting too bulky (which as a bigger girl I know I'm already predisposed to bulk). There's also the fact that going into the weight room with a bunch of big guys who roll their eyes like "why is this chick in here" scares me. What suggestions to you guys have for someone who wants to get into lifting? Should I even get into it? Should I wait until I lose more weight first so I don't get too bulky (if that's even a thing)? Answers please!

    If this is what you want to do and it will make you happy with yourself, why do you care what others think?
    Also, I highly doubt the men are judging you. And you won't get bulky.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    I'm afraid of getting too bulky

    Unless your planning on taking steroids this wont happen.


    also I'd love if it was that easy to get big

    Even as a young test fueled male it's incredibly difficult
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Lift. It's awesome. You won't get bulky.

    If the freeweight area is really busy (varies depending on day of the week/time/weather) I take the weights I need to a different area of the gym and do my thing...stalk the squat rack from afar until it frees up, too. If you're not using a rack/machine you dont have to do your lifting in the free weight area, just take a couple of trips to bring what you need somewhere else - JUST MAKE SURE YOU BRING IT BACK WHEN YOU ARE DONE :)

  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    thanks for posting this ive had the same issue....except being afraid of getting bulky i know you wont unless you plan and eat for it.....but i do want to lift....i think ill go get me some weights because my 5lb'ers are not heavy enough......

    i have a question is it true if you can lift/curl a weight more then like 8-10x's at one time, its time to up the weight?
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    If you belong to a gym, see if they offer a "Body Pump" class - great way to get started, even though it's not lifting heavy per se (believe me, a 1-hour cardio/weights class like this will kick your butt!).

    Also, pick up and read "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" - great read, totally worth the $20, and will answer a lot of your questions.

    I just started lifting myself, and have changed my diet to go with it. Can't wait to see the results!
  • johnnlinda
    johnnlinda Posts: 69
    I also wish I would have started lifting in my 20's. I just started 3 weeks ago at 53 yrs old and I love it! I always did Cardio with no real results. I can already feel myself getting stronger and can see a couple muscles trying to find their way to the surface. Warning, it is addictive. Good luck! I haven't bulked at all, just lost some inches. Don't worry about other ppl at the gym, just do your own thing and be respectful. Maybe their eyes will get stuck in a rolled position.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    Lift. So tired of women thinking they will bulk up. You really have to work at it to do that. And we don't have the right hormones for bulking.

    I'm so tired of people assuming everything thinks of the same thing when they think "bulky". I think a lean, strong woman is incredibly attractive, but not everyone wants to look like that. Some want to look like Kim Kardashian or Kate Upton. Some don't even want to be that "thin".

    I agree 100% with this sentiment, but can I just say how upset Kate Upton would probably be to be lumped in with Kimmy K here? ;)
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    The only way you'll get bulky is if you are eating too much.

    Lift + some cardio + caloric deficit = fat loss.

    Go lift. Do it now.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    The guys are probably wondering how long you'll last or stick around or just curious to see what you know... or if you're hott, they're glad you ventured over there.

    Get in there and lift. Who cares what's going through the "guys" minds. Do your thing. Start with the stronglifts or nrolfw.
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    BODY PUMP IS GREAT!!!! I took it when I was a member of a local gym. Don't worry about the guys... if you find you a good ole vet he will be more the HAPPY to help, im sure!

    If you belong to a gym, see if they offer a "Body Pump" class - great way to get started, even though it's not lifting heavy per se (believe me, a 1-hour cardio/weights class like this will kick your butt!).

    Also, pick up and read "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" - great read, totally worth the $20, and will answer a lot of your questions.

    I just started lifting myself, and have changed my diet to go with it. Can't wait to see the results!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Lift. So tired of women thinking they will bulk up. You really have to work at it to do that. And we don't have the right hormones for bulking.

    I'm so tired of people assuming everything thinks of the same thing when they think "bulky". I think a lean, strong woman is incredibly attractive, but not everyone wants to look like that. Some want to look like Kim Kardashian or Kate Upton. Some don't even want to be that "thin".

    I agree 100% with this sentiment, but can I just say how upset Kate Upton would probably be to be lumped in with Kimmy K here? ;)

    Similar shapes/body types, though... no?