To Lift or not to Lift



  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Also make sure you're eating the right amount as well... minus 20% of your tdee ideally!

    And with cardio - some people do it, some don't. With stronglifts, you DON'T really have to cause its a HEAVY lifting program. Your muscles need time to recover between lifting days.
    If you do decide to do cardio, its only necessary like 1-2 times a week :)
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Lift girl... lift!!!


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  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I always suggest people start sooner rather than later. It's much better to start now then stop at some point if you choose to than it is to wait and start somewhere down the road (for a variety of reasons).

    I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for a lot of people... no one is rolling their eyes at "some chick" lifting. I think it's great to see people lifting, regardless of gender. Just don't hog the squat rack when I need it (kidding).

    There are a bunch of ways to get into it. The biggest determinant is what equipment you have access too. Do you/can you go to a gym? If so, then things like starting strength and New Rules of Lifting are great places to start. A couple sessions with a trainer to get you going and introduce you to the equipment is also worth considering.

    So glad to know that guys don't care if girls are in there! I am intimidated by men in the weight room, too!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Lift. So tired of women thinking they will bulk up. You really have to work at it to do that. And we don't have the right hormones for bulking.

    I'm so tired of people assuming everything thinks of the same thing when they think "bulky". I think a lean, strong woman is incredibly attractive, but not everyone wants to look like that. Some want to look like Kim Kardashian or Kate Upton. Some don't even want to be that "thin".

    I agree 100% with this sentiment, but can I just say how upset Kate Upton would probably be to be lumped in with Kimmy K here? ;)

    Similar shapes/body types, though... no?

    From what I've seen, Kate is naturally very slim all over, where as Kim, while not overweight, is very curvy and more petite.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Lift. So tired of women thinking they will bulk up. You really have to work at it to do that. And we don't have the right hormones for bulking.

    I'm so tired of people assuming everything thinks of the same thing when they think "bulky". I think a lean, strong woman is incredibly attractive, but not everyone wants to look like that. Some want to look like Kim Kardashian or Kate Upton. Some don't even want to be that "thin".

    I agree 100% with this sentiment, but can I just say how upset Kate Upton would probably be to be lumped in with Kimmy K here? ;)

    Similar shapes/body types, though... no?

    From what I've seen, Kate is naturally very slim all over, where as Kim, while not overnight, is very curvy and more petite.

    I guess I see them both as curvy, not muscular and not especially lean.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    BODY PUMP IS GREAT!!!! I took it when I was a member of a local gym. Don't worry about the guys... if you find you a good ole vet he will be more the HAPPY to help, im sure!
    If you belong to a gym, see if they offer a "Body Pump" class - great way to get started, even though it's not lifting heavy per se (believe me, a 1-hour cardio/weights class like this will kick your butt!).

    Also, pick up and read "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" - great read, totally worth the $20, and will answer a lot of your questions.
    I just started lifting myself, and have changed my diet to go with it. Can't wait to see the results!

    ^ Yes!

    I love PUMP, it's how I started getting to know weights.
    I'll be buying "New Rules of Lifting for Women" soon so I can do more heavy lifting.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    I think it is kind of funny the girls keep saying we don't have the testosterone for it. My testosterone is actually high and my estrogen low. It sucks. Not that I think I'll get bulky or anything (I know you have to REALLY work for that) but my testosterone is high for a woman so if that is really a deciding factor there, I wonder how that changes things.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    So glad to know that guys don't care if girls are in there! I am intimidated by men in the weight room, too!
    So what if the guys DO care?

    That's THEIR problem, not yours. :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Lift. The end.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Without even really reading through most of the messages, i don't think guys in the free weight or general weight lifting area of the gym ever think like that about a girl grabbing up some iron. If anything, guys will be more likely to help you out or talk to you. I've been in many gyms, Lifetime Fitness, various Gold's Gym's, two different Planet Fitness gyms, and have never experienced seeing anything negative about a woman who wants to lift some weights.

    And you don't get bulky just from lifting weights. Well, if you know for a fact that you can, fill me in, i'm trying to bulk up. I'm struggling. :(
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    My advice is to wear shoes that aren't too squishy. e.g. Converse or FiveFingers.

    Also, a trainer. If only just to get started, learn the proper forms, and get a little progress going.

    Most of all: enjoy!
  • nicolej1016
    nicolej1016 Posts: 89 Member

    Awesome answers all...

    Going to go pick up something heavy now...
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    Here's a link I found:

    It answers most of the questions you have asked. Very informative video.... thanks for the post was thinking about it and after this overwhelming response I know im in!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I think it is kind of funny the girls keep saying we don't have the testosterone for it. My testosterone is actually high and my estrogen low. It sucks. Not that I think I'll get bulky or anything (I know you have to REALLY work for that) but my testosterone is high for a woman so if that is really a deciding factor there, I wonder how that changes things.

    Even if you had the testosterone levels of a man (in which case, you should probably make sure you don't have PCOS or a similar issue), you still won't get a bodybuilder's physique, or anything close, by accident. As others have mentioned - if it were that easy to get such a figure, all the guys in the gym would have it.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    I think it is kind of funny the girls keep saying we don't have the testosterone for it. My testosterone is actually high and my estrogen low. It sucks. Not that I think I'll get bulky or anything (I know you have to REALLY work for that) but my testosterone is high for a woman so if that is really a deciding factor there, I wonder how that changes things.

    Even if you had the testosterone levels of a man (in which case, you should probably make sure you don't have PCOS or a similar issue), you still won't get a bodybuilder's physique, or anything close, by accident. As others have mentioned - if it were that easy to get such a figure, all the guys in the gym would have it.

    I am getting tested for PCOS on Monday, bleh.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    Why are we still talking.

    Go lift something up. And put it down.


    i lift things and i put them down
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I think it is kind of funny the girls keep saying we don't have the testosterone for it. My testosterone is actually high and my estrogen low. It sucks. Not that I think I'll get bulky or anything (I know you have to REALLY work for that) but my testosterone is high for a woman so if that is really a deciding factor there, I wonder how that changes things.

    Even if you had the testosterone levels of a man (in which case, you should probably make sure you don't have PCOS or a similar issue), you still won't get a bodybuilder's physique, or anything close, by accident. As others have mentioned - if it were that easy to get such a figure, all the guys in the gym would have it.

    This. Also, I have PCOS and am insulin resistant, and have had great success with lifting heavy. Insulin sensitivity is increased, I'm finally able to drop fat like a relatively normal person, and my hormones are balanced like never before. No meds, either.
  • Sunnyjb
    Sunnyjb Posts: 220
    To lift or not to lift....

    that's not a question. LIFT!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I wish I started to lift heavy years ago. Sadly most women are trained to think that all we should do is lift 5lb pink dumb bells and run like hampsters on treadmills :/

    Do you need to add cardio into your mix - yes. How much is dependent on your goals and your current weight/BFP
    Lifting weights does not make anyone bulky. Lifting weights increases muscle mass and if it is hidden under layers of fat then that is the issue, not the muscles.
    Lifting weights really is the only thing that changed my body shape, do it now and you will see the results

    You look wonderful, I want your body!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    To answer the question:


    you should.

    I started with strong lifts. It's simple and free.