1200 Calories



  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    As others have said, it works for some and not others. I started on 1200 and didn't find it bad at all, but I wasn't eating cr*p and if I exercised, I'd eat most or all of the calories back.

    BUT I am a 5'3" female, I sit on my bum most days at work and I'm 44 - other people might not find it suits them and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who genuinely is feeling hungry eating this amount of calories.

    Having said all that, I went up to 1300 a month back as I missed having a biscuit with my cup of tea and I'm still losing, just not as fast as I was but I can live with that as it's a long haul to my goal weight.
  • silly122
    silly122 Posts: 4
    When I first started my weight loss plan, 1200 calories was too low because I was heavy and it would have been impossible to maintain. As I lost weight (30 lbs) that number was adjusted down to where I am at 1200 calories net (I exercise 4-5X a week). I find it hard to attain that number some days even though I eat all day. I eat mostly veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins which fill me up and give me the nutrients I need without a lot of calories.
  • musicrocks133
    musicrocks133 Posts: 70 Member
    For me personally, I find it pretty doable to stay under 1200 per day. I just make sure to use veggies and fruits to keep myself full all day. I ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a bagel for lunch, a lean cuisine for dinner, plus the fruits and veggies, plus some seeds/pretzels/other decent snacks and an occasional dessert. Just look for low calorie foods that you wouldn't mind eating large amounts of like carrots or cucumbers, and then eat smaller portions of the higher calorie foods.

    I agree it is very doable. The first two weeks were very hard, I had headaches and was tired but it could of been also that I gave up caffeine at the same time. After the two weeks it's just like normal. You just have to look for food that is low in calories but also that fills you up. Try vegetables, greek yogurt (fills you up more than regular yougurt), fruits (apple with peanut butter the best), and lean meat. If you exercise you get more calories to eat. I normally eat all of my calories back and I have currently lost 19 pounds.

    Also had a doctor's appointment and he is very happy with me because I am more healthy (my thyroid seems to be controlled Yayy)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I tried the 1200 calorie thing when I first joined here. No thanks! I felt tired and weak all of the time. Plus...there is no way I can or want to eat that little for the rest of my life. I started eating more and did not gain any weight, lost a little bit, but look a whole lot better!
  • Bonnnnie47
    Bonnnnie47 Posts: 3
  • Bonnnnie47
    Bonnnnie47 Posts: 3
    Personally, 1,200 calories is not enough for me to survive throughout the day. From personal experience, my body went into starvation mode from not consuming enough calories. Figure out your BMR and take it from there. That's what really helped me! :)

    no, no, and no ...

    sorry but you can't eat 1200 calories a day and be in starvation mode...

    Starvation mode is not eating a think for 72 hours...think starving people in Africa..that is starvation mode...

    I said from MY PERSONAL experience.. just suggesting what worked for me lol. Maybe "starvation mode" were the wrong words to use, but I don't know what you call being hungry at all times, feeling sick, having low energy, and not losing weight for over 3 months while only consuming 1,200 calories... Every body is different. Just giving my own personal experience and suggesting the use of BMR.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    My first reaction is to try the TDEE method, personally I think you are low on the calorie range.... However, if you feel the 1200 calories is sufficient for you, I would change the type of healthy food you are eating. You should look into more dense calories.

    My TDEE - 20% (which is the calculation to lose weight), is 1743, and I struggled to get there. I started adding things like beans, nuts (my personal preference is pistachios or cashews) and eggs. All very filling and good healthy foods, but slightly higher in calories (just slightly). They keep me full and give me the extra kick I need for calories.