out of calories for the day, what do you do?

Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
I was bad at lunch. Had two fresco bean burritos at taco bell for a nice 700 calories. Now I am faced with a dinner of plain spring mix salad and four cherry tomatoes. And maybe a piece of celery. I don't think working out for an extra hour is feasible with my two year old needing my attention after being at daycare all day, unless the rain holds off and I can take her for a walk. Anyway, lesson learned (and yes, I was overly full after eating two). I guess this is part of it, learning how one choice affects the whole day!


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I'd either go over a bit for the day, or exercise and earn more cals to eat. Or change your weight loss goal to 0.5lbs less per week and eat a little more everyday.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I was bad at lunch. Had two fresco bean burritos at taco bell for a nice 700 calories. Now I am faced with a dinner of plain spring mix salad and four cherry tomatoes. And maybe a piece of celery. I don't think working out for an extra hour is feasible with my two year old needing my attention after being at daycare all day, unless the rain holds off and I can take her for a walk. Anyway, lesson learned (and yes, I was overly full after eating two). I guess this is part of it, learning how one choice affects the whole day!

    What did you eat for breakfast/how many kcals? If you open up your diary, we could all give you better informed advice.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I would not try and totally make up for it. If you're on the 1200 calorie plan you probably have your goal set to lose 2 lbs/week, which means a 1000 calorie daily deficit. If you're hungry, there's no reason why you can't eat even 300-500 of those to have a reasonable dinner. That will still leave you with a deficit for the day. It's not cheating, it's recognizing that if you starve yourself for the rest of the day you'll be likely quite hungry tomorrow morning and starting off at a disadvantage.

    This is a learning process.
  • Gracie1214
    Gracie1214 Posts: 120 Member
    I'd write it off and learn a lesson from it ,you may as well have something filling if you're at risk of a binge later.
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    That always hurts, when you make a bad decision and feel like you can't eat the rest of the day. Since it's really weekly calories and not just daily calories that effect weight loss, I shift some of my impulse eating decisions to the next day so I can still have a normal dinner, but will have to be more careful tomorrow. Works great for me.
  • Patti1023
    Patti1023 Posts: 78 Member
    Going over for one day isn't the end of the world, and you learned something from it so that's a good thing :) Just watch your calories for the rest of the week and if you can stay under or at your limit, you should be fine. One bad day is just one bad day, as long as it's not followed by many bad days it's all good!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Dig out an umbrella and go for a walk even if it rains. You'll have fun exploring the wet world with your daughter--point out how different everything looks in the rain, and look for what the flowers are doing (some close up, some open up and drink), and whether it bothers the squirrels and birds.
  • strdcr
    strdcr Posts: 1 Member
    Own it and move on. It's fine to go over your calories from time to time, so don't feel guilty about eating more than a small salad tonight! Eat healthy, and know that you've done better with calorie control before today, and you'll continue to do better with calorie control in the future. One slip up won't derail your success!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I'd either go over a bit for the day, or exercise and earn more cals to eat. Or change your weight loss goal to 0.5lbs less per week and eat a little more everyday.

    ^^^^^ This
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old. They go to bed at about 8pm leaving the rest of the evening free. Have you any fitness dvds, skipping rope, you could even do jumping jacks, run around your back garden, lift something heavy, dance if you have some one else in the house go for a run, walk etc. You can even exercise with your 2 year old.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I would not try and totally make up for it. If you're on the 1200 calorie plan you probably have your goal set to lose 2 lbs/week, which means a 1000 calorie daily deficit. If you're hungry, there's no reason why you can't eat even 300-500 of those to have a reasonable dinner. That will still leave you with a deficit for the day. It's not cheating, it's recognizing that if you starve yourself for the rest of the day you'll be likely quite hungry tomorrow morning and starting off at a disadvantage.

    This is a learning process.

    ^This. I would (and have!) just say "whoops", have tillapia and veggies for dinner, and makea note to myself not to have that again with out planning ahead for how to fit it in my day.
  • Inittolozeit
    Inittolozeit Posts: 116 Member
    Eat! One day of going over wont hurt ;)
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Yep, what everyone else said- just go over for the day, but make sure it's healthy. You could always do some serious running around playing with your kid too, (I'm sure you could figure out some lifts with a child weight, airplanes, etc.) just so you feel a little better about the situation.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Go walk at the mall or do a workout incorporating you child. Pushups with a 2 year old on your back can burn some cals. Jog in place. Where there is a will, there is way and without excuses, nothing can stop you.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    When I go over I just forget about it. If you are hungry you should eat. One thing that will help is drinking more water, that will help keep you full and flush out the extra salt from the TB burritos. Main thing is don't stress about it, stress only leads to anger, which leads to hunger, which leads to the dark side :P

    Life is short, the days are small and should be filled with things you enjoy.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Sounds like Pony rides for the toddler..
    Seriously, pony rides are weight bearing and great great workout..think of it as walking with a weight vest.

    oh , and baby will love it!!

    or how about dancing with tots??
    there is literally nothing more fun..

    or walk in place if nothing else

    as far as calories, eat a small reasonable meal, and accept the small mistake, it doesn't ruin your plan or your progress, its just a side step , as long as overall is good your fine
    you know you slipped up, and that it was an oversight on your part,
    you will do better tomorrow, today, at your next meal , etc.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    1. Throwing kids up into the air (safely) burns off a ton of calories, they are great weights, it's fun, and I'll bet they outlast you! Small kids LOVE to mimic workout routines. I bet if you put a video on, they would join you for a while. It's pretty comical. Even the walking indoor videos by Leslie Simones (sp?), you just walk in place, but can burn quite a bit in an hour. They even make kids exercise DVDs you can do with them. My kids loved to sit on my back while I was doing pushups and sit ups. LOL Talk about weighted work!

    2. I cannot believe the calories on those fresco bean burritos! The Nacho Dorito hardshell (X2) I had yesterday was 340 calories (for two).
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Eat a sensible dinner and not worry about it. One day over your calorie goal isn't going to derail all your hard work. Get back to it tomorrow.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    thanks all. How do I share my food diary? I totally would. I am allowed 1500 calories to lose .5 per week as it is...not exactly starvation, but it feels like deprevation to someone used to eating at least 1000 more than that. *sigh*
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    oooh I figured it out. Shared! Ream me. :(