Is it possible to go vegan if you love meat?



  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Give it a try and find out. I suggest you slowly ease into it. Being vegan isn't for everyone and some people thrive on a vegan lifestyle. Some of my healthiest friends are vegan.... However when I lived with them and attempted it I was sick, tired and miserable. My iron got so low I had to get iron shots and bruised so easily I always looked like a victim of domestic violence.. That sucked. Haha. And we all cooked together and ate the same things. So wasn't for me. Meh.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Dont go vegan like that. Try and eat less meat , substitute everynow and then milk by soja or havre milk if you like it . I am not vegan or vegetarian but i decreased alot my meat consumption, to only a meal per week .I dont want to stop eating fish by health reasons , neither would i stop completly to eat dairy. If you are worried about animals you can try and shop milk from cows that go outdoors or eggs from outdoor chickens for example. It will make a big difference in your health and your ecological footprint after a year.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    Watch a video on factory farming and meat processing...that will do the trick. I am making an effort to get back to veganism after I fell off track when I met my carnivore husband! :) I think it just works for me. When I was vegan my cholesterol was perfect and I weighed 40 lbs less than I do now. For me the catalyst was wanting to live a more cruelty-free lifestyle, which is what is drawing me back this time as well. It's certainly not for everyone, but there is a lot of delicious vegan food out there.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    I have been vegan a year and have never felt better. I dance (ballet) many hours every week, hike and go to the gym and I have endless energy.
    You have to do a little research but it's not so hard and there are myriads of amazing alternatives out there.
    For example, I would make the same butternut squash soup with maybe coconut milk or hemp milk and earth balance buttery spread with a good veggie broth.

    The only supplement you need to take is B12 which we used to get from soil when the earth was a less damaged place and the soil full of beneficial bacteria, minerals, etc.. and we didn't need to wash our vegetables so well. But you can also just add nutritional yeast to things..delicious as a healthy parmesan cheese alternative with crushed walnuts!
    I also take vitamin D which in fact many folks need who don't live in the sun ;)

    You can friend me if you like as I have learned a lot about the lifestyle. I really recommend it. So much research shows that a plant based diet is healthiest for our bodies... as well as for the earth and the animals

    I'll put it to you this way...I only want to lose a few vanity pounds and firm up as I can really eat what I like now and not actually gain weight.
    Loving lentils, beans, greens, fruit, nuts and grains helps but there are "naughty" foods you can treat yourself to also ;) You can eat fairly cheaply if you buy ingredients for a delicious yellow lentil stew for example and eat it all week for lunch with a nice grain bread and then for dinner have wholewheat cheeseless pizza with veggies and tempeh "bacon" or a wild mushroom risotto ...there is so much...and I am happy to help if you would like...congrats for considering veganism :) it's the kinder and far healthier lifestyle ;)

    Thanks, for answering my question. I am simply considering it because of the health benefits involved but some people on here seem to be getting on me about making the statement that I love meat, so I should not give it up. I also love to have good health because I need to be able to continue to care for my severely autistic son who is my only child, as I am his only parent, and the only person in the world who cares about his well-being, so that is why I would consider going vegan. Thanks for being patient with me and explaining the lifestyle for me.

    I don't believe the health benefits of a vegan diet are because of the meat. Vegans tend to shun processed foods, white flour and sugar as well as meat and I think that's what makes the difference. No disrespect to vegans, I just think they're blaming the wrong thing. If you like meat, I wouldn't advise avoiding it.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    Maybe try being a a mostly vegan or vegetarian diet with some fish for extra protein? This is my plan for the coming months as I decide if going full on vegan again feels right for me.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    do what I did..cause i was just like you....I just limit my meat consumption and truly enjoy it! I just do not eat it everyday all the time anymore..moderation;)
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    It is possible but it requires a definite change of mindset.

    I was vegan for 3 years, motivated solely by reading Peter Singer's book "Animal liberation". I loved meat & cheese but that book really effected me. I was still tempted by delicious smells of roast chicken etc, but I concentrated on making yummy foods I could eat, most of the time I was so busy being self righteous that I didn't have time to miss meat lmao.

    When I got pregnant with my daughter - before I even knew I was pregnant - I NEEDED to have milk & cheese, there was nothing I could do about it. I felt AWFUL for giving in until I found out I was PG & then I just went with it & ate whatever my body told me it wanted to eat - shoving all my lovely ethics to the back of my mind.

    Now, I still eat meat, eggs, dairy etc, I am no longer in the right mindset & would just find it too hard right now I think, although I feel ethically it is the right choice, I'm just being selfish (that's what my militant vegan self tells me anyway) & I'm ok with that for the time being.
  • FrankieTrailBlazer
    FrankieTrailBlazer Posts: 124 Member
    I do not necessarily hate vegetables, but I do love meat and I cannot imagine life without dairy or eggs. I was just thinking about a butternut squash soup I like to make and I thought, I could go vegan perhaps. But, then I thought about the chicken broth I use in it and the cream to make it rich and I wondered how would I replace those if I were vegan. So, then I thought it would be torture to try and be vegan. Anyone a meat lover who is now vegan and what are you thoughts about the vegan lifestyle? Is it hard to find substitutes for dairy and such? Do you have to go and purchase a gazillion supplements for all the things you do not eat? Does that cost more than just being a typical eater?

    It might help you make a decision one way or the other, watch:
    Vegucated 2012
    Nutrient Density is the Key to Good health - Joel Fuhrman MD
    Got the Facts on Milk (2011)
    Forks Over Knives (2011)
    Farmageddon (2012)
    TheTruth About Your Food with FOOD, INC. Filmmaker Robert Kenner (Iinterview)
    Olive Oil Is Not Healthy - Michael Klaper MD (2012)
    River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms (2010)

    If you need any links, message me privately and i will send to you.

    Good luck in your studies!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am a vegetarian, which is nowhere near as restrictive as veganism. I also loved meat before I gave it up. There is no real health benefit to becoming a vegan or a vegetarian and in fact you need to be more conscious of what you eat (especially for vegans) to ensure you are getting the appropriate nutrients. In my opinion, health reasons, assuming a balanced diet (omnivorous or vegetarian) otherwise, are not a reason to become a vegan or a vegetarian. It is restrictive and unless you have strong convictions regarding it as a 'lifestyle', then it will be very very hard to adhere to, and for what reason?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I do not necessarily hate vegetables, but I do love meat and I cannot imagine life without dairy or eggs. I was just thinking about a butternut squash soup I like to make and I thought, I could go vegan perhaps. But, then I thought about the chicken broth I use in it and the cream to make it rich and I wondered how would I replace those if I were vegan. So, then I thought it would be torture to try and be vegan. Anyone a meat lover who is now vegan and what are you thoughts about the vegan lifestyle? Is it hard to find substitutes for dairy and such? Do you have to go and purchase a gazillion supplements for all the things you do not eat? Does that cost more than just being a typical eater?

    It might help you make a decision one way or the other, watch:
    Vegucated 2012
    Nutrient Density is the Key to Good health - Joel Fuhrman MD
    Got the Facts on Milk (2011)
    Forks Over Knives (2011)
    Farmageddon (2012)
    TheTruth About Your Food with FOOD, INC. Filmmaker Robert Kenner (Iinterview)
    Olive Oil Is Not Healthy - Michael Klaper MD (2012)
    River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms (2010)

    If you need any links, message me privately and i will send to you.

    Good luck in your studies!

    Holy horrible sources batman.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I didn't even read the entire post.... :indifferent:
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Vegans can still be unhealthy, it's not a solve everything solution. If you enjoy eating meat, eggs, dairy, etc, eat them.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I was vegetarian for a decade, then pescetarian for over a decade, and started eating meat again quite recently, when I started craving it badly on starting strength training.

    I am fully aware of what goes on in the slaughterhouses, but also aware that this is not going to change because a small % of the population shun meat and dairy. In fact, I could almost think of it as my being wasteful of the horrible death these animals did suffer, by avoiding the product. As it is, a load of meat goes to waste, so in essence, that animal suffered and died needlessly because no-one consumed the end product. There are many ways to view the ethical and moral side of things, I suppose. If I were in the position, I would hunt my own food and use every part. As is, I aim for free range, organic, grass fed etc.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Just a thought to those who are confused as to why OP would give up meat if she likes it, but maybe she just got thinking about how vegans get protein and calcium without easy resources like meat and dairy.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    IDK it possible to be a Virgin if you love sex? you gotta love lifes little mysteries....
  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    I had to decide to find a different way to live my values.

    I'm careful about where my food comes from, but I would never cut out animal products again.

    That is such a beautiful statement!
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Yea because those fitness industry folks eating all that lean chicken, fish, and tuna look so bad.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I am a vegetarian, which is nowhere near as restrictive as veganism. I also loved meat before I gave it up. There is no real health benefit to becoming a vegan or a vegetarian and in fact you need to be more conscious of what you eat (especially for vegans) to ensure you are getting the appropriate nutrients. In my opinion, health reasons, assuming a balanced diet (omnivorous or vegetarian) otherwise, are not a reason to become a vegan or a vegetarian. It is restrictive and unless you have strong convictions regarding it as a 'lifestyle', then it will be very very hard to adhere to, and for what reason?

    Thank goodness for Sarah.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I do not necessarily hate vegetables, but I do love meat and I cannot imagine life without dairy or eggs. I was just thinking about a butternut squash soup I like to make and I thought, I could go vegan perhaps. But, then I thought about the chicken broth I use in it and the cream to make it rich and I wondered how would I replace those if I were vegan. So, then I thought it would be torture to try and be vegan. Anyone a meat lover who is now vegan and what are you thoughts about the vegan lifestyle? Is it hard to find substitutes for dairy and such? Do you have to go and purchase a gazillion supplements for all the things you do not eat? Does that cost more than just being a typical eater?

    It might help you make a decision one way or the other, watch:
    Vegucated 2012
    Nutrient Density is the Key to Good health - Joel Fuhrman MD
    Got the Facts on Milk (2011)
    Forks Over Knives (2011)
    Farmageddon (2012)
    TheTruth About Your Food with FOOD, INC. Filmmaker Robert Kenner (Iinterview)
    Olive Oil Is Not Healthy - Michael Klaper MD (2012)
    River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms (2010)

    If you need any links, message me privately and i will send to you.

    Good luck in your studies!

    Holy horrible sources batman.

    some of those titles are hilarious though..

    Farmageddon LOL

    River of waste ...OMG Hilarious..

    Vegucated that a freaking porn???

    F'ing hilarious ....
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I had to decide to find a different way to live my values.

    I'm careful about where my food comes from, but I would never cut out animal products again.

    That is such a beautiful statement!

    Thank you! It was a challenge, but I feel good AND I feel good about it now.