Looking for PCOS buddies

I joined the site about a month ago and have found it's a wonderful motivator and really helps me stay on track. I think its time I started gaining some friends for support, encouragement, and to trade success stories. I posted last week asking if there were any other ladies struggling to loose weight with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), and the responses really helped me to overcome some frustrations. This syndrome is so frustrating, and I'd love to have some pals who understand the frustrations and struggles that come with it.
Last week I met with an Endocrinologist and was really bummed when she told me I'd be doing wonderful if I kept up my current routine and lost about ten pounds a year (actually, she said I'd be doing fantastic if I just maintained instead of gaining weight).
I feel bound and determined to prove her wrong. I think my body is onboard to, since I lost three pounds this week (for a total of 24 since February)!!!! If you too have PCOS, let's be pals!


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I have it, and need to loose 50 by the time I want babies. Which is now! (If we can even concieve due to my PCOS! :(
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I have it, and need to loose 50 by the time I want babies. Which is now! (If we can even concieve due to my PCOS! :(
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I have it and I'm down 60 pounds in the last year and 8 months.
    It's possible I'll totally buddy with you!
    Infact I'll add you right now.
    Ha!! Now you're stuck with me. :bigsmile:
  • polamaglou
    polamaglou Posts: 1
    I have it too, as does my mom. the only way I have been able to keep my weight in check is literal starvation (800 calories or less a day) which was so unhealthy, but training for a marathon which allowed me to eat whatever I wanted because I was running 8 miles a day and sometimes did 18+ mile runs....also extreme...... and finally a diet my endocrinologist put me on years ago which was also extreme, no sugar, no starch, low fat. I literally ate fruits, vegetables, meat, and a little dairy or sugar free frozen yogurt. I did that for years, and the weight fell off, and I could literally eat as much as I wanted and not gain. However, when I went back to normal person's eating the weight came back.

    So now what I do and I feel better than ever, is cut sugar out of my diet. I eat no white starches, and eat only whole grain stuff. I eat lots of veggies fruit, meat again, but allow myself whole wheat or whole grain stuff for a meal or two. I also workout 5 days a week and am back to running again. I try to keep my calories to a net of 1200....meaning If I burn 500, I can eat 1800. I eat two cheat meals a week--so I'm good all week and on the weekends I am more loose about what I eat for two meals only. I am also reading that book by Jackie Warner called "why you are fat...and how to be thin forever" or something along those lines. She talks about how balancing hormones through food is the key to weight loss and maintenance and how sugar and white starches are the devil. It is a great book and goes hand in hand with PCOS. I frankly know how to starve myself, and would rather eat nothing than count calories, but when I would eat sugar or white starches I'd feel so run down. I maintain this way of eating because I feel better more than anything else. Anyway, I highly recommend the book. It is fantastic, even if you just adopt a few of the concepts in it.
  • megatron123
    megatron123 Posts: 18
    I'm in, too! I've had major issues with PCOS, and actually had to have major surgery to remove an extremely large cyst last year (and remove an ovary in the process). After the surgery my weight actually dropped a lot without much effort (and I felt great), but, unfortunately, in a little under a year I seem to have gained it all back as my body healed and got back to normal. Now I'm really working at exercising and eating right, and I'm down about 15 pounds total. I didn't know I had PCOS for a long time (I was misdiagnosed). I'm still learning a lot of the frustrations, though at least it's good to know where they came from. It would be great to have pals on here dealing with the same frustrations.
  • pandalady8
    pandalady8 Posts: 34 Member
    Recently diagnosed with PCOD (as my doc called it) myself and I was totally floored, even though it explained a lot. It's hard enough to lose weight even when your own body constantly ISN'T fighting you the whole time! That diagnosis did kick me in the butt though. Here's to beating the hormones!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS but I do have insulin resistance which has many similar issues (the insulin resistance part of PCOS is what makes it difficult to lose weight and contributes to the fertility issues as well). Anyway... I would love to be a friend if that is okay! I am really struggling with the weight gain/difficulty losing weight so slowly if at all part of this (and I think our doctors may be of the same school... mine told me after I struggled to lose 20 pounds in 8 months (which I have since gained back plus more) -- "Well, if you do get to where you want to be weight-wise you'll still always need to be on medication" and then the next appointment told me if I wanted to lose weight before ttc to "just work really hard and lose 30 pounds in 3 months". (Sigh) I'm sorry... I promise I'm not always so down... it's just a discouraging day here. Not helping me in winning friends, I am sure. I promise I'm an encouraging friend!
  • deedleedee
    deedleedee Posts: 21
    me too girl, i'm here for ya'! =)
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Same, I found out at a very early age that I had PCOS mainly because my legs looked like chewbaccas at the age of 11!

    I have been told i am most likely infertile and i have pretty bad side effects (with the hair etc) but the more I lose the less the side effects are actually showing through, its a great motivator.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I have been told i am most likely infertile and i have pretty bad side effects (with the hair etc) but the more I lose the less the side effects are actually showing through, its a great motivator.

    :laugh: I've been waxing a 'stash since I was 19... I was thin then (because I didn't eat and exercised like fiend). I have noticed as the weight comes off the 'stash grows back slower, the eyebrow hairs show up less frequently on my forehead, and the urge to perform a self ovectamy a couple times a month has dwindled to once a month or less. :bigsmile:

    I have finally come to grips with the fact that I can't be a "normal" person because of the PCOS (my doc calls it PCOD too). I will forever have to keep my sugar intake to a minimum (this means not drinking a beer or two with dinner either), eat LOTS of veggies and fewer refined foods, monitor my calories and exercise regularly. I'll never have the luxury of eating what I want and not working out unless i feel like it... unless I wanna tips the scales again.

    It's ok though... once I got my head around it, it's been really easy.

    You all can do it!! We ALL can do it!!!
  • NovelaNite
    NovelaNite Posts: 9
    Ya'll are awesome! I have friends on here now!
    Seriously, I've been living in the PCOS closet for so long, its great to finally be able to have some lady friends who can relate.
    Pretty much every negative symptom you can get with it, I have (btw...this year, I've been making major investments in myself and have started laser hair removal--definitely not for everyone, but I count it as the MAJOR catalyst for jump-starting my weight loss, as it has been one of the most life-changing decisions I've ever made...no more daily stache, chin, or sideburn shaving...gross, I know).
    I've really reduced my sugar intake, and switched to whole grains. My healthy eating plan is shopping exclusively at my local co-op and buying mostly organic. This means I can only afford the basics, no trashy snacks here. I also invested in a personal trainer, she's absolute sadist--I couldn't be more thankful. I never understood people who said they loved exercising, but after four months of hitting the gym 5-6 days a week, I can't believe the benefits. Even if I wasn't losing weight, my moods are better, I fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow, and I have a booty for the first time ever. I'm so ready to prove this doc wrong, and prove to myself that I can do this. Thanks ladies!!!!!
  • kt1304
    kt1304 Posts: 21
    I got told i had it yesterday! Ive lost 31lbs since Jan so I don't see why i can't keep going!

    Anyone else on pills for it? I just took my first metformin :/ not fun
  • mybazinga
    mybazinga Posts: 1
    It's sooo great to hear my story mirrored in so many of yours. PCOS is definitely a pain in the ovary (hehe) and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Most people just don't know, care, or are even able to begin to comprehend how debilitating it can be. Not only does it "jack your junk" (as I say in the strictest sense of medical terminology) internally, but it reeks havoc with your physical appearance and self-esteem. Well, I'm sick of it, so I'm reclaiming me. It's time to kick some PCOS booty ladies, and our diets are the key to doing it. I am new to MFP, but would love to have some motivated, not going to take it any more PCOS buddies!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I have it too and am currently having my 14 year old checked for it. She has a ton of excess hair (started waxing about 6 months ago already!) and irregular cycles etc. I hate that she is going to have to deal with this. I had trouble getting pg but was blessed to be able to. Good luck to all of you that are hoping to!!!

    Add me if you would like :)
  • 365healthchallenge
    I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance, I've lost 21lbs so far and I'd like to lose at least 57 more! Its nice to have other people on here that I can relate too. I actually have to book a follow up appointment with my Endocrinologist for some follow up blood work...depending on how that looks I may go on medication :(
  • 623Hernandez
    623Hernandez Posts: 458
    I have PCOS also.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Keep going gals, you are all an inspiration :flowerforyou:

    ANiteNovel I know exactly what you mean with that icky excessive hair, as Im sure most here do. I have pretty much every symptom and I have it pretty damn bad. :sad:

    I recantly spent £50 on a waxing kit, just to say.. it hurts like... hell, specially on the face. I want to go for lazer hair removal, but its expensive. Im hoping just losing weight will reduce the symptoms, if that doesnt work, well. then it looks like im going to have to take out a loan :laugh:
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I have PCOS as well and have lost 25lbs since early April. It can be done, we are proving that :). I always accept new friends, the more the merrier!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I have it too and am currently awaiting my doctor's decision about how aggressively she wants to treat my latest cysts. I know she mentioned a hysterectomy but I'd prefer not to go that route if possible.

    I read today that low carbing actually helps with PCOS. Huh? Gah, I'd prefer not to go that route again since the very thought makes me sick.

    I'm up for being friends for sure. I don't have any Fitness Pals and would love some for sure.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i also have it and would be willing to support you through this!