Looking for PCOS buddies



  • claw0416
    claw0416 Posts: 95
    Like all of you I have PCOS. I was told a few years ago that I had it, but nothing else was done. They suggested a BCP, and said it may help. I was not given any litature or anything. I just figured it was a fancy name for the cyst and horrible TOM issues. I have been going up and down on weight since I had my first daughter at the age of 18..I have litterally gone from 94lbs at that time to my highest 274. All in 11 years.. I have been back and forth on weight all this time..at one time had a period for 10 months and not a light day in sight during that time..Then after my second daughter 7 years ago, I never saw under 200 pounds.. would lose a few here and there then gain it back..The past 3 years I had been sitting about 200 steady..then this past year gained almost 80 pounds! I had enough, I am tired of being over weight. I don't want to fear going to places and not being able to do things with my kids because I weigh too much or going places and being afraid I will embarrass my husband(who is actually awesome, he for some reason is stilla ttracted to me with all the weight gain..lol). SO I decided to go to a weightloss clinic..After the intial blood work up, and the full physical and past med history came to the conclusion I had PCOS, which I had already told them I had, just didn't know what it really was. They also said I had High Blood pressure(which I figured with all the dizziness, headaches and arm pain), Insulin Resistant, and of coarse I am obese.. So now it is time to get myself back on track. I have started Metformin, a blood pressure med, and an appetite suppressant. Which was just changed to a new one due to my BP staying too high.. but I am down 18 pounds so far..Jsut wanted to wish everyone good luck and would lvoe to talk with al lof you
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I found out in 2003 that I had PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes.................With a low carb plan I have been able to reverse the Type 2 diabetes back to the point of Insulin Resistance.........I didn't take it seriously at first for a number of years..........

    However, I had apparantly had PCOS since I was a teenager (that is what my doctor said) and because it went undiagnosed, I am suffering from the "Advanced" issues that can occur with PCOS.

    I am going through hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue and a possible pituitary tumor. My whole Endocrine system is a complete mess.

    Please listen to your doctor's, nutritionist, dieticians............I didn't take it seriously and now I am having some severe health issues from it.

    PCOS and hypothyroidism are linked and then from there the other glands in the Endocrine system go haywire.

    I am also a member of www.soulcysters.com which is a website and forum dedicated to PCOS and women with it. My screen name on that site is LeanLioness.

    I would be happy to contribute and support anyone here.
  • tinytune
    tinytune Posts: 1
    I'm on board with you! I have PCOS, Fibromyalgia and assorted autoimmune diseases. I also have severe adrenal fatigue. Essentially, I'm a mess. My gyno and immune specialists said I would have a horrible time loosing weight. My rheumatologist said, if I could even loose 10 pounds it would really help my knees and hips.

    Well, before joining here, I managed to loose 17 pounds. Now, I'm on board with MFP and looking for support as well. Seriously, it can be done. I still have 150 pounds to loose, but with prayer and the support of friends and family I know that I can do it!
  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    I'm also a SoulCyster! My whole darn life story is over there...i should just copy and paste! :tongue:
  • msuamber
    msuamber Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there. I'm Amber and I also have PCOS. There are a lot of us out there aren't there? I was diagnosed in 2009 after experiencing a miscarriage the year before. Prior to that though, I almost never had a normal cycle that wasn't regulated by the pill. I have a LOT of weight to lose but am on a mission to lose as much possible (in a healthy manner!) by November of this year. My doctor "prescribed" weight loss before he'd let me take any fertility medications. A tough break, but after being upset and doing a lot of research, a decision I fully understand now.

    Right now, I'm just concentrating on eating within my calorie range and trying to make healthier selections with my food choices. I was on a Low GI diet for awhile and I lost 20 pounds but I went "all in" too quickly and got side tracked. This time I'm going for the slow intro and trying to focus on just eating better to begin with. At this point in time, any weightloss is good! I need all the help I can get :wink:

    This is my first day logging into MyFitnessPal.com but I've used the application for just under a month on my iPod and have lost 20 pounds!!! I'm impressed with both myself and the application. It's been pretty easy to follow and I'm starting to get that focus back where I need it!

    I'd love to be a PCOS buddy! Looking forward to moving through this journey with you all.
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    Juat wondering... what do you ladies use for facial hair removal? I have tried creams and waxing and all sorts but often the hair just stays there and won't budge! I've hard you can get home hair removal lasers... anyone tried one yet?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Juat wondering... what do you ladies use for facial hair removal? I have tried creams and waxing and all sorts but often the hair just stays there and won't budge! I've hard you can get home hair removal lasers... anyone tried one yet?

    My doctor has recently prescribed me Aldactone and within 3 weeks,the growth has slowed down tremendously...........It has also slowed down my hair growth over all, including the hair on my head (which is falling out by handfuls), I am not having to shave my legs as often (that is a plus).............
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    My doctor has recently prescribed me Aldactone and within 3 weeks,the growth has slowed down tremendously...........It has also slowed down my hair growth over all, including the hair on my head (which is falling out by handfuls), I am not having to shave my legs as often (that is a plus).............

    oh my, that sounded like a miracle untill the head hair thing, I could never do it, as Ive had pretty bad facial hair since i was 13 my hair became my "crutch" through school, Id grow it as long as possible and always have it hiding my face. Something that unfortunately is still with me now, I feel so uncomfortable having my hair up, it makes me really paranoid.

    Im trying to get over it with just clipping one side back at a time etc but it still makes me uncomfortable. and I still lack nice hair because I refuse to go to a hairdressers, due to their working close proximity to your face. Grr. I just go to my mum and get her to trim it whenever i visit.

    One of my friends is a hairdresser and has offered to do it... I wish I could just get over my fears for the sake of having a nice haircut once in my life, I know it will probably do wonders for my confidence, but unfortunately i need a huge surge of confidence to be able to do it in the first place. why is life never streight-foreward?:laugh:
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Juat wondering... what do you ladies use for facial hair removal? I have tried creams and waxing and all sorts but often the hair just stays there and won't budge! I've hard you can get home hair removal lasers... anyone tried one yet?

    My doctor has recently prescribed me Aldactone and within 3 weeks,the growth has slowed down tremendously...........It has also slowed down my hair growth over all, including the hair on my head (which is falling out by handfuls), I am not having to shave my legs as often (that is a plus).............

    My biggest fear is losing my hair (on my head). I'd be literally heartbroken! Its so long and healthy!
  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    I dont want to use any more drugs or prescriptions or anything...after years of fertility and pcos related drugs i feel like I glow in the dark already! Im really good with tweezers though.... :grumble: In the car, in the dark, i keep them under my pillow, in my purse and sometimes ive been known to hide a pair in my hand while stopped at a red light, sometimes i get two of those little suckers at the same time...BONUS! :laugh:
  • dtraylor
    dtraylor Posts: 32
    (Warning - Post from a man. Read only if you are not sensitive to looking at things in a light hearted manner.) :bigsmile:

    My heart and prayers go out to all of you. I am glad you have the determination to fight and take control. Leaning on each other for support and motivation is a great way to cope with this "challenge" you have been burdened with. It sounds like some of you have gotten some bad advice along the way and it's great that you can come here and get more information, sharing stories, worries, and successes. Many of you have done very well and serve as an inspiration to the others who have just started down to path to feeling better. My hat is off to you all. :flowerforyou:

    By the way, I too have been fighting the problem of facial hair and the Unibrow most of my life. I decided to just go with it. :wink:

    To the lady whose doctor told her to just work hard and drop 30 pounds in 3 months, lol, yeah if it was that easy, nobody would have a weight problem. I'd be looking for another doctor I think. :grumble:

    To the other lady who said she can't eat like normal people, well, most "normal" people are overweight these days due to the prevalence of those foods. N'est-ce pas? I can't eat like one of those "normal" people either unless I work out often. Hopefully once I get to where I want to be I'll be able to splurge a bit more while eating out, but to be honest, the more I get used to cutting back on foods, eating leaner, and drinking only (mostly) water and black coffee (lol), the less I want what I had.

    Have a great weekend ladies! :happy:
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Eeek, a man, runaway!

    haha, Im actually quite suprised to find people of the male variety in here, and even more so to not hear comments about how we are more manly than you etc etc.. sorry, I had it really bad from a very young age, and school taunts still carry with me now *grumble*

    anyways, back on track. My symptoms seem to come and go as they please, when I started losing weight the hair growth seemed to have slowed down, now ive lost a few more pounds and it seems to be growing at the same rate as before.. Its like its teasing me >.>

    Any advice, or do you reacon it was just all my mind getting hopeful?
  • I have PCOS as well and I'm nearing the 50 lbs lost mark.

    I do have a question for the other ladies out there, though. Are any of you struggling with hairloss? Have you found anything that makes a difference? I've tried Saw Palmetto to no effect. My doctor won't let me try Propecia. She said it won't do any good. Is there anything else? I cringe every time I look in the mirror.

  • I will be your buddy :) I was diagnosed with PCOS about 5 years ago. I never realized until recently how these symptoms really affected my life. Granted I have to work harder to lose weight and have to tweeze daily to keep my lady beard in check (lol) I know that it is not impossible. I wish you all well and you have my support. You are not alone :)
  • Duganhorse
    Duganhorse Posts: 55
    I was diagnosed about a year after my son was born (I was 31 at the time). I had the symptoms since I was teenager and doctors always just put me on birth control. Thank God I had a healthy pregnancy...mind you that was after I was told I couldn't get pregnant but they never said why. Once I realised what I had I lost a lot of weight just watching my diet. I have a couple of books on PCOS but I guess I am a picky eater because there is some weird stuff in those books! I would love to have fellow PCOS friends. It really helps keep me on track!
  • Lenny73
    Lenny73 Posts: 1
    I've been dating my current girlfriend for the past 5 months. She was diagnosed with pcos. We are both new members to this site. can i have some advice on how to maintain a healthy relationship when dealing with pcos
  • joyciebear
    joyciebear Posts: 13 Member
    OMG! I'm nere here. My heart is touched and inspired by all you wonderful PCOS ladies! Ok I'm a bit on the cheesy side but it makes me so happy to see all you "cycsters" reaching out and supporting each other!!

    Weight isn't the only problem I have with PCOS. Excess hair! Ahhhh can we touch on that topic? Have any of you who have lost weight noticed that the excess hair has been reduced? I know not all of us have excess body hair as a symptom but for those of you who do...help!!! :)

    Add me ladies! :)
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I haven't lost enough to notice a difference in the hair. My sister hasn't been diagnosed but we're both pretty sure she has it and she's not much overweight any longer and her hair growth is still insane.

    Offtopic but how many of you ladies had a hard time getting an OB to take you seriously about PCOS? My sister went in wanting to discuss the possibility as she has many symptoms (excess hair, irregular periods when not on an oral contraceptive, weight loss was very difficult thyroid levels were fine, and many more) and her doctor told her since she had a baby and her cycles are regular (because of birth control) she can't possibly have PCOS. So my sister told the doctor that *I* have a baby and I was diagnosed with PCOS through ultrasound and blood tests and the doctor matter of factly told her that *I* don't have PCOS if I was able to conceive. I told my sister to ask for another doctor but we're both on military insurance so I know how hard it can be to get them to approve a referral.
  • joyciebear
    joyciebear Posts: 13 Member
    Time for you guys to find a new doctor!

    When I was 17 I was sure I already had it. The dark patches of skin, excess hair, irregular periods ( actually i didnt get a period at all. just once when i was 15) yet the pediatric endocrinologist I went to didn't want to give me the diagnosis. He didn't believe that I had excess hair because she didn't see any there. I had just waxed it the day before the appointment for crying out loud!

    When I turned 18 I went to a new doctor and she was very sensitive to the symptoms. She specializes in women's health. I got the dx and the right rx and it's made a difference. It's a sad fact but sometimes doctors are jerks so you need to find a new one.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Oh it wasn't my doctor. My sister just brought me up at her appointment because the doctor told her there's no way she had PCOS since she has a child. The doctor that diagnosed me was easy to convince. I walked in, said I thought I had PCOS after researching my symptoms, he took me in the ultrasound room, did a transvag, saw what seemed to be a bazillion (exaggeration I'm sure) pearl necklace like cysts, sent me for blood work, told me my testosterone was high and I did indeed have PCOS, gave me birth control, told me to come back when I felt like conceiving so we could start fertility treatment. A little over a year after that diagnosis I got pregnant unaided.

    I fully agree with you, she needs a new doctor. Wish she could just make an appointment instead of going through a huge ordeal.

    That sucks about your pediatric endo. I don't understand why they deduce you don't have something without doing an actual investigation into the matter. You can't just say someone doesn't have PCOS just because they don't have excess hair, that's a symptom but it doesn't occur in EVERY pcos patient. Same with infertility. Same with skin tags, weight gain, etc. Do they also tell patients that want to have a glucose tolerance test or A1C panel done that they can't have these things done because they're not fat so obviously not diabetic? No, just because t2diabetes seems to occur in the overweight more than healthy weights doesn't mean it can't happen to a thin person. So ridiculous.
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