Biggest Pet Peeves



  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    Ok I have a few---

    --People who assume I should be insanely overweight because I have 5 kids. I ALWAYS get the "Wow, you look really good for having 5 kids" comment when people find out how many kids I have, even at my heavier weight. Yes, I was/am overweight.. but that isn't the reason why.

    --When people ask me if all my kids have the same father. YES people have asked me that. More than once or twice.
  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member
    ... People going to the grocery stores with their children filthy
    ... People stating to the woman who are unable to have children, "Oh wow, I could never be happy without my children!"...what does that say about me, am I not happy?(I don't have children)... I choose to be happy and not miserable. Be careful watch you say...esp. on Mother's Day.
    ...People who say they don't like a certain food but never have tried it!
    ...People who allow their children to scream in a restaurant instead of taking them out so the rest of us can enjoy the meal we came and paid for.

    I completly agree!:smile::noway:
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    Pet Peeves:

    • Biting your fork or spoon.
    • Pissing on the toilet seat - IN THE WOMAN'S WASHROOM (happens at work all the fricking time)
    • Treating a public sink like a bird bath then not cleaning up after yourself.
    • Reality TV
    • Your/You're, There/Their/They're, Lose/Loose
    • Asking without actually trying to find the answer because you're too lazy to exercise your brain.
    • Complaining about something totally within your control to change, but doing nothing to change it
    • Excessive Political Correctness

    ETA: Not using Turn signals or Headlights in dark grey, rainy weather. A$$HAT!
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    Ok I have a few---

    --People who assume I should be insanely overweight because I have 5 kids. I ALWAYS get the "Wow, you look really good for having 5 kids" comment when people find out how many kids I have, even at my heavier weight. Yes, I was/am overweight.. but that isn't the reason why.

    --When people ask me if all my kids have the same father. YES people have asked me that. More than once or twice.

    Even with only three I got those same questions... WTF?!? Seriously? I want to ask if their parents were married when they had them.
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    Ok I have a few---

    --People who assume I should be insanely overweight because I have 5 kids. I ALWAYS get the "Wow, you look really good for having 5 kids" comment when people find out how many kids I have, even at my heavier weight. Yes, I was/am overweight.. but that isn't the reason why.

    --When people ask me if all my kids have the same father. YES people have asked me that. More than once or twice.

    Even with only three I got those same questions... WTF?!? Seriously? I want to ask if their parents were married when they had them.

    Right?? I want to shake them lol. You just don't do that! One time I just popped off with "Yeah but we don't know who all the mothers are" and walked away.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    LMAO! Good answer, MommaChocoLat
  • Hunnergomeow
    Hunnergomeow Posts: 231 Member
    biggest pet peeve in the world is body shaming. it's not cool in any way, shape, or form.
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    It was funny... lol
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    all of the "Rate/Date/Hump/Dump Me" threads clogging this forum.
  • BleedsCoffee
    BleedsCoffee Posts: 247 Member
    • Junk/Spam Mail. It's especially infuriating when it's in print via the mail. What a waste!

    • Unsolicited advice, especially from someone who is no position to be offering advice (which is nearly always).

    • "Experts" whose training amounts to reading and comprehending about 45% of the Wikipedia entry on a subject.

    • Pseudo-Intellectuals. I once had a guy ask "How does a woman as smart as you end up a Dominatrix?" I jokingly responded, "Well, I use 'Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' as my safe word." "Oh, really? That was my favourite word in fourth grade." "Fourth grade, huh? Yeah, okay."

    • What TheBaileyHunt said: Complaining about something totally within your control to change, but doing nothing to change it.

    • Constant negativity. Whether it's in person or via consistently whiny status messages online... STAHP!
  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    I hate when someone asks me a question like "what movie are you watching" and i proceed to tell them, then they ask "oh what's that about?" then i start to tell them and it seems as if they are bored with me/not listening/ acting as if I AM the one who started the convo and i am wasting their time

    Small talk is the worst
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    My biggest pet peeve, by far, is when people chew with their mouth open, therefore making their chewing so freaking LOUD. It's gross.
    Several of my family members, who I love dearly, chews with their mouths open, and I can hear them chewing loud and clear, even with my music on. It drives me nuts.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I work retail so I have about a million but the main ones are people that like to go in the fitting room a nd leave the clothes they try on wadded in balls on the floor but hang the hangers on the hooks and people who seem to think I'm rainman and can spout prices (complete with tax) on a whim. Also women who have accidents in the fitting room and don't say anything leaving the nasty surprise behind. More than once ive reached down to pick up a garment from the floor only to find its urine soaked. Or worse. So disgusting.

    I worked in a retail store for two years, I completely feel your pain about the fitting rooms/prices.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I'm no bad azz but, I DO NOT put up with machine hogs. "I need to work in a set" or "Can I use that while you're texting?", normally works just fine. If there's any resistance, I'll just start wedging in on them saying, "I'll be done in a second". . . .
  • VinaAnderson
    VinaAnderson Posts: 104
    Biggest pet peeve is people who say "all I did was give up soda and I lost 20lbs" when I'm at the freakin gym all the freakin time and it takes me 2 months to lose 5 freakin pounds! That kills me!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    The tilde - it's just a hyphen showing off

    Goats in tap shoes -- it's a bit redundant, don't you think?

    Jello - I refuse to chase food all over my plate
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Not fond of when my fiance smacks his's unnerving.

    Not one of my biggest, but something yesterday I experienced. I felt so bad for the girl working at JCP that I actually went through the dressing rooms and helped her clean them. It's prom season as I'm sure lots of you know, and I was going in yesterday to buy a few nice black shirts for an upcoming interview. Every. Single. Dressing room. Was covered in inside-out, balled up prom dresses strewn all over the place, hangers on the floor, clothes on the floor, on the bench, over the was awful. Most people were busy checking out customers and helping teens find dresses so there was one girl that had to clean it all out. After her third trip out of ONE dressing room I decided to clean up the one I was in and the one next to mine. I picked up the dresses, found all the hangers, put the dresses right side out and put them on their hangers and put them on the rack for her. She was so thankful I thought she was gonna cry lol.

    Its like, seriously people, is prom like freaking tonight?! How ****ing hard is it to take your **** and put it back on the freaking hanger?! People make the argument "well, that's their job" but you know what, just because it's her job to clean the dressing room, does not mean it's her job to pick up after a bunch of lazy brats.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    It might be an Arkansas thing but seeing people who go to the store in their pajamas. can't you get dressed first before you go to the store.

    people who talk on the cell phones in the store when you are right behind them in the check out line they are into talking and not paying attention and your like can't you leave your cell phone in your car.

    Guilty of both and do not care even a little :smokin:

    Actually I'll be on my phone but I go as quickly as possible because I hate being held up, so I don't do it to others.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    people that focus on the negative in life!
  • AmandaJCole13
    People assume I'm either mean, a lesbian or both...just because of the way I look.
    Its annoying that its 2013 and men and women all over the place are still expected to follow the standards that society has set for whats beautiful and what isn't.
    You're damn right my head is shaved.
    My husband thinks I'm beautiful and so do I.
    Thats all that matters.