TDEE-20% Still seems too HIGH! So now what?!?

Hello All,

Ok straight to the point, I calculated my TDEE and subtracted 20%. But it still seems kinda high and I'm trying to lose weight. Here it is:

Female 32 years old
190lbs and I exercise about 5-6 days a week

TDEE: 2492 minus 20%= 1993

I'm staying around 1300 calories per day, is that too low? If so.......Now what?!?!!???!!??


  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    Yes, If your TDEE - 20% is 1993, subtract another 200 to give yourself a little leighway. 1300 does seem a bit low.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    That isn't too high, especially if you're working out as much as you say you are... and yeah, netting 1300 (I'm assuming you aren't eating back exercise cals) is too low for what you're doing.

    Edited to add: I just checked your diary, you aren't eating back your exercise calories. You're supposed to. That's how the system is designed.

    The MFP numbers and TDEE - 20% aren't that different if you do it right.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Minimum calorie goal should be your BMR (mine is about 1490. I'm a 30 year old female, 5'7", 152ish pounds)

    Maximum calories to aim for will be determined by either your TDEE - 20% or whatever MFP says.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    That isn't too high, especially if you're working out as much as you say you are... and yeah, netting 1300 (I'm assuming you aren't eating back exercise cals) is too low for what you're doing.

    Edited to add: I just checked your diary, you aren't eating back your exercise calories. You're supposed to. That's how the system is designed.

    The MFP numbers and TDEE - 20% aren't that different if you do it right.

    This. It should be very close if you set MFP up correctly and use it as designed.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Your BMR (coma calories) are most likely HIGHER than 1000 calories. You need to eat at least your BMR or say good bye to your muscles as well as you will have to eat extremely low cals to maintain. I eat (what averages out to be) 1800 or so cals a day to lose.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?
  • rachelabdy
    rachelabdy Posts: 52 Member
    correct - eat what is your set, then additional for exercise burned cals.
    I only eat a portion of my exercise calories back - but that's to save a few for my weekend splurge :) and I don't have a HRM and I know the MFP setting and estimates for calories burned can be quite high - so I stick to the side of caution.
    Good luck!
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    I was eating above my BMR for two months and steadily gaining weight. So I call bull on that and now I only eat as much as I burn or very little more. I am steadily losing weight now, not too fast about a pound a week. I feel good, not tired, not bloated like before. You have your way, I have mine. Not everyones body is the same nor is their metabolism so some people need to do things differently. If eating above your bmr works for you, great. It doesnt work for me. I dont believe that it calculates mine right so I am doing what feels right and what has proven to work for me.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    You do realise your body needs calories for your organs to function. By only eating what you burn through workouts, you are only fueling your workouts. You're taking a huge health risk by only eating what you burn from workouts. You may not see it now, but the long term side effects can be extremely bad.

    edit: I sit at a desk most of the day too and yet without exercise I eat an average of 1600-1700 calories per day. Yesterday for example, I spent 14 hours not being active (fitbit stats) and was classified as sedentary. That doesn't even include the 8 hours I slept.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    You do realise your body needs calories for your organs to function. By only eating what you burn through workouts, you are only fueling your workouts. You're taking a huge health risk by only eating what you burn from workouts. You may not see it now, but the long term side effects can be extremely bad.

    see my edit above.
    i have talked to my doctor and he supports me in this so I am going to go with his professional opinion on this, no offence

    i only fuel my workouts because that is all i do in a day besides walk to the bathroom or the fridge for water. I literally sit ALL day and type or lie on the couch and play vid games with my friend who tests them. So all the fuel i need is for my workouts.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I increased mine for 1600 to 2149 two weeks ago and Im losing weight (slowly) I dont eat back my exercise cals either. Scale moved downwards for the first time since January a small loss but I'll take anything.

    5ft 3"
    Eating myself out of house and home lol

    Increase it for a month and see how you get on no real harm in trying
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    That isn't too high, especially if you're working out as much as you say you are... and yeah, netting 1300 (I'm assuming you aren't eating back exercise cals) is too low for what you're doing.

    Edited to add: I just checked your diary, you aren't eating back your exercise calories. You're supposed to. That's how the system is designed.

    The MFP numbers and TDEE - 20% aren't that different if you do it right.

    Maybe misunderstood, but this seems wrong to me.

    When you use TDEE you DO NOT eat back exercise calories.

    OP, eat at your TDEE-20% for 4 weeks and see how it goes. I bet you will be very happy with your results (Put the scale away until then because sometimes we gain first then lose it again when we switch to TDE method).
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    You do realise your body needs calories for your organs to function. By only eating what you burn through workouts, you are only fueling your workouts. You're taking a huge health risk by only eating what you burn from workouts. You may not see it now, but the long term side effects can be extremely bad.

    see my edit above.
    i have talked to my doctor and he supports me in this so I am going to go with his professional opinion on this, no offence

    i only fuel my workouts because that is all i do in a day besides walk to the bathroom or the fridge for water. I literally sit ALL day and type or lie on the couch and play vid games with my friend who tests them. So all the fuel i need is for my workouts.

    Sounds like we have about the same activity level. I would seek a second opinion about the diet, maybe from a dietician. This is just a suggestion. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just a little concerned.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    seems high" no way!!! i eat 2000 plus cal a day normally or well each to there own if you feel 1300 cal is enough to sustain you . to that lady who only eats what she burn "oh my" ive never heard of that ! sorta sad in a way, food is to be enjoyed not thought of like that.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    You do realise your body needs calories for your organs to function. By only eating what you burn through workouts, you are only fueling your workouts. You're taking a huge health risk by only eating what you burn from workouts. You may not see it now, but the long term side effects can be extremely bad.

    see my edit above.
    i have talked to my doctor and he supports me in this so I am going to go with his professional opinion on this, no offence

    i only fuel my workouts because that is all i do in a day besides walk to the bathroom or the fridge for water. I literally sit ALL day and type or lie on the couch and play vid games with my friend who tests them. So all the fuel i need is for my workouts.

    Sounds like we have about the same activity level. I would seek a second opinion about the diet, maybe from a dietician. This is just a suggestion. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just a little concerned.

    the doctor i mentioned is a specialist in diet and nutrition.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    I was eating above my BMR for two months and steadily gaining weight. So I call bull on that and now I only eat as much as I burn or very little more. I am steadily losing weight now, not too fast about a pound a week. I feel good, not tired, not bloated like before. You have your way, I have mine. Not everyones body is the same nor is their metabolism so some people need to do things differently. If eating above your bmr works for you, great. It doesnt work for me. I dont believe that it calculates mine right so I am doing what feels right and what has proven to work for me.

    Whoa now, no reason to get defensive or angry, I just wanted a little clarification, which you were kind enough to provide, so thank you for that. I'm not going to tell you what to do but I will say I saw what you posted about weighing yourself multiple times a day (plus taking the time to subtract the weight of the food you ate and factoring in bathroom visits) and that to me it seems like you're very very focused on the scale, maybe to the detriment to what you put into your body.

    But I don't know you personally and I'm no expert.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    I was eating above my BMR for two months and steadily gaining weight. So I call bull on that and now I only eat as much as I burn or very little more. I am steadily losing weight now, not too fast about a pound a week. I feel good, not tired, not bloated like before. You have your way, I have mine. Not everyones body is the same nor is their metabolism so some people need to do things differently. If eating above your bmr works for you, great. It doesnt work for me. I dont believe that it calculates mine right so I am doing what feels right and what has proven to work for me.

    Whoa now, no reason to get defensive or angry, I just wanted a little clarification, which you were kind enough to provide, so thank you for that. I'm not going to tell you what to do but I will say I saw what you posted about weighing yourself multiple times a day (plus taking the time to subtract the weight of the food you ate and factoring in bathroom visits) and that to me it seems like you're very very focused on the scale, maybe to the detriment to what you put into your body.

    But I don't know you personally and I'm no expert.

    lol no one is getting defensive or angry, just trying to explain to you, thats all. Just saying that this is what works for me (and it really is working). everyone is different. we cant all fit in the same diet/exercise molds.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    I was eating above my BMR for two months and steadily gaining weight. So I call bull on that and now I only eat as much as I burn or very little more. I am steadily losing weight now, not too fast about a pound a week. I feel good, not tired, not bloated like before. You have your way, I have mine. Not everyones body is the same nor is their metabolism so some people need to do things differently. If eating above your bmr works for you, great. It doesnt work for me. I dont believe that it calculates mine right so I am doing what feels right and what has proven to work for me.

    Wow, It sounds like an eating disorder waiting to happen. You do realize that the less you eat, the more you lower your BMR so you'll have to eat even less to lose weight? And that weight loss will be all muscles.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Personally I know for a fact that my TDEE is waaaaay off. I'm a writer so I spend about 97% of the day sitting down typing. I know I barely burn 1000 calories doing my daily activity (thats not including exercise). SO I dont use TDEE and BMR. I try to eat only as much as I exercise in the day. So if I burn 1000, I will eat 1000. Its hard but it is working for me. I don't feel tired or malnourished.

    Not to butt in, and hijack the OP's thread, but are you saying you only eat as many calories as you burn? So if you burn 600 you only eat 600? Or do you mean you eat a set amount, let's say 1200, and then eat your exercise calories on top of that?

    I mean if I only burn 600, I only eat 600. I actually eat a little more usually but I try to stay even.

    I was eating above my BMR for two months and steadily gaining weight. So I call bull on that and now I only eat as much as I burn or very little more. I am steadily losing weight now, not too fast about a pound a week. I feel good, not tired, not bloated like before. You have your way, I have mine. Not everyones body is the same nor is their metabolism so some people need to do things differently. If eating above your bmr works for you, great. It doesnt work for me. I dont believe that it calculates mine right so I am doing what feels right and what has proven to work for me.

    Wow, It sounds like an eating disorder waiting to happen. You do realize that the less you eat, the more you lower your BMR so you'll have to eat even less to lose weight? And that weight loss will be all muscles.

    look, i just came here to answer the question, not to be bombarded by your unprofessional advice. i have the support and go-ahead from a licenced dietician/nutritionist, i know myself better than a stranger on the net and so does my doctor so please just keep your insults and condemnations to yourself. thanks bye.