Iron Man 3



  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Screw you guys, I thought it was AWESOME. And I've read the first few years of Iron Man. He *was* a total frak-up.

    If anything, the only change I would make is to have it be a literal page-to-screen adaptation of Warren Ellis' EXTREMIS book.

    I get the sense that folks saying "Iron Man shouldn't lose to someone not armored" (or whatever it was upthread) haven't read Extremis. Extremis power > Iron Man armor.

    I rather enjoyed the movie and I'm a loooong time Marvel and Iron Man fan.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    ***Spoilers & Junk***

    I quite enjoyed it. But then again, I haven't been an Iron Man comic book reader. The problems that he had seemed legit enough. It followed the aftershock for him of being a part of The Avengers. He was trying to figure everything out and just freaking out about everything. Seems like PTSD for Mr. Stark.

    But it did seem real and it did have a good story to it. The comedy was timed very well and the plot didn't collapse on itself. Being different (I assume) from the comic is not an issue for me. Too many of my favorite books get turned into movies and I've just gotten used to the fact that things in books and comics and Graphic Novels will NEVER be as good or even the same. Some examples of this are Interview With a Vampire or The Crow or The Hunger Games or even these Dark Knight movies (omg--NOW THOSE...those pissed me off. Can we not even get an accurate TIME LINE?!)

    Nevertheless, Stan Lee, I believe, must have a lot to do with these movies so if that's true then he signed off on this movie and if it's good enough for Stan, it's good enough for me.

    But the ABSOLUTE best part of this movie is AFTER the credits and I feel SO sorry for anyone who didn't stay to see it. Let's just say: TANNER FEELLSSSS.

    this is pretty on par with how i felt about it.

    i thought that the "screw up" you're complaining about was actually a realistic representation of a person who has never had training for the psychological effects of torture and mortality and death and destruction having to deal with some very serious PTSD. military lifers would have had a hard time with what Tony has been going through.

    in the first movie, building the Mark1 was therapy. it was him refusing to be an arms dealer - and then refusing to be a victim. but the challenges just keep coming and getting bigger. and then he DIED. and the levvy broke. and he kind of broke. so he poured all of his every waking moment into trying to find that zen again. that not-a-victim again. but he couldn't do it, he couldn't manage. b/c there wasn't just this world against him now, there was a whole UNIVERSE and now he's seen his mortality up close. think about that. of COURSE he's broken! and of course, being Tony Friggin Stark, he's going to refuse and deny and burry and work. b/c that's what he DOES.

    the suits were broken b/c they were a manifestation of HIM. they were broken b/c TONY was broken.

    and as far as Mandarin... i didn't love it. but i don't know that they could have ever done total justice to that kind of evil on the big screen. not and keep a rating that Marvel/Disney would be happy with. i didn't HATE what they did though.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I think you missed the point. We've already seen him be invincible. He's already proven his genius, his bravery, everything. This movie didn't give as a boring repeat, it gave us something new. It gave us the human Tony Stark, the man suffering from some PTSD, yet STILL going it alone to save people.

    The movie also returned us to his begginings, when he was just a mechanic using his intellect and the resources he had to save his own life. The suit did not serve as a magic bullet. He went back to basics, and proved that he's still the man he always was, and it's his INGENUITY, not his SUIT, that makes him Iron Man.


    fantastic point!!
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