hardest challenge ever... for some people that is



  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    no problem!

    but hey, if you said no coffee...
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I used to drink 2-3 sodas a day, within the last 6 weeks I've drank maybe 1 a day and even then like I said, I can go weeks without wanting them and I'll get used to water and when I pick up one again I don't even like the taste of it. So I don't think it'll be hard for me to quit all together until we go out to eat, I cannot stand the "tap water" around here offered in restaurants because it's city water, at home I have spring water from my well.

    I guess it will be a huge challenge to some people, but I think I can do it just fine. I don't have any BP problems even when I drink it, if anything I've always had low BP, normal but on the lower side. But it does make me bloated. =/ Actually most everything does except water. I think I'm becoming lactose intolerant. Which suckkssssssssss because I love milk.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    anytime you're taking out a bad habit you'll be more successful focusing on what you're having instead. focusing on the positive.
    if you think about is how you can't have your fav. soda, then you'll just want it more. or cookies, ice cream, beer. whatever.

    so find some great recipes make something that is so delicious you won't miss the soda, or something that reminds you how great you feel without it. soda hasn't been an issue for me, personally, it gives me heart burn every time, but this has helped me with other habits, or allow yourself to have a small portion or an occasional amount.
  • Unknown
    I am in there with you. I had my last soda on Saturday. I am tired of drinking sodas. They are empty calories that I need. Diet sodas are just nasty to me. So, I am going cold turkey.
  • StylistaChica
    I applaud your goal. If you are seeking a fizzy drink, try soda water (no taste, just bubbles). If you'd like a little color and flavor, try the new liquid Crystal Light mixes. They are often on sale at grocery stores. When I see this, I stock up. Another good idea: cut up an orange and put it in a pitcher of water. Overnight in the fridge, this will naturally flavor your water. Lastly, you can do the same thing with slices of cucumber. At spas, they serve water like this. So, think of it as a chance to pamper yourself. Plus, your body was designed to hydrate with water, not soda pop. Be strong! You can do it!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    ps: yes yes yes to seltzer! i couldn't agree more. i used to find it strange but i love it now. i love carbonation....but needed to get away from all the weird stuff in soda.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Ugh! Worst addiction EVVVVER! Good luck kicking it! I went through headaches like crazy with it... but its totally doable... I recommend going cold turkey and just getting it over with!


    Good luck


    I personally had to go to a soda clinic where they dispensed the appropriate amount of soda to keep from me withdrawal. I would find a support group. I just attended Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous and whenever somebody discussed their addictions to things like heroin or methamphetamine I would just laugh and say. 'Boo freakin hoo buddy. Why don't you go and get some real freakin problems.'

    So far I'm a year soda free. I have to avoid social functions, grocery stores, and other places as it tends to spark up reminders that can set me over the edge.

    But you're right . . . it's certainly do able.

    First I was like :


    Then I saw who had posted it and I was like:
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I've gone 3 weeks without it. I wish I had the same discipline that I did in high school. My senior year, when cross country season started, I swore of pop until the end of the season. I had ONE from the beginning of August until the end of October. But I too need to kick the habit as it's usually the reason I blow my calories.

    I think when I get my new kitchen (no room right now), I'm going to invest in an ice tea maker. That'll make the transition easier on me.
  • elysehunt
    elysehunt Posts: 16 Member
    I quit drinking pop for about 6 weeks this year, but my food cravings were SO bad that it was counterproductive. I was eating thousands of more calories per week because I was having pop withdrawals. I would love to quit drinking pop for good, but I am so scared that I will have uncontrollable cravings again and gain weight! :-\
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    Best of luck to you. I slowly cut out pop myself and it took me three months to do. Now I only drink it at a restaurant (diet) because I don't drink tap water. I try to remember to bring my own water but sometimes that doesn't happen. I never thought that I would be able to give it up or to like water and now I drink 15+ cups of water each day!!! Take it slow and it won't be too painful :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I can't recommend seltzer water enough. It helped me get from 3-6 diet cokes a day to 1-2 per week, max. Seltzer tastes a bit weird at first because it is not as sweet, but your taste buds will adjust in a few days.

    Good luck!!

    I live on La Croix Sparkling Water! Maybe I should get a Soda Stream just to make bubbly water.....
  • Lissak1977
    Lissak1977 Posts: 5
    I have a few things I'd like to cut, but I should begin with my addiction to Diet Dr. Pepper. I officially began this today, I've had 3 bottles of plain water so far today and I'm kinda over it! Ha Ha!! So I'm all in to do this challenge with you. Except I think I will give it up cold turkey. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • laurenpwalker9
    laurenpwalker9 Posts: 4 Member
    It's difficult to kick the habit but I haven't drank soda in over a year now... not touched a DROP and feel so much better for it! H20 all the way!! Take it a day at a time and I agree with whoever recommended seltzer water xx
  • zdreamer
    zdreamer Posts: 69 Member
    I actually did this years ago. It wasn't easy but it was necessary and now I can't even believe how "drugged" I felt drinking Diet Mountain Dew all day. Also, I lost weight after stopping even though it was "diet" pop. It was triggering hunger and my body was reacting as if I was drinking something sweet!

    Occasionally, I will drink a Coke and absolutely LOVE it but it's an occasional thing, a treat if you will.

    You can do it!!!!
  • j3an22
    j3an22 Posts: 77
    thanks to all the positive comments and thoughts.

    and i wouldnt drink diet coke. I AM GOING TO TRY... =)
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    So I gave up diet coke a long time ago for about 8 months....noticed NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL (even tho I am assuming there were GOOD things going on inside my body without the chemicals etc) but I started up again because I didnt feel any different without it...didnt lose a pound...never got caffeine headaches etc....so someone PLEASE tell me exactly how bad diet soda is for me????? I know about the artificial sweetener, but something else????
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    It's ridiculous how addictive soda can be. I used to drink 4 - 5 cans a day of diet. Quitting cold turkey is the most helpful because you don't have the temptation of "I've already had my 2 cans today....should I, or could I just have one more??" The answer to that question with the cold turkey approach is an easy NO. I went out and got a 12 pack of Sam's Club water and drank that instead and refilled the bottles with tap water (effectively I just bought a bunch of cheap water bottles that I could fill and keep as a "six pack or 12-pack" of soda). While it is probably more nutritious to get the crystal light packets than soda, as someone suggested, if you're trying to cut out the artificial sweeteners then this will not help. It is just a different source for the same thing (like switching from liquor to beer or wine). Someone needs to start a sodaholics anonymous...

    I love drinking water out of a pop can. Just something about holding the can.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I guess I should be better about drinking more water, so maybe I will give it a go........12 hours.......
  • Wuffles70
    Wuffles70 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh, oh, I've got one! If you drink more than 2 cans a week of diet coke, it starts to reduce the density of your bones. This greatly increases your risk of osteoperosis and (I think) arthritis.

    Hasn't helped me quit yet but it is one of my big reasons...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Oh, oh, I've got one! If you drink more than 2 cans a week of diet coke, it starts to reduce the density of your bones. This greatly increases your risk of osteoperosis and (I think) arthritis.

    Hasn't helped me quit yet but it is one of my big reasons...
