Shakeology Side Effects..



  • Emalilly13
    Emalilly13 Posts: 20 Member

    Just so you know ive tried so many ways to help my weight loss. Slim fast, supplements, soup sachets, and even more shake diets. It helped me for a short term maybe an odd pound there and here, but the best way i have found is to eat healthy.

    I know everyone says it [trust me ive heard it all] but ive lost far more from doing this. Instead of stacking up the pasta and rice, ive opted for more veg. [Even big portions too]

    Ive been doing this for just over a month now [I was the biggest yo yo dieter out there] and ive lost 16 pounds! Over a stone.

    Trust me when i say this, just a small change to you diet makes a BIG change on your body. Its hard at first [Heck it WAS] so im not going to tell its easy.

    Best of luck my lovely hope this has helped :)

  • lilypad_604
    lilypad_604 Posts: 15
    I've heard the green berry ones cause a lot of people to feel like cr*p after...try the chocolate. Blending it with ice works wonders.
  • mytime1986
    mytime1986 Posts: 117
    I've heard the green berry ones cause a lot of people to feel like cr*p after...try the chocolate. Blending it with ice works wonders.

    Ok I will see if that helps out. Also might try a half a serving.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Potential side effects:

    1. Lighter wallet
    2. Buyer's remorse

    BTW FYI!! It's a bottom of the bag guarantee If you don't like it you can return it for your money back!! I don't think it's real nice to make hose kind of comments on here when someone is asking for some help!

    Right! OP, take the whole bag while feeling like crap. Then return it.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member

    I looked up what is in the shakes. It has a bunch of ingredients that are basically botanical speed. Plus, it has these wonderful ingredients:

    Amylase: When used as a food additive, amylase has E number E1100, and may be derived from swine pancreas or mould mushroom.

    Papain is usually produced as a crude, dried material by collecting the latex from the fruit of the papaya tree.

    Lipases serve important roles in human practices as ancient as yogurt and cheese fermentation. However, lipases are also being exploited as cheap and versatile catalysts to degrade lipids in more modern applications. For instance, a biotechnology company has brought recombinant lipase enzymes to market for use in applications such as baking, laundry detergents and even as biocatalysts[23] in alternative energy strategies to convert vegetable oil into fuel

    Along with papain, bromelain is one of the most popular substances to use for meat tenderizing.

    Ashwagandha in Sanskrit means "horse's smell" (ashwa- horse, gandha- smell), probably originating from the odour of its root which resembles that of a sweaty horse.[

    :noway: :noway: Sounds legit to me. :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Because it's junk and you aren't eating. Return the stuff. Get your money back and eat food.
  • sar24
    sar24 Posts: 20
    It's not junk. However there is an diet plan, supplement, shake, workout routine, etc... for everyone. Find what works for you and stick with it.

    Everything works, nothing works forever.

    Biggest thing...ignore the trolls on here.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Ok So these shakes I started my first one yesterday. And both days afterwards I feel sick to my stomach, then a couple hours later I get super tired? Then I start to feel like I should eat to stay awake all though I am not really hungry. Why is this?

    Maybe it's your sub conscious pissed off that you wasted all that money on shakeology


    by the way- protein powder- is MOSTLY just dehydrated milk.

    gram/dollar- milk is something like 43g/ to 1$ where a shake is 45g to 1$

    seriously- on sale- it's not even a competition- just EAT REAL FOOD. Milk is a power house for protein. No really- it is.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I just clicked on and enlarged the nutrition/ingredeints panel at It is quite possibly the most ridiculous, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink list of herbs and chemicals among these snake oils. Your sick feeling may be caused by a sugar problem and eating too little but it may also be because you are allergic to one of the many plants represented. As a hay fever sufferer, I bet this stuff would have me sneezing and sniffling for hours since most Celestial Seasonings "teas" give me the sneezes!

    Eat actual vegetables not "spinach powder" and "pea fiber" (two of the more benign-sounding ingredients). If you like shakes, throw some frozen fruit in the blender with yogurt and milk. If you need a multivitamin, though most of us don't, take one. And go to the doctor to get a glucose tolerance test or the like.