


  • kpierce7188
    kpierce7188 Posts: 41 Member
    First and foremost I think it is unbelievable that you are going back and rubbing it in their face. You are doing this to please you, not them. It's an uphill battle most days but the rewards are life long.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I have been fortunate with the gym I go to, and I think part of the reason is that it is a city facility. EVERYONE goes to that gym it seems! Honestly, there are people from 16 years (the youngest you can go unaccompanied by an adult) to 80 years old, and from skinny minny to, well... me! I think even the young'uns, who can be the worst, are just used to seeing all kinds there and maybe they have learned that hey, everyone's there to get in shape. I get more smiling greetings. At first I would think of all these replies I could make if someone was unkind, and I have never had to use one of them! Anyway, my point is, if you're going to a gym where everyone's skinny and they are mean about it, try a city facility if you have one. You're more likely to meet nice people there who understand you're just trying to get fit. Probably the majority of the folks I see at the gym ARE slim and in shape - now! - and I'm gonna be one of them one day, and I'm smiling at everyone who's trying! And I think this (below) is the best answer -
    If this is someone you know, just look them straight in the eyes and say "Why would you say that to me?" And if they don't answer, keep at them, "Excuse me, I'm just trying to understand why you think that's acceptable."
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    It's real easy for people to make comments at "how fat someone is" or "how unfit someone is". In reality, they're flawed creatures too, because otherwise, they would try to help.

    I know how you feel because I've been the fat girl too. In school, in college, I got called names and stuff. But I guess you're only hurt if you let it get to you, and if you care at all to listen to them. If you don't, they don't exist. You've got a goal before you, reach it. For you that's all that matters.

    Good luck!
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 269 Member
    Best thing you can do is what your doing. Keep Going. Change will not happen if you quit. You can't let anyone be the deciding factor in your push for loss. Only you. The sooner you realize its for you and don't matter what anyone says or thinks, the better off you will be. Just remember what you are doing is a good thing! Anyone that views it poorly should get the fu@k out of your way!

    Plenty of support on here!
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    That is so unbelievably sh*tty. *kitten* every last person that makes fun of you. That is seriously not cool.
  • LittleMsEva
    LittleMsEva Posts: 76 Member
    I want to *****-slap everyone who hurt you. You are better than this, you deserve better, what kind of illiterate, rude, vile, unethical, and pathetic individuals are they? Oh God, i just want to hug you and backhand them -.-
  • Peanutbutterx
    Peanutbutterx Posts: 332
    well im really happy for you that your going to the gym and working out, thats really great. you are being healthy by doing that, im so sorry that you got stuck with a group of mean people. there are good and bad people in the world, sometimes certain places just have a lot of the bad ones and sounds like this is one of them. dont worry about what anyone else thinks about you, you are doing this for you - to make you feel good. dont let someone else make you feel bad while you are doing something good. i like the idea of listening to music and just ignoring them but if you feel really uncomfortable there then you should just change gyms. look some up online, theres a lot of them around and the next one you go to you might end up liking it a lot. also, your an adult, your not a kid, if you want to eat half a donut thats no ones f*cking business but yours and no one has the right to say anything to you about it. if that happens again you should really say something back thats embarassing to them.. sometimes you just have to put people in there place especially at work if you see them every day. let them know that your not going to take their *kitten*. you go to work to work, you go to the gym to exercise. not to be told what to do. live your life and be happy and dont worry what a bunch of losers say. your not caring what they do because your happy with yourself, people that say bad things to/about other people aren't happy people so its really their problem and not yours. keep your head up and just go on being content and feel bad for them that there that miserable that they have to try to bring other people down to make themselves feel better. your doing great, and they suck. dont let it get to you, keep doing what your doing and skrew those idiots : )
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    you could try turning that hate to your advantage and use it as your energy. show how dedicated and hardworking you are! you wont be fat forever if you keep working out, just imagine their faces then! or when you outrun some *kitten* on a threadmill :P
  • Pamko57
    Pamko57 Posts: 182
    Misery loves company. Just stick to what you are doing and ignore them, in time when you are all awesome looking they will be the ones embarrassed.

    Miserable people will always try to put you down. I seem to attract that kind of person. I have a "friend" who is very heavy. I think she enjoyed my being heavy along with her, but she's said some snide things as I've lost weight. Her mother said not to get rid of my fat clothes, because I'll need them going back up. But, hey. It sucks to be them. Seriously.

    Mean people will always be mean. It's hard not to let words hurt, because they do. But I also agree that it's a good idea to get to the place where you let it roll off.

    I was told last night by a guy I've known for years that he is shocked to learn I have a degree and a teaching certificate. He said I just didn't seem smart enough. My husband said the guy was showing his ignorance. And that's what those people are doing. You can lose weight, but they'll always be mean and stupid.
  • Cocozest
    Cocozest Posts: 28 Member
    I commend you for being courageous and trying to make a good change for yourself by exercising. The hardest thing is removing yourself from your safe zone and pushing yourself in public. It can make anyone feel vulnerable, but as time goes by, that vulnerability grows into strength. Continue working out and remember, you're doing this for YOU and not the people at the gym.

    I know it's hard and frightful being in a rural gym with people you know. If you need to cry, let your sweat be your tears. A cousin told me something along the lines like, "Sweat is my body crying". Sometimes the approach of yelling or snarking back at the bad remarks feel good, but you can also defeat it by concentrating on you.

    Continue working hard, living and enjoying life. Don't let poisonous people stop you from your goal. :)
  • Antlady69
    Antlady69 Posts: 204 Member
    I wouldn't give anyone that power to ruin my day. People will always try, you just have to remind yourself that they have nothing to do with you. They don't pay your bills, why are you worried about what they say? Who are they to you? Be happy with who you are, and if you want to make a difference, you gotta put the work in. If you're content, then be happy. Never give anyone that power to dictate your feelings, your emotional state. Live stress free baby!

    This ^^. Is everyone at work and at the gym rude to you, or are there a few nice folks? If there are, then stick with those and exclude the rude ones from your jokes, from your lunchtime, from anything personal. Only talk to them when it's business-related. And make sure they see how much fun you're having with the nice folk, but make sure they feel excluded. After all, they are trying to exclude you too (in a way). So why should or would you want to include them in your life?

    As for eating something "unhealthy": if someone picks you up on that, just say "yeah, I'll enjoy this one but I'll run it off later. No problem". And then turn around and let them stand in their ignorance.

    Don't make yourself dependent on what others think or say. They don't like you? Hey, so be it. Nobody says you have to try to like them too and be friends with them!
  • Mummy2Corey
    Mummy2Corey Posts: 23
    You are gorgeous! Don't you dare let anyone else make you think you're not! They sound like a bunch of a-holes and if it were me I would have told them to get f***ed! You're doing a fantastic job & don't let a load of insecure stupid people stop you from achieving your goals. Picking on you is so petty & juvenile & makes them feel good so they don't have to face up to how empty & pathetic their lives are.

    Do not be embarrassed for trying to make a positive change, you can do this - ignore those t***ers! Xx
  • smwooley
    smwooley Posts: 133 Member
    They're a bunch of bullies, plain and simple. Can you put headphones on and crank the music? I know how hateful people can be. If it really is impacting your mental healthy, I'd find somewhere else to workout. Seriously. You're doing this for you and while it's easy to say don't let them effect you, that's easier said than done. Best of luck to you.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone!

    They make comments when I participate in circuit training like "oh, we're going to have to modify this for you" and they all smirk at that. There are girls that giggle at me when I use the treadmill. One guy in particular makes me feel like crap...he's always (very rudely) telling me what I'm doing wrong and how i just have to run more or how I must just eat a TON. Even the trainer makes comments when I weigh in and the scale NEVER moves unless its going up...he thinks I obviously must be cheating on my diet (I'm not) It's stuff like that ALL the damn time.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    ^ this is the kind of reason i avoid gym's/weightwatchers and crap like that.

    Im already judging myself enough without someone throwing their two-pence in.

    Hence why iv got what i need at home, scales/cross trainer/gym ball/dumb bells and a workout dvd.... only things passing judgement is my dogs an my kids.
  • brook97378
    brook97378 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't go to a gym, but I have been ridiculed before when I am out on walks. Or once even when I was walking from my car to my front door after I got home. It amazes me how immature adults can be. It used to hurt my feelings, but now if I hear a hateful comment, I just think about how miserable that person must be in order for them to have to go around ridiculing others. Sometimes I think they are just trying to put others down so that they feel better about themselves, and they must lead pretty miserable lives, and were never taught respect or manners. Just let it roll off, their opinions don't matter. Be confident in yourself.