


  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Americans are not the only one struggling these days. I think we may struggle more because we are quicker to take the easy route, ( Fast Food, Eating in our cars not sit down) instead of homecooked healthier meals, T.V. Movie, Video Games, P.C. time instead of excercise, Kids sit in a classroom theese days instead of having outdoor time and P.E., Jobs are not physical anymore.. Attitude is another. Last but not least all the perservatives/ Chemicals and GMO's that are commonplace in our foods these days.
    I am here to change that sort of behavior. So far So Good!

    Keep up the great work! America in general is a very instant gratification country. Others see us as impatient, entitled, and self centered. Where else do you find so many fast food chains coupled with lose weight fast schemes? Who knew watching what we eat and exercise actually worked? Keep plugging away at it your attitude is amazing.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    we're lazy. (we're as in most - not us on MFP).
    we make excuses for everything? fat? mcdonald's fault. broke? wall street's fault. kids ungrateful? tv's fault. stupid? school's fault. you get the point.

    Amen! Someone that understands
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Do not forget the lobbying that the restaurant industry has pushed. We are marketed to from a very very young age. How many kids out there know where the nearest McDonalds is even if they do not eat there allot? Or kids humming the tune from McDonalds ""ba da ba ba ba"

    Yes! This too. Do you know what part of the chicken is the McNugget section?

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Do not forget the lobbying that the restaurant industry has pushed. We are marketed to from a very very young age. How many kids out there know where the nearest McDonalds is even if they do not eat there allot? Or kids humming the tune from McDonalds ""ba da ba ba ba"

    Yes! This too. Do you know what part of the chicken is the McNugget section?

    the delicious part.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Why are we so fat?


    Some people don't even take the time to form a thoughtful question any more.

    Really? What is wrong with a concise, open-ended question designed to stimulate thought?

    Thanks Pirate! I think open ended questions being about more answers every day of the week. I guess since we aren't talking about whether or not we would screw someone it's not popular to not go into lengthy questions.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Do not forget the lobbying that the restaurant industry has pushed. We are marketed to from a very very young age. How many kids out there know where the nearest McDonalds is even if they do not eat there allot? Or kids humming the tune from McDonalds ""ba da ba ba ba"

    Yes! This too. Do you know what part of the chicken is the McNugget section?

    When my daughter was about two we were working on teaching her the alphabet. She had some bathtub crayons so I drew a letter "M" on the tub and she immediately busted out with " ba da ba ba ba". I was stunned because we'd never even been to McDonalds and the little bit of TV we watched was mostly on DVR with commercial skipping - but somehow, the message had gotten through and I had a two year old who could not read but already could recognize the McDonald's logo and knew their jingle.
  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    Do not forget the lobbying that the restaurant industry has pushed. We are marketed to from a very very young age.

    Perfect example of another excuse. Who cares about lobbying. Lobbyists don't force McDonald's down your throat.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    MY EXCUSE.... I have 6 kids. I work midnights. I barely have time to sleep much less cook and exercise. It is easier to throw something in the microwave or go out to eat than to actually cook.

    IN REALITY.... I had no idea how much I was actually eating until I started tracking it. My Sodium was off the charts. Cut out half the processed food and eating out.... and look at me now!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Do not forget the lobbying that the restaurant industry has pushed. We are marketed to from a very very young age. How many kids out there know where the nearest McDonalds is even if they do not eat there allot? Or kids humming the tune from McDonalds ""ba da ba ba ba"

    Yes! This too. Do you know what part of the chicken is the McNugget section?

    When my daughter was about two we were working on teaching her the alphabet. She had some bathtub crayons so I drew a letter "M" on the tub and she immediately busted out with " ba da ba ba ba". I was stunned because we'd never even been to McDonalds and the little bit of TV we watched was mostly on DVR with commercial skipping - but somehow, the message had gotten through and I had a two year old who could not read but already could recognize the McDonald's logo and knew their jingle.

    Wow! That's scary but also speaks volumes about their marketing team.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Aint that the freaking truth. I travel to Norway a LOT and I see veeeerry few fat people, let alone obese.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Do not forget the lobbying that the restaurant industry has pushed. We are marketed to from a very very young age. How many kids out there know where the nearest McDonalds is even if they do not eat there allot? Or kids humming the tune from McDonalds ""ba da ba ba ba"

    Yes! This too. Do you know what part of the chicken is the McNugget section?


    Some people really think it's a legitimate part. I have never had a chicken piece that looked spongy
  • gingameister
    gingameister Posts: 125 Member
    All the yanks on my friends list are fine specimins!! 8-D Hot stuff, every one of them! 8-D
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    MY EXCUSE.... I have 6 kids. I work midnights. I barely have time to sleep much less cook and exercise. It is easier to throw something in the microwave or go out to eat than to actually cook.

    IN REALITY.... I had no idea how much I was actually eating until I started tracking it. My Sodium was off the charts. Cut out half the processed food and eating out.... and look at me now!

    You are doing amazing! I'm so happy for you
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    we are the testing ground for these multinational corporations that have patients on seeds that are created in a lab. No one knows what this does to the human body. In addition farmers are being sued by the very multinational corporations for not paying royalty for seeds that are blown into their farms.

    Recently there was a law to protect one of these companies, they have board members that have worked for the EPA, advised the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and served on President Obama’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Do not forget the lobbying that the restaurant industry has pushed. We are marketed to from a very very young age.

    Perfect example of another excuse. Who cares about lobbying. Lobbyists don't force McDonald's down your throat.

    I don't believe in excuses and am all for personal accountability. That said, do you honestly believe that a corporation like McDonalds spends close to a billion dollars annually on advertising because it doesn't cause people to consume more of their product?
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Americans are fat because Miami Subs is gone (for the most part).

  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Americans are fat because Miami Subs is gone (for the most part).


    You made me smile
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    we are the testing ground for these multinational corporations that have patients on seeds that are created in a lab. No one knows what this does to the human body. In addition farmers are being sued by the very multinational corporations for not paying royalty for seeds that are blown into their farms.

    Recently there was a law to protect one of these companies, they have board members that have worked for the EPA, advised the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and served on President Obama’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations.

    Scary FrankenSeeds
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    Not much of a history or tradition be it beans around a campfire and herding cows,buildings or anything so when fast food came a long i guess you guys just lapped it up and have bigger portions as standard...

    Fast food is your enemy within !!
  • Granville_Cocteau
    Granville_Cocteau Posts: 209 Member
    Some observations, by no means comprehensive:

    -- Portion sizes are large for a few reasons:
    (a) The United States produces a ton of food--of any nation, we have the most number of acres of land under agricultural production. So there's plenty of food to go around. And it's relatively cheap. Just take a look at our supermarkets--you can get anything. Aisles and aisles of it. People who have come here from other countries are stunned by the enormity of selection. The problem is, in a land of limitless choices, it is easy to choose wrong.

    (b) Except for World War II, we haven't had near the history of surviving on little during wartime as the nations of Europe have; nor have we had any kind of experience with famine as in the Middle East or Africa. (Egypt, for instance, has bread riots to this day--such a luxury it is to have to go on a low-carb diet). So we're used to eating very well.

    (c) We're also quite a large nation which believes generally in the principle that more is better (from Manifest Destiny to SUVs and Hummers, etc.)

    (d) Marketing. In an effort to sell more, we get the Big Gulp, Super Big Gulp, Big Mac, Whopper, Double Whopper--the bigger the better!)

    2. In an irony, while we produce a wide variety of fresh vegetables and produce, chain restaurants that pervade the landscape usually don't serve it. A burger with fries is the norm, or a sandwich w/ potato chips--it's hard to find say a turkey sandwich w/ a side salad, as fresh produce spoils and decreases profit margin. Even the lettuce in salads at most chain restaurants is iceberg (which is of poor nutritional value comparatively to say spinach).

    3. We're an efficient nation. Fast-food was designed so people could devote more of their time to working and less to meal preparation.

    4. The average Joe, working such long hours, goes home and tunes out by watching TV or the Internet, both of which reinforce the vicious notion that the route to happiness is to buy more and consume more. And if you start feeling bad...well there's a pill for that now.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Some observations, by no means comprehensive:

    -- Portion sizes are large for a few reasons:
    (a) The United States produces a ton of food--of any nation, we have the most number of acres of land under agricultural production. So there's plenty of food to go around. And it's relatively cheap. Just take a look at our supermarkets--you can get anything. Aisles and aisles of it. People who have come here from other countries are stunned by the enormity of selection. The problem is, in a land of limitless choices, it is easy to choose wrong.

    (b) Except for World War II, we haven't had near the history of surviving on little during wartime as the nations of Europe have; nor have we had any kind of experience with famine as in the Middle East or Africa. (Egypt, for instance, has bread riots to this day--such a luxury it is to have to go on a low-carb diet). So we're used to eating very well.

    (c) We're also quite a large nation which believes generally in the principle that more is better (from Manifest Destiny to SUVs and Hummers, etc.)

    (d) Marketing. In an effort to sell more, we get the Big Gulp, Super Big Gulp, Big Mac, Whopper, Double Whopper--the bigger the better!)

    2. In an irony, while we produce a wide variety of fresh vegetables and produce, chain restaurants that pervade the landscape usually don't serve it. A burger with fries is the norm, or a sandwich w/ potato chips--it's hard to find say a turkey sandwich w/ a side salad, as fresh produce spoils and decreases profit margin. Even the lettuce in salads at most chain restaurants is iceberg (which is of poor nutritional value comparatively to say spinach).

    3. We're an efficient nation. Fast-food was designed so people could devote more of their time to working and less to meal preparation.

    4. The average Joe, working such long hours, goes home and tunes out by watching TV or the Internet, both of which reinforce the vicious notion that the route to happiness is to buy more and consume more. And if you start feeling bad...well there's a pill for that now.

    Love this!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Not much of a history or tradition be it beans around a campfire and herding cows,buildings or anything so when fast food came a long i guess you guys just lapped it up and have bigger portions as standard...

    Fast food is your enemy within !!

    No joke! Someone was very sneaky adding that s in the middle of fat describing our typical restaurant setting ;)
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    From my experience there are plenty of thin and healthy people, as well as fat people, and other countries have this same "epidemic". Perhaps we are in the "30%" and therefore over all and generally the most "fat", but I am sure that if you did numbers in the right locations with the right people you could bend the "fat scale" to any desired level and make any country less fat, or more fat than we are. Technology has made us lazy, pills are the answer to your problems, and letting your kids be kids? Well there's medication for that too.

    Also there's a lack of responsibility in our country, and I am sure we are not the only country suffering from the ability to say "I did it" instead we like to say "I am fat because..." or "The SUV jumped over the jersey barrier and took out the old lady." Get my drift?

    I myself have never been fat, unless you want to count pregnancy, my family is not overly fat (my parents are, but they don't blame society they admit they couldn't put the fork down) my brothers are both almost UNDER weight, and most of my friends are in healthy range. Perhaps we are the skinny Americans, and this is the skinny town, or maybe it's because this is a farm community and we work for a living, grow our own veggies, and slaughter our own cattle? I may never know.

    I do know as a kid while I was working with horses, hauling hay bales and five gallon buckets of water on each arm, while being active and outside a lot of my friends were in front of video games. I guess I should call my parents and thank them for being responsible enough to know hard labor and chores never killed anybody. :D Then now the government would accuse them of child abuse, so...
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    From my experience there are plenty of thin and healthy people, as well as fat people, and other countries have this same "epidemic". Perhaps we are in the "30%" and therefore over all and generally the most "fat", but I am sure that if you did numbers in the right locations with the right people you could bend the "fat scale" to any desired level and make any country less fat, or more fat than we are. Technology has made us lazy, pills are the answer to your problems, and letting your kids be kids? Well there's medication for that too.

    Also there's a lack of responsibility in our country, and I am sure we are not the only country suffering from the ability to say "I did it" instead we like to say "I am fat because..." or "The SUV jumped over the jersey barrier and took out the old lady." Get my drift?

    I myself have never been fat, unless you want to count pregnancy, my family is not overly fat (my parents are, but they don't blame society they admit they couldn't put the fork down) my brothers are both almost UNDER weight, and most of my friends are in healthy range. Perhaps we are the skinny Americans, and this is the skinny town, or maybe it's because this is a farm community and we work for a living, grow our own veggies, and slaughter our own cattle? I may never know.

    I do know as a kid while I was working with horses, hauling hay bales and five gallon buckets of water on each arm, while being active and outside a lot of my friends were in front of video games. I guess I should call my parents and thank them for being responsible enough to know hard labor and chores never killed anybody. :D Then now the government would accuse them of child abuse, so...

    I understand this entirely. Unfortunately this wasn't just referencing visually large people. I live in a rural community and we share plenty on both sides of the fence. I actually know more “ skinny" people that are pre-diabetic and couldn't do a push up if their life depended on it. We may lead in morbidly obese people but it's the general slothness and unhealthy attitudes we have that brought this up. I feel you on child labor too but that's another thread ;)
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