150 to go, seems impossible



  • totally possible! i agree that you should break it into smaller goals though. it takes alot of time. i started at 327lbs. so my goals were 300, 250, 200.. and then i continue on. i made it under that 200.. but bounced back up and am currently fighting it.. and im aware that i have already lost a whole person.. but i took MYSELF back. and there is no greater feeling then that. hang in there. stick to it. do NOT give up.. and you too will reach it.. and know that impossible.. says I'M possible. =)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I need to introduce you to Ed_Davenport... The dude has lost over 300lbs.

    It can be done.
  • YellowNightingale
    YellowNightingale Posts: 440 Member
    Of course it is possible :) Just set yourself small goals. 10 lb incriments maybe? or pants sizes! You're going to do great, there are tons of people here to support you :)
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I am new to MFP. My bro n law has lost 30 lbs. I have 150 to lose. Is that even possible? That is a whole freakin person. I am so disgusted with myself. I need to know that it is possible to do this without weight loss surgery. Any success stories or encouragement? I will take all I can get right now.

    I think it's possible...

    came to say check out this guy

  • jaja76
    jaja76 Posts: 31 Member
    After almost of 2 years, I've almost hit the 100 lbs mark! You can do it too. One day at a time.
  • I am new to MFP. My bro n law has lost 30 lbs. I have 150 to lose. Is that even possible? That is a whole freakin person. I am so disgusted with myself. I need to know that it is possible to do this without weight loss surgery. Any success stories or encouragement? I will take all I can get right now.

    When you think about it like "150 lbs" then it is daunting. Think about it in terms of the next 5 or 10 lbs.Be PATIENT and stay focused.You've got this.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    it is so possible. check out the success stories area of the forum and look at the pics. add all those people for motivation. if they can do it you can do it!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    It's absolutely possible. Many, many people here who have done it.

    Don't think of it like "I have 150 to lose...that's sooo much"...think of it like "I have 10 pounds to lose" and only 15 times. Focus on the 10...once you hit it, drop your count to 14....focus on the 10...etc..etc.. If you break it into small victories, then you become more focused and inspired to hit that next victory!

    You can do this!
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Yes, it IS possible! Check out member dakitten2, she's lost well over 100 lbs and is going strong. She's a great lady to boot so you might wanna befriend her.

    When I get overwhelmed about how much I have to lose, I find it helps to break it down into manageable mini-goals. I go ten pounds at a time. I therefore concentrate on losing ten pounds at a time, and when I reach ten pounds, I start over again and think about losing 10 pounds again.

    Hopefully, this way, you can avoid becoming frustrated and also go at your own pace. Losing 10 pounds sounds a lot more doable than losing 150 pounds, no?

    Good luck!
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    yes! it is possible. I am 24 pounds away from my goal weight and when I reach it my total weight loss will be 110 pounds. you can do this
  • pagoubupa
    pagoubupa Posts: 105 Member
    I have lost 112 and have 98 left to go. Yes, it is a huge task, but you can do it!
  • BellaLacie
    BellaLacie Posts: 12
    Welcome! You can do this. I have lost almost 200 lbs and if I can do it, you can do it! Be patient with yourself and consistent, before you know it the 150 lbs will be gone. Feel free to friend me. Congratulations on joining MFP!
  • laurimaki
    laurimaki Posts: 47 Member
    Just stick to it, anything is possible. I want to lose 250...

  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    I need to lose 150 myself...im gonna do it or die trying
  • butterbird
    butterbird Posts: 2 Member
    I hope it is possible, I just started my diet on Tuesday...I have 150 or more to lose. I am just going to do my best!
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Well, I'm almost a third of the way there. I'll let you know :smile:
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    yep, its totally do-able...cause ive done it!

    don't give yourself a time frame!

    stop living like a fat person and live like a fit, healthy person...the rest will fall into place!

    its not easy, you will fall off the wagon and gain back 5 to 20lbs a few times but so long as you get back on and get real you can so do it....

    stop making excuses? that the biggest peeve I have about people who say they have every reason they cant lose weight...

    I have a ton of excuses too....thyroid issues, back issues, time issues, single parent issues, and now, torn ankle ligament issues...aint no one got time or care about what your excuses are...

    get real and get serious...make a plan and stick with it...be human, make mistakes, learn from them and move on...

    oh, and you have to want it...like really, really want it....
  • JLN14
    JLN14 Posts: 3
    I've lost 75 lbs so far with another 35-40 to go. Divide it up into chunks and focus, focus, focus on a chunk at a time. Fifteen pounds is easier to lose ten times than one hundred and fifty all at once. Do what you can achieve. Feel proud of what you've accomplished and set a new goal until you reach the end of the road. Don't give up. I believe it is possible. :)