Feeling comfortable at the gym



  • smwooley
    smwooley Posts: 133 Member
    I workout at the local Y, where there are shapes and sizes of all kinds. Big, bulky men to drastically overweight women. First, I agree with everyone who says who cares? You're there for you. Second, anytime I see a drastically overweight woman or man, I think - good for them! They are taking care of their healthy and I want to cheer them on. And I also agree....if all else fails, turn the music up louder :-)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    work out harder.

    if you have time and breath and thought to care what other people think- you seriously aren't working hard enough. I do some of the most obscene things every... and I really just do not care- jumping turning rolling- legs in the air kicking flipping- whatever.

    don't care.

    Guess what. A. people don't fracking bother me.
    B. people don't want to work out with me- because I scare them

    it's win win. I also don't care what others think- I come int- I slay my workout and I move on. easy peasy lemon squeezy.

    plus you're heads above others... you're THERE trying.

    Remember- some of those people you are intemmeidated by? they used to be size 24... and then 14... then 4- okay- maybe not so extreme- but not everyone whose tiny started there. That's why people are there- self improvement. just go with it!
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I'm a big guy myself but when I am at the gym and I see someone larger then me working out I swear my first thought is..."good job"

    So many people my former self included just do nothing and gain gain gain. I respect anyone at the gym regardless of how large or small they are.

    Ignore people and bust your butt in your own world. One day you will be one of those smaller people and you will be just as proud of the larger people working out.

    I couldnt agree more! You just do what you need to do to make you the best you can be!
  • Wentra
    Wentra Posts: 14 Member

    I know how you feel. I work out at my former college because the facilities are free for alumni members. So, I am surrounded by thin and young people. Occasionally a professor or another alumni member comes in. I have noticed that most people don't pay attention to me though. So, I just tune out everyone and focus on my routine and goals. You can't let self-consciousnesses get in your way. You are doing this for you and how you feel inside. What is going on around you on the outside does not matter.
  • ThePinkPenguin
    I had this issue too at first, especially in my Zumba classes where I felt like I was the only girl who was a little bigger and it seemed like everyone else was so fit and thin! But recently, some girls of different shapes, and even a bigger guy, have been coming to class regularly and I feel more comfortable. There's plus sized women, older ladies who have to modify, thinner girls and our token guy and I'm starting to loosen up and relax. My instructor is really positive and non-judgmental, so she only cares if everyone is having fun and is doing the moves to their ability.

    I don't really have this problem in the cardio/weight area. Sometimes I feel a little weird in the strength training room when I'm the only girl, but since it's barely that crowded when I go to the gym and there may be only 1-2 other people there with me, it's not a big deal. I learned after a while that no one is looking/caring, so it's definitely helped me out.