Calorie allowances from exercise - To Use or Not To Use?!



  • smr071165
    smr071165 Posts: 4

    Ummm .... 100 calorie lunch .....why?

    Add some full fat salad dressing .... 1 TABLESPOON is 100 calories ... add some avocado (OR a handful of nuts, OR a sprinkle of cheese) .... at least another 100. FAT is good for you..... it's not something to be afraid of. 2 tablespoons of a calorie dense food is not going to make you "too full"

    Don't eat your calories if you CHOOSE .... but muscle tissue loss is terrible for your metabolism.

    My challenge is that I dislike dressing and cheese. It's really tough to eat more calories. A 100 caloris salad will fill me up for a few hours. Lots of good vegetables. I guess I just need to try to find other things to eat. But I'm trying to keep low-carb/low-sugar, which makes it tough. I'll have to talk to my nutritionist agani and show him my food/exercise log.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I only eat back my exercise calories if I am hungry. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat them back.

    ^ this. Listen to your body. Trust your body.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I'm also very new to the site. I can tell from the discussions that I really need to find out how it works much better. It was my understanding when I signed up, that based on my mostly sedentary work-style, I should be at 1200 calories. And that if I add in extra exercise, it would be a good thing. Not make it so that I have to eat more.
    I'm trying to learn how to eat healthy. I have a 2 egg omelet with 1 pc of toast for breakfast (about 300 calories), a really big salad for lunch (about 100 calories), which leaves me with 800 calories for the rest of the day. I try to have a snack of unsalted peanuts, or something like that. But I still struggle with getting to the 1200 calories more days than most. To top if off, I'm also trying to learn how to eat fewer carbs.
    So, I never eat back my exercise calories...there just isn't enough room in my stomach for another 200-400 calories! Or enough time in the day to get it all in.

    Please don't beat me up, I'm trying to learn and some of the posts seem a bit harsh to this newbie.

    Please understand many people are not trying to be snarky but helpful. Many people have made the same mistake.

    Eating healthy is not about eating less or starving yourself. It is about eating the proper amount for your activity level. If you do nothing but lay in a bed all day, you burn a certain amount of calories and that is your BMR. That is what MFP is based. If you exercise, your body needs more fuel. As a rule, you should not eat less than your BMR for a long period of time. You will lose eating them back and you will feel great. I promise.