Anybody doing this alone in the real world?

Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
I started losing weight a little over a year ago and have done pretty well going at it alone. Not so much alone, but there is no one really in my family or friends who is overweight that has to work at losing at all....well 1, but that is not going to happen. I started out barely able to walk a good mile without getting out of breath and I ran my first 5K less than a month ago and workout around 90 minutes a day now.

It is a bit discouraging at times to have to do the fitness part of it alone and get crazy looks because "why am I still counting calories?" when I am skinny enough now. For me it is a lifestyle choice to be healthy and it IS who I am. Any newbies or MFPers out there doing this solo feel free to add me and I will be your biggest weight loss cheerleader. It is possible to do and you WILL get there!


  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I am doing it alone and have been here over 600 days. To make it worse I only lost 30 pounds. I want to lose 2o more. It is hard as I never had to lose. Yes, I am alone. Everyone I know is thin. They are as supportive as they can be. MY bff has the opposite problem. She weighs 78 pounds. (Rare condition). You have done well.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I am the only one actually doing it in my family, though many of them (though not my brother and my dad's side) are overweight. My mom sometimes does it, but for now, I'm the only one. Feel free to add me.
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    I've only been at it since January, but I'm losing steadily and I know I'm getting more and more fit. I wouldn't say I'm doing it alone, my husband is my biggest supporter and my youngest son is a huge cheerleader (he corrected my plank form just this morning, LOL!). However, while they support me, they don't join me. I mostly run alone, sometimes with a buddy if we can work our schedules out, and that is hard. Lately hubby has started using the elliptical more often so I'm hopeful that he'll join me in a 5K soon. I'll be running my first ever on June 9th, I'm so excited and so nervous at the same time. So yeah, I completely understand how hard it is, but we're committed to our health right? And that's the motivation for me, I just need to make it my motivation forever. :happy:
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I just always thought that ways the only way to do it. It is 5 years for me in 8 days and I am close to my first major goal of losing half my original weight.
    I control the food, shop and cook and as a runner I run by myself. I am flying to California to run a 10K my first ever race with my daughter, my first ever run not by myself.
    So yes for anyone who is wondering you can certainly do this alone.
    Congratulations on your loss and success as well as your run.
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    I'm doing it alone in the real world...thank god for my MFP family! There are plenty of people in my life who NEED to be doing this with me, but they just don't want to. They'd rather tell me I'm obsessive for counting calories and working out so much and that they'll just do it by cutting back and making healthier choices...they've gained weight, I've lost...but I'm the obsessive one. lol
  • 3eleven1127
    Its not easy to go it alone. When I started about two years ago I did it on my own. Barely able to walk and in constant pain It was difficult at times but I managed to lose over 100lbs with support of friends and family but nobody along for the journey. Over time co-workers (who are now close friends) took notice and joined me. There have been many ups and downs but having people who want to see you succeed and keep you on track is key when it gets tough. For whatever reason I have been stagnant for a while, however I am ramping back up with the support of many and it makes all the difference now. It takes time and I keep putting that in the forefront of my mind.

    Congratulations on your success!!
  • h8fklvr
    h8fklvr Posts: 8
    When I was young
    I never needed anyone
    And makin' love was just for fun
    Those days are gone

    Livin' alone
    I think of all the friends I've known
    But when I dial the telephone
    Nobody's home

    All by myself
    Don't wanna be, all by myself anymore
    All by myself
    Don't wanna live, all by myself anymore
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I'm also doing this alone (most of my friends eat tons of calories per day yet are far skinnier than me and don't seem to exercise much either) and will definitely add you.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Your story "really" does sum it up though. This is a SOLO journey. If you want to lose you can, you can't or shouldn't be dependent on others to "get you there"---though I can totally relate to the boredom of working out alone a majority of the time.......because it isn't important enough to the others I have encountered. Congratulations on your amazing transformation and continued efforts to remain healthy and strong. It really IS what it's all about. When I reach my goal I have only myself to thank for it and that will be the biggest reward. I feel totally capable and accomplished to reach my goals on my own. :smile:
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    I'm doing it alone, and I wish my sister would join in, because she wants to lose weight very bad. However, I think I've been a bit of a de-motivator for her, since I got a head start on exercising and eating right, so I feel like she's been avoiding joining in like she wanted to.

    The more I try to motivate her, the more it feels like she's annoyed by it, so I've tried to back off; I just want her to be happy like I am!
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Nobody can do it for you so even though I take classes with lots of other gym members I have to choose
    to be there and do it.. You choose to be the fittest you can be and the best person you can be. Why is writing
    down every day what you eat a bad thing? It gives you control of what you do daily.
  • GregRand
    GregRand Posts: 2
    Yes, I am doing this alone. I believe you are the only one that can do it, Family and freinds are supportive. I tried all sorts of diets and activities in the past. Myfitness pal has helped me become more conscious of what is going into my system. I started on or about Feburay 1, 2013 with the goal of loosing a realistic 1 lbs per week, however, I have lost 30 lbs since starting! :smile: I frequently recommend this wonderful site to all.
  • maritimemom
    maritimemom Posts: 192
    I'm pretty much alone in my journey as well....besides MFP. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    I am doing it along in the real world as well. I have MFP buddies to thank for keeping me motivated and on track. I will probably always count calories because it is so EASY to slip into those old habits that got me where I don't wnat to go again. It is has been alot of hard work and decication and I still have a ways to go however it is worth everything I am putting into it.
  • sharon_moyer
    sharon_moyer Posts: 177
    Sent you a friend request because I'm doing this pretty much alone too except for the friends that I have on MFP.
  • missa526
    missa526 Posts: 103 Member
    :happy: Yes I am doing this totally alone in real life. No one seems to get that I'm trying to lose weight and that food is part of that. It's seriously frustrating. Thankfully I found this web site and and another. Between the 2 they are really helping me. But it would be nice to have someone in real life to help me out. Feel free to add me! I'm very supportive and I'm on here a lot.:laugh:
  • IHeart90s
    IHeart90s Posts: 38 Member
    I'm also doing it alone! I tried exercising with other people but it is never the same! Their objectives are very different than mine and I always get this competitive vibe and I definitely hate that. My husband is very supportive and works out with me sometimes, but he's very tall and very thin, so I feel like I'm his charity case LOL.

    In the past week I decided to add people to my MFP profile (I was very ashamed to do so in the past because I found it embarrasing to have people gaze at what I eat) but lemme tell you: it was the best decision ever. All of my new friends are trying to achieve the same goals as me and we relate and support each other in a way that most of our families/friends never could.

    If you're looking for giving/receiving support, feel free to add me! =)
  • NotAResolution
    NotAResolution Posts: 58 Member
    I'm pretty much doing it alone. I have a friend I work out with once in a while, but he's not losing weight. I use this site to track my food, but don't participate much in the forums. I like going solo for weight loss because I don't have to change my schedule around another person's schedule. One nice thing about being an early bird is I get to go and do things when everyone else is asleep. I don't have to wait until after work when everything is crowded.

    Another thing I found out, early morning long walks with a book on tape is awesome! Good way to get some exercise and be able to concentrate on what you are listening too.
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I am basically doing this on my own. I have a couple of friends that are working on losing weight also but I dont see them all that often. Its really hard when it seems like everyone around can eat whatever they want and I look at a cheeseburger and gain 7 lbs! But Im trying to take it one day at a time and keep telling myself that I have to do what works for me!! Feel free to add me as a friend I could use the encouragement!
  • meltingmama1965
    Im doing it alone. My husband and son are very skinny and eat everything. My other family is overweight but dont want to lose weight. I had gastric bypass surgery 4 yrs ago because i was bed ridden and my body was shutting down. I have high blood pressure, low thyroid, type 2 diabetes, and nerve pain from the hips down. I would love more people to help me motivate me . I dont have many here. If you have yahoo messenger you can add me at and i have facebook at Ann Marie Andrews. I did lose 100 pounds with the surgery but with the stress in my house i gained some back. I want to lose weight so i can be healthy and live longer. Id like to get back down in the hundreds. Id like to lose at least 20 pounds before my birthday june 26th