Am I crazy? Sleep Apnea

My fiancee has been a snorer since I met him and I kind of self diagnosed him with sleep apnea. For some reason, I have this fear that he will die in his sleep from the apnea!! I've been bugging him to go to the doctor. I my fiance to go for a sleep study for sleep apnea since I always notice he stops sleeping during the night. I'm in the middle of scheduling it for him on the 30th

Can some of you with sleep apnea put my fears to rest? My fiance and I are both overweight, and we are both in the midst of weight loss. I'm just so terrified something bad will happen in the middle of the night.
Sorry for my nuttiness!! Sometimes I just need an open forum to VENT without driving him and my family crazy!


  • KristiLeighS
    KristiLeighS Posts: 112
    does he actually stop breathing? that is what apnea is. my mom who is thin and has been her whole life snores like a truck but she doesn't have apnea. i do agree that if you both are concerned that you should seek medical help but don't let your imagination run wild. it just causes unnecessary stress.
  • Maryguthrie
    I have sleep apnea and have been on a machine for five years. I can tell you this most people do not die during the night with sleep apnea. Also just because he snores does not mean he has it . But it does not hurt to get it checked out. It is better to know or not.
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    I am a RPSGT. You aren't crazy. People have suddenly died from sleep apnea, not to mention the myriad of other problems it exascerbates...high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. If your fiancee doesn't want to go get a sleep study, he may qualify for a home sleep test.

    In the mean time, he should try and sleep on his side and elevated on as many pillows as he can comfortably sleep on. It will help to keep his airway open.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Sleep apnea can be deadly.... I am glad he is being tested!

    Cpap is one option.... My brother opted for surgery.

    Me, I chose the cpap.... As I lose weight, I find my apnea is not as bad.

    Wishing you continued success in your journey to a healthier life!:flowerforyou:
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    Unfotunately it's a real fear. I've been diagnosed with a bad case of sleep apnea where I not only stop breathing but the times I do breath the breaths are small shallow breaths. The doctor put me on the machine immediately. My husband had told me before I went to do the study that he would hear me stop breathing then make this crazy noise or loud snort/snore when I was trying to restart my breathing. I would wake up tired, and that's due to the heart working overtime trying to keep you alive. I'd also wake up with headaches due to the lack of oxygen getting to the brain. It's a really scary feeling knowing that when I wake up my heart feels anxious and tired. When I got the machine, it took me around a month or two to get used to that mask. But let me tell you, the difference after using the mask consistently is amazing! My heart feels normal, I no longer get headaches and I feel completely rested.

    As a fiancee and future wife, you have the right and I would say the responsibility of protecting your husband. It is our duty to watch over them and keep them safe and healthy. So don't feel weird or like a nag because if something did happen to him, you would never forgive yourself for it. I always think, could I live with my decision if something bad happened. I wouldn't be able to. So I think you are doing the right thing by making him go for that test. He will thank you afterwards. Oh and by the way, because of the increased energy he will get, he will want to be more active, which will help him loose weight easier.
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    ...I always notice he stops sleeping during the night. I'm in the middle of scheduling it for him on the 30th

    Did you mean he stops breathing during the night? This is a witnessed apnea, and an indication that it is not just simple snoring. You may notice that he snores like a freight train and then the snoring stops and he just seems to be struggling to breath. He may take big gasping breaths at that time. This usually happens during REM sleep.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I have apnea and have been using a CPAP for 2 years now. When I had my initial study I stopped breathing 40-60 times per hour. I can tell a difference when I use the machine in how I feel the next day. Not getting enough sleep can lead to all kinds of serious problems such as high blood pressure, loss of concentration, fatigue, lack of sex drive... also, studies have shown it is harder to lose weight if you are not getting enough sleep. Maybe that would encourage him to go? I just stayed with my 14yo son in the hospital while he had his study last week. Interestingly, my husband has his sleep study May 30th.

    Good luck! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    You did the right thing. My stupid BF wont get it tested.
  • rbarragato412
    rbarragato412 Posts: 42 Member
    Well luckily, I have tentative dates schedule--he's just pending authorization from insurance. He has no problem doing the sleep study, but he thinks the cpap will be uncomfortable to sleep with. So many people have said that they haven't had a better night's sleep since they started using it, so he's becoming more hopeful.
    I feel like I've noticed him stop breathing. He doesn't have other symptoms of apnea (tired during the day, waking up from the inability to breathe). I think I'm letting my mind run wild. A coworkers friend recently died of heart complications, and it was while he was sleeping. I'm a generally nervous person to begin with. He's only 30, I'm only 25. I feel like I may just be adding unneccessary stress to my life!
    Thanks for your answers everyone!
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    Sleep apnea can be deadly.... I am glad he is being tested!

    Cpap is one option.... My brother opted for surgery.

    Me, I chose the cpap.... As I lose weight, I find my apnea is not as bad.

    Wishing you continued success in your journey to a healthier life!:flowerforyou:

    I had the surgery and if I had known it is only effective in about 40% of cases, I would not have had it. The recovery was very painful and I was among the 60% who had absolutely no improvement afterwards. I don't recommend it at all.
  • rbarragato412
    rbarragato412 Posts: 42 Member
    ...I always notice he stops sleeping during the night. I'm in the middle of scheduling it for him on the 30th

    Did you mean he stops breathing during the night? This is a witnessed apnea, and an indication that it is not just simple snoring. You may notice that he snores like a freight train and then the snoring stops and he just seems to be struggling to breath. He may take big gasping breaths at that time. This usually happens during REM sleep.

    I did mean stop snoring, woops. I noticed that he does stop snoring, but I check his body just to make sure he is breathing regularly and his chest is moving up and down which (to me) signifies that he is breathing normally. Never has big gasps of breath or anything.
  • Sleepynita
    Sleepynita Posts: 82
    If you have any questions PM me, sleep medicine is what I do for a living.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Marking to read comments l8tr. I also have it but am not on a machine or have been diagnosed. I have just been told I will quit breathing in my sleep.
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    ...I always notice he stops sleeping during the night. I'm in the middle of scheduling it for him on the 30th

    Did you mean he stops breathing during the night? This is a witnessed apnea, and an indication that it is not just simple snoring. You may notice that he snores like a freight train and then the snoring stops and he just seems to be struggling to breath. He may take big gasping breaths at that time. This usually happens during REM sleep.

    I did mean stop snoring, woops. I noticed that he does stop snoring, but I check his body just to make sure he is breathing regularly and his chest is moving up and down which (to me) signifies that he is breathing normally. Never has big gasps of breath or anything.

    It depends. Sometimes he may be getting enough air to move his chest, but his O2 may still be dropping. It's harder to see that just watching him. It's called a hypopnea, which is a partial airway obstruction. If he is overweight and snores he will probably still qualify for a sleep study, and it can't hurt to get that peace of mind.

    Of course, I think just about everybody should get a sleep study. :happy:
  • KristiLeighS
    KristiLeighS Posts: 112
    yeah, i think you are just worrying for worrying's sake. my husband does not have sleep apnea and again is not over weight and he will snore and then stop but he continues breathing just fine. I'm not saying that your fiance doesn't have it which is why I suggested getting tested anyway if he is willing, but just relax and stop stressing.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    You should try this app. A guy on the morning show I listen to used it, and it gave him some pretty good information, including how many times he stopped breathing while he was asleep.
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I had a sleep study done and found that I stopped breathing 70 times an hour!!! 70 times in 60 minutes!!! I would have likely died from sleep apnea at some point. I was tired all the time. Needed a nap by 9am after waking at 6:30am. Napped for about 4 hours on the weekends and still exhausted. Got the cpap machine and it literally changed my life. I felt awesome within 3 days. Didn't need it anymore after losing about 100 pounds and while my days start with working out at 5am and I am going about my day until about 8pm, I can count on one hand the number of naps I've taken in the last 18 months.
  • rbarragato412
    rbarragato412 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for all of your help everyone, I appreciate it soo much! I'm going to just try and ease my mind for the next couple of weeks :)
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I use a CPAP and it has changed my world. Won't leave home without it. I would not have been able to have lost this weight without it. I wouldn't have had the energy.

    Apnea can kill you in a couple of ways. The number of times I dozed while driving was a bit more dangerous than the potential heart issues.
  • btoeps74
    btoeps74 Posts: 167 Member
    I too had the surgery, but with only slight improvements. Sadly losing weight doesn't always work as many fit people have apnea. Lots of famous athletes such as Shaq and Adrian Peterson also have it. It's also been said that Reggie White died due to apnea but im not 100% on that one. Apnea untreated causes all sorts of long term issues.

    There are some pretty good forums that deal exclusivly with this.

    Getting his apnea treated will help greatly in losing weight as you should have more energy to exercise or go for walks.