Am I crazy? Sleep Apnea



  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    I am so glad that you and your fiance are both addressing these issues. Lack of sleep can cause stress on the body and this can lead to higher blood glucose levels as well. good luck to the both of you and congratulations on your journey together to optimal health and risk reduction.

    I would definitely PM the gal whom offered, she sounds like a great resource:heart:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    My partner has been using a bi-pap machine for a couple of years now. The difference it has made is incredible. Both of us sleep better now! She would stop breathing many times every night, and sort of wake up, and make god-awful noises. It is incredibly much better now.
    I have always been convinced that part of the danger of sleep apnea is that the person sharing the bed with the sufferer will someday snap and start jumping up and down on their head and shreiking. It was getting me.
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    If I were you I would also make an appointment for you as well. If you are overweight chances are you have it too. I have apnea but due to a claustraphobic issue I don't use mine....sigh....Apnea machines help you sleep better of course breathe better and it does help with weightloss
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and did the sleep study. Point blank some of it the snoring/shortness of breath can be directly related to weight. I have a bi-pap but it was uncomfortable to where since I've started losing weight I haven't needed it though!

    So happy about that. I wish you and your boyfriend the best, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have it checked out as it's better to be safe than sorry.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I am pretty sure my husband has it. He snores so loud and wakes several times an hour. I thought it was because he snores so loud he wakes himself up, but i read it could be caused by him stopping breathing. He refuses to admit there's a problem even though he sleeps for 7-8 hours (I get about 4 becauseof the noise) and says he's so tired every day. I wish he'd go to a doctor for it
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    Definitely have him go for the sleep test and get a CPAP if he needs one. Made SO much of a difference for my husband. And me, since he doesn't keep me awake all night now.
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    My husband has always snored, but a few years ago it increased in volume and I would wake up every time it stopped because his breathing also stopped....eventually he stopped so often and for so long that I wasn't getting any sleep because I was afraid he wouldn't start breathing again if I slept too deeply to notice and nudge him back into breathing. He was falling asleep at red lights while driving and exhausted all the time. When I finally got him to get a sleep study they stopped it early and put him on oxygen because his levels got so low. I really think I saved his life by making him get tested!

    Once he got the cpap he perked right up, and quickly lost about 30 pounds. Now he doesn't go anywhere without his cpap....he even rigged up a car battery to power it so he can take it along when we go camping!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    My brother and I both have it. He was very hesitant but he ended up getting the machine to help him, it does it's job but now he needs to adjust to the noise it brings :< I used to have it very bad and still occasionally do but actually I was lucky after I started dropping some weight my SOB at night decreased dramatically! For safety and peace of mind I would have him checked out JIC!! good luck to you both!
  • rbarragato412
    rbarragato412 Posts: 42 Member
    If I were you I would also make an appointment for you as well. If you are overweight chances are you have it too. I have apnea but due to a claustraphobic issue I don't use mine....sigh....Apnea machines help you sleep better of course breathe better and it does help with weightloss

    Thanks, I actually was diagnosed with sleep apnea as a child and got it taken care of :)
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Completely unrelated but when I was 20+ lbs heavier I could actually hear myself snore while I was sleeping...wierd....
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I am pretty sure my husband has it. He snores so loud and wakes several times an hour. I thought it was because he snores so loud he wakes himself up, but i read it could be caused by him stopping breathing. He refuses to admit there's a problem even though he sleeps for 7-8 hours (I get about 4 becauseof the noise) and says he's so tired every day. I wish he'd go to a doctor for it

    Every man I know who has gone to get tested went because his wife got fed up and decided to sleep in the guest bedroom. It's simply not healthy for you to live on chronic lack of sleep.
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    I was diagnosed with sleep apnea about a year and a half ago and use a cpap machine. Biggest symptoms of sleep apnea, snoring, being very tired, not feeling rested upon wakening. Stopping breathing for brief moment at night, you may notice that may not. My husband didnt' notice me stop breathing, but occasionally I did startle myself awake, and I think that's what it was but didn't realize it at the time. It causes several interruptions in sleep at night. I never realized it til I was diagnosed and had a sleep study. While yes it is dangerous I'm sure I lived years with it and I"m still around. He'll be ok. :) the cpap does wonders! I sleep SO much better now, although it takes awhile to get used to it.
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    I am pretty sure my husband has it. He snores so loud and wakes several times an hour. I thought it was because he snores so loud he wakes himself up, but i read it could be caused by him stopping breathing. He refuses to admit there's a problem even though he sleeps for 7-8 hours (I get about 4 becauseof the noise) and says he's so tired every day. I wish he'd go to a doctor for it

    maybe lookup sleep apnea and print out some information for him, signs of it, a checklist. SLeep Apnea didn't even occur to me until my husband went to see an ENT doc and the questionaire he filled out fit me to a T. A Cpap does wonder for sleep apnea, he would feel so much better during the day.
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    Options husband has sleep apnea and owns a bipap machine, but can't stand to wear it. Even when he starts with it on and occasionally falls asleep, he always takes it off within an hour or 2 at the most. He is only a little overweight (5-10 lbs), so I doubt that is the problem. I want him to look at some of the links some of you posted. Thanks
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    Tell him that he will notice a difference after only one night. Truth. The difference is like night and day.

    With sleep apnea, even if you sleep for 8 hours, you're really only getting 2-3 hours of real, restful sleep. Hence the daytime tiredness, lack of energy.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I used to have the very same anxieties. I couldn't sleep at all if my fiancé (now husband) was snoring. Once he got the CPAP, it was marvelous! No more snoring, and he felt much better during the day from being well rested.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Options husband has sleep apnea and owns a bipap machine, but can't stand to wear it. Even when he starts with it on and occasionally falls asleep, he always takes it off within an hour or 2 at the most. He is only a little overweight (5-10 lbs), so I doubt that is the problem. I want him to look at some of the links some of you posted. Thanks

    You may want to look into updating the mask he has. When I first got my machine it was the full face mask and I always felt like I was drowning in it. They switched me to just the nasal mask it's more comfortable and I can actually wear it most nights without throwing the mask across the room.
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    I scared myself into getting a sleep study done. Suddenly waking up with a racing heart and gasping for breath was all it took for me to get tested. People don't realize that when their oxygen saturation level drops to the low 70% range which happens during an apnea event. You are starving your heart, brain, and major organs from much needed oxygen. Do that 40-60 times an hour for 7 hours and you are asking for problems.
    I was diagnosed in January 2009 and have slept using a CPAP machine every night since. I have noticed my breathing is getting easier as my readings from the machine confirm. Hopefully another 10 pounds or so more loss I can sleep without it. But until then I will not sleep without it.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have been on CPAP about 10 years. I got used to it really quickly. If he needs CPAP, I recommend trying nasal pillows first. They are the easiest to put on and take off and are generally quietest. Some people are bugged by the idea of having them against the nostrils, but it you can get past that and keep your mouth shut while sleeping, they are by far the best option IMO. I was at about the weight I am now when first diagnosed and it is at the low end of severe, so even making my goal is not likely to fix it.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Bump for info