Lift HEAVY!!!! Especially not be afraid!



  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I just posted this as my status today. We have to beat this topic over the head until people FINALLY get it!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I'm currently doing NROLFW. I tried to help my co-worker understand that yes, I am lifting "heavy weights" those "big barbells"... the "men ones".

    She then told me that her friend lifts heavy weights and she is "jacked" and has big veins that protrude. There's no way that that woman doesn't take some kind of supplement. That, or she over works herself and has like 2% body fat.
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I couldnt agree more ladies get out there and lift!!!! I think the saying is "dieting will make you look good, weight lifting will make you look good naked!" I love that I can lift more than some of the guys at the gym!!!! If you dont know where to start I used Jamie Eason's LIveFit program, its free from
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    My cousin, a 40-year-old woman, is shorter than I am (I'm at 5' 6", i think she is 5' 3"). She is also much slimmer than I am, and she holds a state record for dead lift, at 315 pounds. Of course,, she is a powerlifter, but it shows you that hand weights are NOT going to cut it! Somewhere in between your 15 lb dumbbell and her 315 lbs worth of plates will be a sweet spot for us "not-so-superpower" chicks that want to burn fat, build muscle, and be healthy!
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    I really like the NROLFW. I'm on Stage 1 (almost finished with it). There are 6 stages I believe. I would highly recommend buying the book and reading it. Everything as far as lifting is concerned is pretty much laid out for you. Really pay attention to your form (it shows you how in the book) and get lifting!
  • meramirez2012
    meramirez2012 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree 200% Lifting produces amazing results fast, and you will never look big and bulky like you fear. If you hire a trainer, don't let him/her keep you on the machines. Go for those free weights!

    Okay, help me understand. Is everyone saying it is actually better to substitute the cardio with lifting??? I have limited time, so I need the best bang for my buck. (I'm over 35 too.)

    I get MUCH more out of 2 cardio-heavy and 3 weight-heavy workouts than I do from 5 mostly cardio workouts. The results come faster and are easier to keep. My lifting days are shorter than my cardio days too!
  • I couldnt agree more ladies get out there and lift!!!! I think the saying is "dieting will make you look good, weight lifting will make you look good naked!" I love that I can lift more than some of the guys at the gym!!!! If you dont know where to start I used Jamie Eason's LIveFit program, its free from

    Thanks for suggesting Jamie Eason, I just looked at it, and I think I will try it. Here's to Phase 1, Day 1!!!
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I liked the Jamie Eason program b/c if you dont know what some of the exercises are they have a video you can watch. That way when you get to the gym you know what to do!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Girls, I am already "big" and "bulky" and haven't lifted a weight in months! It's called "FAT" lol. For the person who said that puny 10# weights won't cut it. Oops, I have trouble hitting all my reps with 8# weights. Surely, you wouldn't advise me to quit and never try, would you? I'll start with ;my 8# then go to 10# (I hope) and then buy a barbell. First, I'll start where I am.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    I can only lift maybe 15-20 lbs for that many reps.. so shouldn't it be considered heavy? I live in a town with no gym ://

    Then start there, and increase weight over time. The 20lbs will get easy, then to to 25lbs, and so on.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I agree 200% Lifting produces amazing results fast, and you will never look big and bulky like you fear. If you hire a trainer, don't let him/her keep you on the machines. Go for those free weights!

    Okay, help me understand. Is everyone saying it is actually better to substitute the cardio with lifting??? I have limited time, so I need the best bang for my buck. (I'm over 35 too.)

    I was a total cardio junkie. All I did was run and run and run. I started running seriously back in December and did it 3-4 days a week for 7 weeks while eating at a deficit. I lost ONE pound. Then I saw all these success stories about women who lift heavy so in February I quit running and started lifting. Since then, I lost 4 pounds but my clothes fit completely different and my measurements are decreasing. I run once a week, maybe. I lift 3-4 days. And I love it.

    I'm 34.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    But, but, but, Tracy Anderson told me not to lift more than 3 lbs!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yes it has been discussed on MFP a few times previously that women should not be afraid to lift more than 5lb dumbbells.....
    This subject has been beat to death but it needs to be beat to death some more! :bigsmile:

    this is probably the trifecta of dead horse threads....

    I mean this one has been b eat death more times then a zombie on the walking dead...
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    all this lift heavy stuff is making me dizzy...
    Can you lift heavy if all you use are handweights? what is heavy...?

    Of course you can. I'm doing Chalean Extreme and it's all free weights. I've got the bowflex select tech dumbbells.
    "Heavy" is when you are able to do 12 reps of one exercise until you reach muscle fatigue (meaning, there is no way you are able to do a 13th rep). Lifting very heavy is when you can do only 6-8 reps. If you can do more, it's not heavy enough and you should increase the weight.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I agree 200% Lifting produces amazing results fast, and you will never look big and bulky like you fear. If you hire a trainer, don't let him/her keep you on the machines. Go for those free weights!

    Okay, help me understand. Is everyone saying it is actually better to substitute the cardio with lifting??? I have limited time, so I need the best bang for my buck. (I'm over 35 too.)

  • Avy1976
    Avy1976 Posts: 9 Member
    I joined a gym a month ago, started a 1 hr/3x a week workout regime (and 3 yoga classes a week). Right now I use the machines, the heaviest weights I can for 12 reps. I work out each muscle group. Oh, and I do 10 mins of warm up on the elliptical before each weight training session and a full stretching session at the end.

    Now, my workout is flawed I'm sure, and not as efficient as I want it to be, but I'm working out 3 times a week and going to the 6 times a week. I'm already noticing a huge difference in how my body looks, and starting to see some definition under the flab.

    My biggest advice is to suck it up and pay for a personal training session with a certified trainer. Especially for those above who posted they just don't know how to work out, what to do, etc. My first session is Wednesday, and I am really looking forward to it. I know that I will learn so much from her, things that will last far beyond the $50 I'm paying for an hour of her time to teach me.

    IMO, money well spent. Youtube and reading will only go so far, having someone who will show you the best exercises, form, and routine for "your" body, age, medical conditions and whatnot, is worth it.
  • exactly!!! I feel like im in everyones way and because im overweight I dont belong there LOL!