


  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I am SUCH a routine eater... Breakfast: (I started measuring when I started getting friends on mfp)

    2 Tbsp of light cream in coffee

    1 cup Kashi Blueberry cluster cereal
    1/2 skim milk

    If i exercise, i have a piece of toast with 1 Tbsp of peanut butter
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    coffee & creamer !!! Egg sandwich } 1 or 2 scambled eggs, tblsp bacon bits or 1 slice canadian bacon on whole wheat english muffin.

    Keeps me full and gives me energy till lunch. :drinker:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Today I had a strawberry, grape and fresh peach smoothie with chia seeds, Greek yogurt and thick-cut oatmeal added. Friggin delicious.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Bagel and full fat cream cheese from the bagel place, but I'm a rebel!
  • AnnMombourquette
    On work days I make an omlette with egg beaters, mushrooms, onions, peppers, ham, cheese (different varieties) and put salsa on top. I also have an orange with it. And my coffee to start my day. Keeps me full and satisfied until lunch. On the weekends I will make homemade egg mcmuffins or have eggs, toast and sometimes bacon with my crew on Sundays.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    If I'm running out the door, it's either a Atkins meal bar or I will make a greek yogurt smoothie the night before.
    If I have a little time-
    - cereal (whatever I have in the cupboard) w/ 1/2 cup 2% milk and 1/2 banana
    -scrambled eggs- 1 whole egg & 1 egg white cooked in 1/2 tbsp. butter
    -multigrain waffle topped with natural peanut butter, sugar free maple syrup, & 1/2 banana
    -lower sugar oatmeal made with 2% milk

    Someone mentioned light English muffins with PB...gotta get me some of those!!!!
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    mushrooms, onions, jalapeno, power greens, some form of meat (sometimes not) and either 1/2 c egg beaters or 2 brown eggs. slice of cheese. very good also add a fruit and toast
    this am was packet of oatmeal with 2 tbsp PB and 1 banana
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Carnation breakfast shake (chocolate) made with 1% milk.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    1.5 cups of raisin bran with milk and seasonal fruit and 16 oz. water. A couple of hours later I usually have an apple. That gets me to lunch.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I have at least five times a week a fairly big breakfast, because it is the only meal over which I have control as far as timing is concerned. I plan all my other meals, but often eat them when there is time due to my work. The other two times I depend on work " breakfast meetings " when I try to make smart choices and so far have always stayed within my calorie allowance.
    Usually I make two eggs ( scrambled, huevos a la mexicana, omelett, poached etc ) always with some veggies, have three small corn tortillas, 2 cups of coffee and sometimes fruit.
    I used to believe that I did not have time for breakfast, but now I get up 10-15 minutes earlier and " charge " my body for the day, because often it's 7 hours or more ( here in Mexico lunch break is between 2-4:30 pm ) before I eat lunch.
    I know that a big or any breakfast is not necessary to get the metabolism started, but breaking the night's fast this way is what works for me.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Egg cups (Hungry Girl)
    Greek yogurt & fruit
    Kashi bars & greek yogurt
    Smoothie with frozen fruit and protein powder (blender)
    Luna Bar and coffee, if I'm not in the mood

    NEVER cereal. If I eat cereal I'm hungry in an hour. And not just hungry - STARVING!
  • wildfire1111
    I eat two hard boil eggs, 1/2 cup greek plain yogurt with 1 cup berries and cinnamon. 1 coffee with cream and honey. I spinkle a little bran flakes on the yogurt for some fiber.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    ground beef or chopped bacon, chopped onions and kale sauteed with two whisked eggs in a frittata (sp?) and black coffee or two eggs mixed up with shredded coconut and a mushed black banana poured out as a stack of small "pancakes" with heated frozen blueberries on top. Eggs most days. Am doing the Whole30 paleo thing and it works for me so far. :)
  • savoiaS1
    savoiaS1 Posts: 129
    Atleast a cup of Egg whites every day. A lil Mrs Dash seasoning. 1 or 2 whole eggs. And some type of carb source. Usually Cereal with skim milk or Oatmeal with PB2 or Natty PB. One of my fav breakfasts that I need to have again soon is Some egg whites with turkey breast and a sweet potato. I keep it simple but Ive never gotten sick of it. I look forward to breakfast more then any other meal of the day!
  • projektai
    projektai Posts: 107 Member
    Lately, I've been so lazy I just pop some multigrain waffles in the toaster and top them off with strawberry jam.
  • wobblybitz87
    My current routine is 1 latte and 2 slices of raisin toast lightly buttered. I eat that about 8am and find I am getting hungry at about 10.30. I am going to add 1 cup of fruit to this next week to see if that holds me through to lunch.
  • Peanutbutterx
    Peanutbutterx Posts: 332
    normally have coffee when i first wake up but cant eat until like 11 or 12, lately ive been crazy over poached eggs and toast. so good. i love omelettes, scrambeled egg sandwhichs with light mayo and tomato slices, fried eggs on english muffins with cheese.. yumm LOVE eggs! also blueberry frosted mini wheats and cinnamon toast crunch if im feeling fiesty.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Today I had Oats cooked in Almond milk and some water, served with 1/3 banana, 3 chopped pecans, and a drizzling of honey!


    I usually have oats :)

    I also like rye/wholegrain toast with avocado, tomato, and basil - breakfast or lunch!
    And Greek yoghurt and banana, but I usually have this as my workout snack
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I like to mix it up keep it interesting I had protein pancakes this morning, tomorrow I am making homemade biscuits and turkey gravy with a 1/2 an orange. I also like southwest scramble its filling and delish also apple pie oatmeal :D
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Oh and how could I forget poached eggs on toast!