whats 'wrong' with too much cardio?



  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    I still have a lot of weight to lose but I am doing both cardio and lifting. Lifting is great because I can do it in front of the tv at night when hubby is home. Cardio is great because I have no lung capacity
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Cardio can help you lose weight but cardio should be used to develop other muscles such as your heart and lungs. You want them strong for your overall health and wellbeing. TOO MUCH cardio can become a bad thing.

    Take a look at these two articles:

    The way these articles are written may be harsh but just try to take away the premise and concept of what they're trying to say.

    Now, it's a common misconception that people need to start doing cardio first to lose weight and then use weights to "tone up." But the truth is weight lifting also burns fat. And weight lifting actually burns MORE fat AFTER the workout is over, as opposed to cardio. So, in short, a nice healthy balance of cardio and strength training is best. And horse riding is great, too!! Keep it up!!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    wow muscle weighs more than fat?
    when volume is constant, of course.
  • mhernandez1976
    mhernandez1976 Posts: 13 Member
    You want a balance of both you want to add strength/resistance training with the cardio so that you lay a foundation of lean muscle as muscle burns more calories while growing then getting rid of fat the weight does not have to be heavy as long as you are doing it myself i do about 40-45 min of cardio an 1hr of lifting but that is me I started at 447lbs eight months ago and I'am now at 365 lbs, good luck in achieving your goals
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    no, cardio and lifting heavy won't help you lose weight at all. Only eating at a deficit.

    Right now you are dropping pounds of fat and muscle. The only way to put on muscle is to eat at a surplus. If you continue on your journey here is what is likely to happen.

    1) your going to reach your goal and have a lot of endurance. yeah!
    2) you aren't going to be happy with your body compesition
    3) you want to tone up with 3 - 5lb weights and zumba
    4) it doesn't work so you lift heavy
    5) now you have to eat at a surplus to build up muscle and gain 10 pounds
    6) cut and drop some body fat% because you started lifting the number on the scale doesn't mean anything to you anymore.
    7) post before and after pics of how hot you are
    8) Troll mfp boards / poptarts and ice cream

    you can skip a lot of this if you just go right to lifting heavy. Keep doing cardio too! I do both I love my runs.

    WTF??? You can't be serious. The only way to lose weight is to eat less?? Cardio and weight training won't help you lose fat??? What planet do you live on? Cardio and weight training both expend ENERGY (calories) to HELP create a deficit in order to lose fat. They definitely help facilitate fat loss. omg... I need a facepalm gif....

    Oh, and you misspelled "composition."
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    1. Eat as much un-processed food as possible, make sure you're not hungry but aren't stuffed to the brim.
    2. Drink A LOT of water.
    3. Lift as heavy as you can, as often as you can.
    4. Do some interval training instead of steady-state cardio. Sprint, then walk, sprint, then walk....unless you just love stead-state cardio, then have at it!
    5. Sleep enough
  • Dswolves
    Dswolves Posts: 7 Member
    yep. the SIZE of that pound is the difference. (and the ugly composition of fat)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Too much cardio combined with a deficit made me skinny and flabby.

    Adding weight training made my body firm and shapely.
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    no, cardio and lifting heavy won't help you lose weight at all. Only eating at a deficit.

    Right now you are dropping pounds of fat and muscle. The only way to put on muscle is to eat at a surplus. If you continue on your journey here is what is likely to happen.

    1) your going to reach your goal and have a lot of endurance. yeah!
    2) you aren't going to be happy with your body compesition
    3) you want to tone up with 3 - 5lb weights and zumba
    4) it doesn't work so you lift heavy
    5) now you have to eat at a surplus to build up muscle and gain 10 pounds
    6) cut and drop some body fat% because you started lifting the number on the scale doesn't mean anything to you anymore.
    7) post before and after pics of how hot you are
    8) Troll mfp boards / poptarts and ice cream

    you can skip a lot of this if you just go right to lifting heavy. Keep doing cardio too! I do both I love my runs.

    WTF??? You can't be serious. The only way to lose weight is to eat less?? Cardio and weight training won't help you lose fat??? What planet do you live on? Cardio and weight training both expend ENERGY (calories) to HELP create a deficit in order to lose fat. They definitely help facilitate fat loss. omg... I need a facepalm gif....

    Oh, and you misspelled "composition."

    I think his point was a rif on the fact that you can't out exercise a bad diet.

    He even agreed that strength training will help the OP reach her goals more than cardio, but that won't matter if her diet sucks.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    wow muscle weighs more than fat?

    Oh wow great point! It's really important to distinguish between weight and density in this context . . . or not.
  • philTX4
    philTX4 Posts: 2 Member
    Cardio,running slow and steady,will burn calories,and tone up your lower body.Providing you have a calorie deficit,you will lose weight.It also depends how much you need to lose?.Its ok,to lift and do running,but the important thing is recovery,after exercise,this gives your muscles chance to rebuild and strenghthen.Too much exercise can have the opposite effect,and you end up injured and tired.Try to find a happy balance,and reap the rewards,and enjoy your exercise :)
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    wow muscle weighs more than fat?

    Oh wow great point! It's really important to distinguish between weight and density in this context . . . or not.
    I always hate it when people point out that they weigh less than me, when obviously one pound of me weighs the same as one pound of them...
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    muscles continue to burn energy all day- so more muscles -more burn.
    The amount is so small. I had a Dr show me research on the subject (need to keep that link handy). But I guess some is better than none...
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    wow muscle weighs more than fat?

    Oh wow great point! It's really important to distinguish between weight and density in this context . . . or not.
    I always hate it when people point out that they weigh less than me, when obviously one pound of me weighs the same as one pound of them...
    Depends on what planet they are on. ;-)
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Don't get stuck on the number the scale sez. If 150 fits in a size 4 who cares if it is a 150. People who lift look better in their clothes. Ditch the scale and get a very tight pair of jeans to measure your progress.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    My sister is a cardiologist here in NYC..and the word cardio means Heart..so there is nothing wrong with doing cardio..actually you use your heart in every single moment and of course when exercising:) you just want a balance..I love walking tennis running swimming weight lifting etc. ITS ALL ABOUT HEART!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I've spent the last few weeks with my trainer doing a little less lifting and a little more .. functional? .. stuff. More cardio-based, compound movements, agility stuff. While I have continued to lose weight, I'm definitively more "jiggly" than I was a month and a half ago. I got a little roll over my belt that wasn't there when I weighed a little more, but was lifting more.

    Moving back to lifting heavy for the next 6 weeks. Cardio will certainly help you burn calories, but the lifting is what's going to make you look good.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    All the macho dudes lose their gains.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    Don't get stuck on the number the scale sez. If 150 fits in a size 4 who cares if it is a 150. People who lift look better in their clothes. Ditch the scale and get a very tight pair of jeans to measure your progress.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Cardio is great for you. Weight lifting is also great for you. Do both. You won't bulk up.