STARVING!!! after morning cereal



  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Oats does the trick for me...along with some egg whites, fresh fruit and a glass of grapefruit juice....Winning!!!
  • phyllistheresa
    phyllistheresa Posts: 83 Member
    When I am in a rush in the morning, I grab a bowl of cereal and also find myself starving. I try to take the extra time and have eggs and a piece of fruit and find that does the trick and keeps me full until about 10:30 or 11.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So I'm still pretty new at this eating better/losing weight thing, about a month into it after years of being a heavy soda drinker, large pizza devouring, lazy bum :P I've cut out as much sweets as I can, cut soda out 100% (really 100%, I don't even drink diet), greatly increased my water intake and drinking unsweetened iced tea when I want some flavor, eating more fruits/veggies, etc.

    I'm doing pretty good overall, and am transitioning out of hitting the roach coach at work every morning for my breakfast burritos (largely because I still have an extremely difficult time waking up in the morning, so I don't have time to prepare breakfast at home).

    I thought taking breakfast cereal into work would be a good idea instead....not quite :P I bought a box of Fiber One cereal, poured a bowl full (typical cereal bowl size, probably 2 servings worth), and took my time eating through it, and then...holy crap! I'm STARVING afterwards, as in FAR hungrier after eating than before.

    Is it the little bit of sugar that's in that cereal doing that since I'm no longer used to consuming large amounts of sugar? Is cold cereal just a bad idea across the board? I was thinking maybe some plain oatmeal instead, but I've been hesitant to try that as oatmeal used to give me wicked acid reflux, but I've also noticed that my reflux problem is almost non existent since I've started to generally eat better, so maybe it's worth a shot?

    greek yogurt
    cottage cheese
    fresh fruit or veggies (banana tends to be my breakfast go to)
    eggs (hard boiled are super convenient for the office)
    protein shake
    toast and peanut butter
    plain old fashioned oatmeal (I make mine in the microwaved at work, stir in some honey and cinnamon with a bit of coconut milk)
    And I've also been known to branch out of the 'breakfast' box and eat a turkey sandwich or last night's leftovers
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I'm always starving after lunch. I have no idea why (and my lunch is usually a veggie burger and avocado, which isn't exactly low protein). I think I just like food and want to keep eating :P So my strategy is to give it 30 minutes and if I'm still hungry, I'll have a light snack. Usually it passes.
  • moonbaby12
    moonbaby12 Posts: 89 Member
    Try oats with a scoop of protein powder or a protien based smoothis. Protein= key, + some helathy fats to feel full! cereal never fills me up either.
  • dbm037
    dbm037 Posts: 125 Member
    Doesn't matter if the cereal's fortified with protein or not, high fibre or low, if I consume the same number of calories from a more "solid" food like eggs and toast, or toast and peanut butter, it provides me far greater satiety. I also love oatmeal in the morning!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I don't eat breakfast. No matter what I eat it makes me feel ravenous. I just avoid eating until around 11am. Cereal is the worst too, because not only does it not fill you up, you end up doing the cereal dance. You know, eat a bowl of cereal, and there's milk left, pour in more cereal, but it needs more milk, eat cereal, milk left...., add more cereal.... needs more milk......

    Not eating breakfast is counter-productive to losing weight (if that's what you're trying to do).
    EATING breakfast is counter productive for ME. I can eat three eggs, a side of fruit, and a glass of milk. Still starving! I don't do it until 11am!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    make your own burrito, Eggs and rice, if you eat that stuff.
    Omelets with Veggies and toast. Some Fruit, the possibilities are endless. Google some recipes
  • moonbaby12
    moonbaby12 Posts: 89 Member
    yes, waiting 20 or 30 minutes is good--also check hydration levles, and if you are truly still hungry, a filling piece of fruit usually does the trick for me!
  • moonbaby12
    moonbaby12 Posts: 89 Member
    NOT good advice, eat breakfast--- MUCH better for your metabolism.
  • ntanasiciuk
    ntanasiciuk Posts: 43 Member
    If you try oatmeal and you don't get acid reflux, maybe try that instead! I like to have one serving oatmeal, more water than it calls for, add some yogurt (it makes it really creamy and adds flavour! I know some people back in the brown sugar and what not, but I love me some yogurt in mine!) and maybe chop up and throw in a banana. YUM! I also add hemp hards and food meal
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member
    I used to always eat cereal or a "carby" breakfast with fruit in the morning. Only to be starving agiain in less than an hour.

    I now ahave 2 boiled egss, half an avocodo and slices of turkey/ham or meat leftover from the night before. Dlicious and keeps me full!!!
    I also second some oatmeal/porridge..I like having that if I have a heavy workour in the am. Eat my carbs after a good workout
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    Cold cereal does the same for me. Most mornings, I eat a couple eggs and a couple slices of bacon. Hard boiled eggs really fill me up. Sometimes I'm still not super hungry around lunch time.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I don't eat breakfast. No matter what I eat it makes me feel ravenous. I just avoid eating until around 11am. Cereal is the worst too, because not only does it not fill you up, you end up doing the cereal dance. You know, eat a bowl of cereal, and there's milk left, pour in more cereal, but it needs more milk, eat cereal, milk left...., add more cereal.... needs more milk......
    This is so true. I have finished a newly opened family box of cerial in one sitting this way.:blushing: more than once.

    Breakfast is just a bad idea for me.
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. try, eggs, meat- whatever you care for- and slice of toast, or oats, or maybe some hashbrowns on the side. lately ive found that greek yogurt- i eat the Zoi brand- as well as a bagel keep me full for most of the morning. add in my almond milk and im set to go. ^ ^
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    Recently I've been starting the day with a toasted bagel and some soft cheese. Comes in at way under 300 calories, feels indulgent, and keeps me going all morning.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I can't stand box cereal. It tastes like little chips of lightly sugared fibreboard.

    I do sympathise with struggling to get up. Sadly, I have to, in order to get various kiddoes to various locations at sparrow's f4rt.

    Why do you have to take in said fibreboard? Take in last night's (healthy) leftovers. Hard boiled eggs. Miso soup. A healthy burrito.

    Your problem is that you get up and then think about what you can take for breakfast. If you are dozy in the morning then make breakfast in the evening. I tell my kids that a calm morning starts the night before, by being prepared and sleeping soundly knowing one has one's shet together. In nz, presumably...
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Recently I've been starting the day with a toasted bagel and some soft cheese. Comes in at way under 300 calories, feels indulgent, and keeps me going all morning.
    What bagel is this? Is it a mini bagel? I have never seen one that low in calories, especially after adding cream cheese or what not.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    I've had to transition away from eating a lot of cereal. (Though I do love cereal!) I do much better with oats. I like making overnight oats, baked oatmeal, and just some regular oatmeal packets. I'll pair this with some yogurt or milk. Sometimes if I have left over canadian bacon, turkey sausage, or bacon handy I'll have that with my oats.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. try, eggs, meat- whatever you care for- and slice of toast, or oats, or maybe some hashbrowns on the side. lately ive found that greek yogurt- i eat the Zoi brand- as well as a bagel keep me full for most of the morning. add in my almond milk and im set to go. ^ ^

    Why should breakfast be the biggest meal of the day? Science, please.

    The op said they struggle to get moving in the morning. How are they going to go cooking eggs, steak, toast and hashbrowns?