Tattoos, Piercings and Stretched Ears, Oh my!



  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    I have 5 tattoos :- inner right wrist, right arm, left arm uncompleted half sleeve, low back and upper back.

    My piercings:- tongue, tongue web, double right ear, double left ear and vch. Used to have double lip, nipples, navel, double nostril and septum and helix.

    I had to take a load of piercings out due to my job, when i get down to 13stone i will be having the navel redone, when i get to 11 stone i shall be having my nipples redone, when i get down to goal weight ill be having a tatto from ankle to knee.
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    i have a half sleeve and a writing on my foot ( see my profile pics) i also have bellybutton piercing , eyebrow,tongue and 4x ears ... i wanna go get my septum pierced but my bf doesn't want me to :(
  • 111orBust
    111orBust Posts: 41
    No ink, 7 piercings (5 in ears, tongue and navel).
    Tragus will be number 8.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I have 3 lobes piercings on my left ear, 2 lobes & a helix on my right ear.

    I met my husband when he pierced my navel. Then he went on to pierce both nipples and my hood. The navel rejected, I finally took out the nipples after about 10yrs (they didn't do anything for me - I got them to show DH and the rest of the boys at the tat shop that I had as much testosterone as they did). The other piercing will be with me to the grave. Oh, and 3 tats.
  • I have one tattoo & I got my tougue pireced didnt hurt one bit.
  • hockeyfan87
    hockeyfan87 Posts: 206 Member
    I used to have a lot of piercings, but I took most of them out. I still have my Labret and Medusa pierced, also my ears 3 times on each ear. I've been wanting to get my ears stretched but I've never had the courage to get it done lol. I also have 6 tattoos (3 large ones, 2 medium and a small) here's a pic of them:

  • PartyKardy
    PartyKardy Posts: 172 Member
    I have 3 tattoos, I have a key on my ankle, a rabbit on my leg and a sailboat on my hip.
    Piercings freak me out so I just have the normal ear piercing and have had my tongue pierced...but that went horribly wrong haha
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I have 4 tattoos, but would LOVE to have a LOT more. When I hit my goal weight, I actually plan to get a pretty elaborate tattoo done.

    I have my ears pierced twice each on the bottom lobe; but I never wear earrings. I did have my labre pierced, but took it out one day for an interview thing and lost my retainer, so the hole closed up. :/ I would like to have my labre redone, but my teeth are in pretty bad shape right now and I don't want to risk messing them up even more. :( Plus, my son would probably yank on it or bump it if I did anyway.
  • TitzMcGeez
    TitzMcGeez Posts: 104
    i had my tongue pierced for two years (why do the rings never stay in?!) before taking it out in frustration. currently have triple pierced lobes, rook, daith and tragus. ink on my back, want to add to my shoulder!

    i kind of want a nipple piercing, but i hear it fracks up the milk ducts for women who have kids later?? maybe just an urban myth.

    I think it is a myth.
    I know they take forever to heal.

    I have the normal double piercings on my ears, plus a daith, tragus, helix and a set of auricles. I want a forward helix to even my ears out (5 in one and 4 in the other). My eyebrow was done when I was 20, but got ripped out at 21 and I have a nice scar. My tongue is still pierced.

    I have 6 tattoos. Going to be getting #7 this summer.

    bah... My nipples were done the same day and they only took a week to heal completely.. its all about your body and how it responds to trauma.

    The milk duct thing isn't a myth, if the piercer doesn't know what he/she is doing, and goes too deep, they CAN actually pierce the duct and cause damage..
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I have 3 tattoos, two written in arabic (Strength & Follow your Heart) and a custom designed scarab with horus wings and carrying a sun with an ankh in it. Currently working on the design for the 4th piece, was supposed to get it two months ago but have yet to finish the design haha.

    I also have a few piercings, regular ear piercings of cource but looking to get my tragus done, a monroe (lip piercing), nose and navel. I haven't considered any others except more ear piercings.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    One serious:

    and one silly:

    Also septum and I let my ears shrink back up to 6 gauge. I did have them out to 0's but, they were getting a little thin on the bottom.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    7th tatt...has to get the color yet, hurt like a not done...8th dragon!

    no piercing...I need to get rid of that belly dimple before I'll get my belly button pierced...thats the current goal.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Going to a tattooshop this weekend. Am planning on getting a small tattoo on the side of my wrist with my mom's petname for me (she passed away 2 weeks ago). I'll post a pic once I have it done :).

    I will be looking forward to seeing it. Sorry to hear about your Mom.. I'm sure it's going to be an awesome tattoo..

    As promised, here it is! I'm so glad I had it done :).


    'Pommetje' was my mom's petname for me. It's derived from the French word 'pomme' which means apple. Mom loved my applecheecks. Her petname is perhaps one of the greatest gifts she gave me. She didn't call anyone else by that name and that made me feel special. It's in her handwriting.

    that is beautiful!
  • Svolt
    Svolt Posts: 284 Member
    I'm so boring. Three holes in each ear, a nose piercing and lip piercing. I've always wanted a few tattoos, just never had the cash for them.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i have 4 tattoos. a blue butterfly on the side of my neck. Large rose on my left shoulder blade with my mom's, mine and my sister's initials under it (it was a mother's day tattoo the 3 of us got 2 years back) i have a pin up girl wearing a corset on my left calf and a pair of turtles on top of my right foot. piercings i only have 2 in each lobe but i think the 2nd ones closed in them....haven't tried them in a looooooooooooooooooooong while.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member


    hmm...whats that from?
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member

    one of my 4 tattoos. 5 if you count my eyeliner. Also have my nose pierced.
  • moosiau
    moosiau Posts: 53 Member
    Left ear has a 8mm stretcher, right has a 6mm :) I have had my lip pierced 3 keeps growing out, so I'll need to get it done again soon :( I've also had my eyebrow pierced once but that also grew out :(
  • moosiau
    moosiau Posts: 53 Member

    Who gets this reference?! (I promise it looks better in person, plus I've had it touched up since this was taken.)


    omg!! that's awesome! Lost ftw :happy:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'm boring, just have ears (lobes + top left) and navel pierced with no tattoos. I do love body art but don't think I could pull it off personally, and I also don't like that it's permanent (I like being plain and boring sometimes!)

    So for now (I'm not ruling any out in the future) I'm just admiring what others have. I love love love half sleeves, also like forearm/neck/hip tattoos in particular - the more colour the better. Not really a fan of the standard green/black tattoos.
    Also, this girl at my work has the bridge of her nose pierced and it looks amazing, really suits her!!