WTF is wrong with me???



  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I try to break my meals up with some carbs and some protein... not all of one or the other. The combo helps me stay full longer and keeps the cravings at bay. I also have a couple of bags of sugar free candy in my desk drawer along with a big container of gum! I keep gum every where! If I feel a sweet craving coming on I grab my gum and MOST of the time that will fix it.... mind you sometimes it doesn't but most times it does.
  • Bobbie63
    Bobbie63 Posts: 55 Member
    I think very few overweight people DONT understand this. Most of us have the Tshirt
  • txjg
    txjg Posts: 12 Member
    For me, I find that unless I'm really prepared to lose weight, I do the same thing you just described. I don't think it is a willpower thing. However, I have found that a change in environment makes a big difference. For me it's having the kids move out and not worrying about working then coming home and cooking. By myself, I can stay on my diet easily and get my exercise in. Not sure what you can do to change your environment, it may be changing a relationship, moving to a new place, rearranging your old place, trying a new job, joining a new club/church/organization. Just a thought, but it might help.
  • FatimahSewell
    Well My Problem Is There No One There To Support Me With Excercise Or My Eating Habits So I Give Up And I Just Eat My Face But The Problem Not Me Its My Regular Eating Habits Telling Me To Eat This And That How My Mind Is Program But Its Time For A Change...
    AMANDAJOY1104 Posts: 36 Member
    Could simply be that you don't want to lose weight bad enough. You favor the short-term satisfaction of eating something that tastes really good over the delayed satisfaction of losing weight and looking better. That makes you similar to a large portion of the population that cannot muster the will power to do what is difficult. This isn't easy. You aren't trying hard enough.

    Or would you prefer we make excuses for you?

    This is ok with me. :) Most day I tend to think this is the answer!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    When you feeling this a friend that will encourage you to stay on track...carry a motivation picture/quote to help you refocus. If all else fails..try a group...good luck!
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    You sound like me, buy a 6 pack of snickers, carton of Ben and Jerry's or dozen donuts, gone the next day.

    I try to stay away from those foods. I can't keep them in my apartment. It's like crack for me, but I'll never suck a **** for a Snicker's bar, so it isn't exactly like crack.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    It is more of a question you have to ask yourself. Do you feel better after you eat it, I mean before the guilt for eating it sets in? (which by the way starts the binge cycle again. Do you eat the whole box without thinking about it, until after it is gone? I think portioning it out and only having the one available is smart. it is what I do. There are no easy snacks in my house. I have to make it, and if i don't want to put in the effort, well........... then I really did not want it. I go out for ice cream instead of putting it in the frig, and thinking I can ration it (I won't) yes I spend a little more, but it is a treat or a splurge (makes it much more worth it) I am a mindless eater. I could sit down in front of the TV and eat a whole bag of popcorn by myself ( not air popped, no salt, no butter kind for me ohh no) the really bad for you stuff. Now I throw 3tbsp. of unpopped kernels in a brown bag, crunch the top over and microwave until the popping slows (less than 3 min.) I want a chips I put them in a bowl. This way my brain gets...Oh, it's empty I'm done! I have found me eating foods for comfort, and that is OK as long as you are aware of it, and you adjust it to not completely obliterate your hard work. Try getting up and eating something within 30 mins. of rising. Even if it is a piece of sprouted grain bread smeared w/ avocado ( one of my favs.), or protein bar, and a banana. This will get you going, and keep you from eating the gas station continental breakfast (my son calls it the carb bar). Eat every three hours to keep blood sugar stable, and then you won't over indulge in too many snacks. Plan out things for the day, and be aware you binge. Stop and ask yourself am I hungry, or am i eating this to fill some other need. I sit at a desk and listen to people talk on the phone all day! I have asked others in the office to not bring me in sweets. Now that I have gotten on the health band wagon, others in my office and life are making the choice to do the same. They keep things put up instead of leaving them on the file cabinets for us all to nosh on. I have my moments of weakness (i.e. TOTM) I do not stress myself out about which raises cortisol, and then your body wants to hold on to the fat. I accept it and forgive myself, and move on. I do think a big reason I can know do this when I did not before is because this is a lifestyle choice....meaning it is forever, and not temp. to lose the weight. My weight that I lose is a pleasant side-effect from making healthy decisions! I say the most important part of Healthy. I healed my mind, my soul, and am healing my body!
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    All of these comments are good, and some of the tips are very very good. In the end though, willpower does play a big part. Only you have the power to make the right choices. Sometimes the motivating factors make it easier, for me, losing weight is literally a matter of life or death, as until I lose it, I will not be given the lung transplant I need to save my life. So instead of having pasta, I have spaghetti squash, instead of ice cream, Arctic Zero (which is actually quite good and no artificial sweeteners). Sometimes, sometimes though, as other have said, chocolate must be had. So plan for it, log it, have it, and move on to the next healthy meal.

    Best of luck to all in their journeys!
  • Tewsy87
    Tewsy87 Posts: 55 Member
    I have had the same issue. It's usually because I am depressed. Food can effect your serotonin levels and make you feel temporarily happy( like a drug). You just have to know your body and be aware of your actions. You will start catching yourself, and learn to make the positive food choice instead of eating and getting temporary happiness.
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    One suggestion...after each meal drink green tea without sugar. I had this problem of craving for sugary treats now and then....With green tea the craving for sugary stuff is suppressed. And if your binging is emotional related then too green tea does great in calming the mind. One thing I can will stop binging if you get into habit of having at least 4 green teas a day...:)
  • Audrey24HisSuccessStory
    i found this helpful, thanks for sharing.
  • Audrey24HisSuccessStory
    This might sound silly but maybe even try buying sweet or candy flavored chap stick lol. I have a chocolate flavored chap stick that I put on sometimes and it surprisingly helps me out with temptations, sweetness flavor and no unnecessary calories.

    I'm doing this! Thanks!
  • Audrey24HisSuccessStory
    I have only been on MyFitnessPal for a couple of weeks - just getting started... but when I am feeling like I'm going to eat something I shouldn't, I tell myself "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!" I can't remember where I saw that the first time, but it helps to keep me headed down the right path and keep my focus on the prize! I WILL get back in my clothes - comfortably! :) Hang in there - you can do this!!!

    I've come across Pins from pinterest with this on them---adding it to my daily AM affirmations routine. lol
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I wonder if you have a food addiction. I cannot keep those stupid fiber one bars in my house because they taste just like candy and I eat the whole box.

    If you are still feeding the addiction it might make it harder to lose weight. This is my issue I am an addict an couldnt really move forward until I recognized it.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Same. I already ate 2400 calories today, but all I can think is how great a big bowl of granola, yogurt, and peanut butter sounds right now with banana sliced on top (or a chocolate and peanut butter sandwich). Boo!
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    I think its a great help to have at least 3 substantial meals spaced out during the day and then some snacks!You eat because you are hungry,if you werent you wouldnt!!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Have you seen the Documentary Hungry for change? It is a very insightful look into food addiction the advice is practical and the science is sound. Its on Netflix if you have that its very fascinating. :)
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I have only been on MyFitnessPal for a couple of weeks - just getting started... but when I am feeling like I'm going to eat something I shouldn't, I tell myself "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!" I can't remember where I saw that the first time, but it helps to keep me headed down the right path and keep my focus on the prize! I WILL get back in my clothes - comfortably! :) Hang in there - you can do this!!!

    I've come across Pins from pinterest with this on them---adding it to my daily AM affirmations routine. lol

    I like that
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    Are you unhappy with something in life? Are you using food to fill a void of some sort?

    Like it's not what your eating... but what's eating you? ha!

    You are just like a lot of us. You are addicted to sugar and it's hard to break that habit.