Cellulite!!! Why won't it go away :(

So today marks day 16 of working out in a row for me, I began the new rules of weightlifting for women and I eat clean 80% of the time. I don't drink alcohol except maybe one night a week and I drink upwards of 160 oz. of water a day. I have a cup of coffee in the morning but other then that the only thing besides water I drink is green tea. I am so frustrated! I've never had cellulite on my legs except in the back of my thighs under my butt but now that is gone except it's seemed to move to the front of my thighs down to my knee so gross!! My stomach has pretty much gone away and my mom pooch is almost vanished, my bust is down an inch and I've lost 10lbs already but why the hell is this cellulite appearing on my thighs??!! Everything I read tells me to strength train, drink lots of water, healthy foods... I'm doing it all!! Any ideas?? I still have 15-20lbs to get to my goal weight is this just an issue of my thighs losing slower then the rest of my body?

Edited to say: I should have mentioned I've been doing this since December! I've lost 50lbs in whole and I squat and lift heavy. I just meant I've been going 16 days without a break and my issue is mostly that it has changed spots not that it isnt gone its just annoying its like the squats have created a new problem


  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    16 whole days? WOW, I wish I had your commitment and patience!
  • aerynth
    aerynth Posts: 34 Member
    I went down to 125 pounds and still had cellulite on the back of my legs, and I've met women who have been slender all of their lives who have it.

    For me, the only thing that helped any was gaining more muscle in my legs to make them look leaner.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    16 whole days? WOW, I wish I had your commitment and patience!


    Come back in a few months then start complaining.

    I am 12lbs from my goal weight and while the cellulite isnt gone, it has drastically changed and lightened up. I have been doing this since JANUARY.

    Also, Squat. Heavy.
  • evansproudmama
    16 whole days? WOW, I wish I had your commitment and patience!

    Thank you! I'm on a mission to get to my goal weight and look hot before my family reunion. I've lost 50lbs so far and am on the last little hall and have been feeling great but then this little ugly surprise came up and its pissing me off!! It makes me sad cause all my hard work.. im going for thirty days in a row with at least a min of 20mins of exercise
  • evansproudmama
    16 whole days? WOW, I wish I had your commitment and patience!


    Come back in a few months then start complaining.

    I am 12lbs from my goal weight and while the cellulite isnt gone, it has drastically changed and lightened up. I have been doing this since JANUARY.

    Also, Squat. Heavy.

    I should have mentioned I've been doing this since December! I've lost 50lbs in whole and I squat and lift heavy. I just meant I've been going 16 days without a break is all I will edit my original post and my issue is mostly that it has changed spots not that it isnt gone its just annoying its like the squats have created a new problem
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Oh ok. See, now i sound like a b*tch. LOL. I think that unless you get down to really lean body mass, it wont really ALL go away. But consider it an accomplishment if it has minimized!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    16 whole days? WOW, I wish I had your commitment and patience!

    Thank you! I'm on a mission to get to my goal weight and look hot before my family reunion. I've lost 50lbs so far and am on the last little hall and have been feeling great but then this little ugly surprise came up and its pissing me off!! It makes me sad cause all my hard work.. im going for thirty days in a row with at least a min of 20mins of exercise

    That's where I go to pick up chicks too.
  • evansproudmama
    16 whole days? WOW, I wish I had your commitment and patience!

    Thank you! I'm on a mission to get to my goal weight and look hot before my family reunion. I've lost 50lbs so far and am on the last little hall and have been feeling great but then this little ugly surprise came up and its pissing me off!! It makes me sad cause all my hard work.. im going for thirty days in a row with at least a min of 20mins of exercise

    That's where I go to pick up chicks too.

    LMAO! that sounded bad haha it's my husbands family reunion and I want to make his family eat their words since they where all talking ish on me last time I saw them and was 205
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Cellulite is a girls best friend.

    The kind of friend that hates you if you look better than them, and secretly wishes you'd stay fat, rather than lose weight.
    Cellulite believes that if two dimples on your face makes you look cute, then a million on your *kitten* must make it smoking hot.

    Cellulite doesn't leave you.. It stands behind you all your life, and supports you.

    Cellulite is natural and most women have it... Yes I have a pile of it. Thighs calves, triceps, and on the *kitten*... Refer to the smoking hot bit.

    Celebrities have it. It succumbs regularly to air brushing.

    Cellulite can be forced into hiding when body fat is exceptionally low and muscle strength is high. Ie. All those muscles are pressing against the skin and thereby forcing the dimples a bit flatter. (bra-sciebce there)

    My honest recommendation... Look at cellulite as sexy overload. If you have it, it's likely to stay to some extent.

    Ps. Creams and potions don't work.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Cellulite is a girls best friend.

    The kind of friend that hates you if you look better than them, and secretly wishes you'd stay fat, rather than lose weight.
    Cellulite believes that if two dimples on your face makes you look cute, then a million on your *kitten* must make it smoking hot.

    Cellulite doesn't leave you.. It stands behind you all your life, and supports you.

    Cellulite is natural and most women have it... Yes I have a pile of it. Thighs calves, triceps, and on the *kitten*... Refer to the smoking hot bit.

    Celebrities have it. It succumbs regularly to air brushing.

    Cellulite can be forced into hiding when body fat is exceptionally low and muscle strength is high. Ie. All those muscles are pressing against the skin and thereby forcing the dimples a bit flatter. (bra-sciebce there)

    My honest recommendation... Look at cellulite as sexy overload. If you have it, it's likely to stay to some extent.

    Ps. Creams and potions don't work.
    Mirey, y u crush my hopes and dreams?:cry:
  • evansproudmama
    Im more pissed that it seems to have appeared now that im eating better and working out then I am *****ing that its there Im pissed that its moved and want to know why
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Im more pissed that it seems to have appeared now that im eating better and working out then I am *****ing that its there Im pissed that its moved and want to know why

    Ok. More bra-science. I don't have sources. But I've heard that everyone has a layer of fat under the skin. There's something about ligaments, and when they're relaxed, then the fat cells press against the skin and you see cellulite.

    When you start exercising, muscle grows and presses against the fat, often making it seem worse than ever.

    Keep going... Darkest before the dawn and all that.

    It does seem to get worse before it gets better
  • Symphony2010
    Symphony2010 Posts: 50 Member
    I've been told cellulite is genetic....much like getting varicose veins or if you're prone to stretch marks.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Really? 16 days. Give it more time.
  • evnevelle
    evnevelle Posts: 13
    I think I've had cellulite on my butt/thigh area since I was about 15. And I was skinny. It just got worse when I gained weight. Now I'm back to normal but I know I'll probably never get rid of the cellulite, just have to work harder on building muscle to make my thighs looks better...
  • Sarah_L_S
    Sarah_L_S Posts: 121
    Without seeing your diary, the only thing I can sugest is to try skin brushing to improve the circulation in those areas. Also avoid bread/wheat. In any case, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think, most women have some.
  • lalaland82
    lalaland82 Posts: 176 Member
    Grrr I hate cellulite!! I had it even as a skinny teenager. And my OH decided to point out to me that since losing weight it looks like I have more :grumble: ( I flipped him the finger and continued with my squats)
    Was hoping to click on your post and find someone had a magic formula, but I'm thinking my mum was right and I just have to learn to live with it :frown:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I think you probaaaaably should have started sooner.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    mu naturopath recommended a lemon squeezed into water each morning to help with general detoxification and as a bonus cellulite too!
    Good luck!
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I'm going to believe the person who said it gets worse before it gets better, because mine is certainly getting worse!
    My friend who is bigger, size 18/20 (UK), doesn't ever exercise and eats anything yummy, she doesn't have one bit of cellulite and even though I'm glad i'm a size UK 10 and run, lift etc, I still want her lovely legs :'(

    Just keep at it! it should appear better soon :D