Does anyone else get antsy/guilty if they miss gym sessions?



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I used to but not anymore. What I do find is that I'm hungrier or that I think about food more often on days I don't get my exercise routines in.
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    Yes, not only do I feel guilty when I don't go, but I'll be in a bad mood the rest of the day. Go figure, about a month and a half ago I didn't exercise at all and now my days just aren't right if I don't.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Yup! Guilt and anxiety! x564507840
  • PeanutButterLuver
    I really don't like missing my workouts. It's a part of my daily routine....
    Also a way to help manage my depression & anxiety.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    If I miss a session, I am an ogre until I get back in there. My mood is just so bad.
  • Elphaba91
    Elphaba91 Posts: 66 Member
    I skipped today and feel SOOOO guilty! Even though I know I had good reason (I was so sore and exhausted and knew I wouldn't be able to get through my day at work if I did and even then I still fell asleep on the couch this evening!) I still feel terrible about it :sad:
  • Pardyqueenxoxo
    Pardyqueenxoxo Posts: 218 Member
    Soooooo glad i asked and im not alone! x