I just can't stick to it



  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    First off, you need to STOP with the pity party. Second, going from a large fry to a small fry is not going to help you lose weight. YOUR STILL EATING THE WRONG FOODS, even if it's less of it. If you want this bad enough, you will make it happen. What I'm hearing from your post is, "Blah, Blah, Blah, I can't, I can't, I can't, Blah, Blah, Blah...." You have to eat healthy and exercise to make it happen. Eating less junk food and exercising every once in a while when you feel like it will just leave you feeling disappointed and frumpy.
    $H!T OR GET OFF THE POT. Nobody just wakes up one day and says, "OMG, I'm sooooo skinny. I wonder how this happened". People who have healthy bodies, healthy minds and muscle tone have worked their *kitten* off to get there. You have to work your *kitten* off too.

    Good Luck! I hope you find what your looking for but with your attitude, I seriously doubt you will. Sorry to say!:noway:

    I work with a personal trainer 2x a week and go on my on 2 more times a week....I DO work my *kitten* off...I leave that gym drenched in sweat. I do heavy lifting every time...I am up to 70lbs on the stacks and 30lb free weights. My legs I am up to 160lbs. So I am not some lazy ***** who won't work out...And the trainer is not easy on me, she pushes me to a almost puke point. This is the longest I've held on with no weight loss.

    I've had a bad day...it's not all about the weight. It's about the 5 yr old son who tells me he hates me. The husband who does not want me to go to a Mom's night out and loves to fight with me about it and claims I get to go everywhere. It's the stress of my gym bill when I can't get a cleaning job to pay for it when the lady I babysat for sort of laid me off when her husband was laid off.

    And why do I want to lose weight? Because I am sick of looking at the fat jiggle jiggle in the mirror...I want to wear cute clothes again, I don't want to be ashamed of how I look, and I want my husband to have a hot wife. Just every time I try...I fail. I've tried losing weight for 10 yrs.

    Sounds to me like you have way more going on then just your dieting. For one, beat your 5 year olds *kitten* when he tells you he hates you. Number two, tell your husband to screw off. Number 3, get rid of the damn gym membership, you dont need it. Ive lost 65 pounds and kept it off for 6 months without ever stepping foot in a gym. Put that money towards better use. You need to get naked, completely. And take pictures. Look at those pictures until your body image is burned into your mind. Then do something about it!! No one is going to respect you until you respect yourself. Decide that you want to be hot for YOU not your husband. I was 235lbs at 5'2. Im now 171lbs and want to loose another 20-30lbs. I did it for ME! I have had hang ups. I have gone to McDonalds. But I stay under my calories and give up something for that. I dont "treat" myself with food. Im not a dog. I dont eat ANY of my kids foods. Period! They are for KIDS not me. I buy healthier options for myself to snack on. Try DVD's at home for workouts. Ive lost my weight doing DVD's by Jillian Michaels. The only one that can motivate you to get healthy is YOU. Put pictures and saying ALL over your house; in your fridge, in your bathroom. EVERYWHERE! To remind you of why you are doing it. Get on the ball and get healthy cause imagine what you can look like in 6 months? Imagine still being fat in 6 months...which one do you want??
  • LisaY76
    LisaY76 Posts: 76 Member
    First off, you need to STOP with the pity party. Second, going from a large fry to a small fry is not going to help you lose weight. YOUR STILL EATING THE WRONG FOODS, even if it's less of it. If you want this bad enough, you will make it happen. What I'm hearing from your post is, "Blah, Blah, Blah, I can't, I can't, I can't, Blah, Blah, Blah...." You have to eat healthy and exercise to make it happen. Eating less junk food and exercising every once in a while when you feel like it will just leave you feeling disappointed and frumpy.
    $H!T OR GET OFF THE POT. Nobody just wakes up one day and says, "OMG, I'm sooooo skinny. I wonder how this happened". People who have healthy bodies, healthy minds and muscle tone have worked their *kitten* off to get there. You have to work your *kitten* off too.

    Good Luck! I hope you find what your looking for but with your attitude, I seriously doubt you will. Sorry to say!:noway:

    I work with a personal trainer 2x a week and go on my on 2 more times a week....I DO work my *kitten* off...I leave that gym drenched in sweat. I do heavy lifting every time...I am up to 70lbs on the stacks and 30lb free weights. My legs I am up to 160lbs. So I am not some lazy ***** who won't work out...And the trainer is not easy on me, she pushes me to a almost puke point. This is the longest I've held on with no weight loss.

    I've had a bad day...it's not all about the weight. It's about the 5 yr old son who tells me he hates me. The husband who does not want me to go to a Mom's night out and loves to fight with me about it and claims I get to go everywhere. It's the stress of my gym bill when I can't get a cleaning job to pay for it when the lady I babysat for sort of laid me off when her husband was laid off.

    And why do I want to lose weight? Because I am sick of looking at the fat jiggle jiggle in the mirror...I want to wear cute clothes again, I don't want to be ashamed of how I look, and I want my husband to have a hot wife. Just every time I try...I fail. I've tried losing weight for 10 yrs.

    It sounds to me that you have a lot more going on than just wanting to lose weight. If you don't get your life stresses under control then, even if you do lose the weight, it will be extremely difficult to keep it off. (I speak from personal experience) Find an outlet for your stress. For me, I was never a runner but I now use it as a stress relief. I sit my 2 year old in the stroller and take her with me on my runs. She loves it. Before I found my stress outlet I would sit on the couch, watch hours and hours of T.V. and eat junk food. I had to learn to love myself (at any weight). :heart: This took a lot of soul searching. You may want to seek counseling to help you get there. (and I'm not saying that out of disrespect for you) I would love to vent for an hour to a perfect stranger and then go about my day. Maybe I should look into it. :huh: But anyways, my point is that it was a lot easier for me to lose weight once I realized that I was worthy. My body deserved good food and not junk food. After hundreds of hours of research, I believe I only liked the taste of the junk food because the gianormous corporations that manufacture it are putting addictive ingredients in them that make you think you have to have more and more of it. But, that's a whole other subject on its own. Good luck to you:flowerforyou:
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    First off, you need to STOP with the pity party. Second, going from a large fry to a small fry is not going to help you lose weight. YOUR STILL EATING THE WRONG FOODS, even if it's less of it. If you want this bad enough, you will make it happen. What I'm hearing from your post is, "Blah, Blah, Blah, I can't, I can't, I can't, Blah, Blah, Blah...." You have to eat healthy and exercise to make it happen. Eating less junk food and exercising every once in a while when you feel like it will just leave you feeling disappointed and frumpy.
    $H!T OR GET OFF THE POT. Nobody just wakes up one day and says, "OMG, I'm sooooo skinny. I wonder how this happened". People who have healthy bodies, healthy minds and muscle tone have worked their *kitten* off to get there. You have to work your *kitten* off too.

    Good Luck! I hope you find what your looking for but with your attitude, I seriously doubt you will. Sorry to say!:noway:

    This! It seems to me that you have some soul searching to do(Outside of the weight loss) Do you find that you are down on yourself a lot? You need to work on the inside before you can succeed on the outside. You can lose weight, but if you keep clouding your head with these negative thoughts, they are just going to derail you.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bull**** story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I also see a lot of problems in your diary. I don't know if those are days that you just didn't finish logging but 500-800 calories is NOT enough. Also I see that you eat a lot of Fast food and processed foods almost daily. Try cutting back. I am all about everything in moderation but maybe until you can get into a better habit with healthy eating, try eliminating those things out of your diet or at lease cut back.

    Again, good luck!!
  • LisaY76
    LisaY76 Posts: 76 Member
    part of this is not your fault. Mc donalds has been proven to increase food cravings, and dreaming of going back for more. Fast food execs were asked (off record) what the first thing they do to lose weight was... you guessed it they said cut the fast food because of the extra sugars and appetite pleasure stimulating chemicals added to inclease pleasure feelings in our brains. We never get truly nourished yet we want more. Ever wondered or noticed why a mickey d's cheeseburger bun tastes so different from others? How sweet.
    Thats being said right now I would not stress on calories, but eat real food real cooked or raw veg, grass fed beef if you must, chicken, fish,whole grains in moderation, healthy fats and fruits and lower sugar. Do this to reset your appetite. Good luck. I know I was a fast food freak. I was truly addicted yet hungry all the time.

    I knew it. McDonalds is the devil :devil:
  • LisaY76
    LisaY76 Posts: 76 Member
    FIRST: Replace the words "I can't" with "I choose not to." This is actually the truth, and one that you must face in order to move on. You CAN make a different choice. The next time those Golden Arches call you, don't say "no", say "later." This'll trick your brain: You aren't denying it what it wants, you are delaying it. Often, your brain will "forget" that it wanted it in the first place.

    SECOND: If you fall halfway down the stairs, should you pick yourself up and throw yourself the rest of the way down? Just cuz you blew it this morning, or whatever, doesn't mean you shouldn't do something better for yourself RIGHT NOW. Why not take a walk in the park? Have a yummy huge salad w your fave protein (chicken, salmon, steak?). Call a long lost friend and catch up.

    Make small, sustainable changes to your EATING HABITS (not diet!). When I say small, I mean small enough that you hardly notice. If you usually drink three sodas in a day, drink two. If you stop at McDonalds five times a week, only do four times. After you acclimate to each small change, make another. Repeat.

    This is a journey. No need to rush. Enjoy feeling the changes in yourself, mentally, physically, spiritually. And hey, cut yourself a break. I don't know you, but I'd bet you wouldn't kick someone when they were down, so why do you do it to yourself?

    Bump.... Smart lady :flowerforyou:
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bull**** story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.

    Gosh, I have heard of tough love but some of you on here today are just being brutal.
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    Losing weight is 70% what you eat, and 30% exercise. You're going to have to make some changes, and make them slowly. Like others have mentioned it's not a race, it's a marathon. A life change. If you know yourself (and you should) and you know that going cold turkey is just going to make you want to binge eat, then don't do it. Slowly ween yourself off of unhealthy food one day at a time.

    As for the other stuff going on, if you ever need to talk there are loads of people around who are willing to listen. Don't be so hard on yourself. Hugs.
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    I haven't lost weight in 6 weeks and I am convinced it's my eating. I just cannot stick to eating right. I don't go over 1900 calories...but what does it matter. I feel like I blew it today with Mcdonalds. I am still under calories for the day but geez....I can't keep the sugar down. I thought this was just about calories but I think for me it's sugar an sodium. I don't want to be one of those people who are always trying to lose weight and never seem to lose ANY weight. I'm in a contest at my gym and everyone is losing weight. I have not lost any inches, any weight or anything. My fitness level is going up but who gives a crap about that in a freaking contest. All I want is to weigh under 200 at this point. I am SICK TO DEATH of being fat. Sure I can control myself at McD's. I don't eat the fries...rather they are no longer large but small. But it's not just there. I manage to screw up at home. 3 oclock rolls around and I'm hungry and I eat 2 of those little fruit snacks of my kids. Sure, I eat apples and cheese as well....but it doesn't seem to matter. No matter what I eat I can't lose weight. I lost like 5 lbs(not all at once) 7 weeks ago....but now nothing. I really wanted to win $5000 but I think a man is going to get it. I know of one guy that lost 10lbs in the first week. I shouldn't have entered the stupid thing. I'm just destined to be f@#$ing fat for the rest of my life. I need to go to the gym today, but my motivation is gone. I don't even feel like trying anymore. I didn't think I was asking too much to just be a size 14 again. Why is this so hard? Just 2 pounds a week was all I was asking...2 little pounds a week. Why can't I do it? I see success stories all the time, why can't I be one? I get up every day and say to myself I won't screw up again...but I do. EVERY SINGLE DAY I screw up. I eat the same stuff as my husband and he lost 11 pounds! I am sick of it already! I'm just a fatty fat fat...my mom always said I'd never be skinny and I guess she was right. YEARS of fighting that and she' was right. I think my body wants to be fat. I am just beyond pissed.


    Stop beating yourself up and focus and try to do better. Sitting here typing this post whining and crying about it isn't going to help anything. Tomorrow you need to get up and say "I can do better!" and go for it. I had to change my whole way of thinking and eating. I still eat my guilty pressures but I have gotten smart about it. It isn't any one thing...it's learning how to eat for nutrition vs just what you have a taste for. I've even been eating veggies and now the challenge facing me is learning to cook more stuff myself. You won't see me post on here about my 30 days stuck between 212 and 216.5, I rededicated myself and doubled my efforts and while my weight hasn't moved much...my pants very loose and they were tight 45 days ago. Find other ways to measure progress. You been doing find, get back into beast mode and your wait loss will resume!!!

    I leave you with this....
    Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
    and an old Army fav: "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
  • Portugueselove
    Portugueselove Posts: 255 Member
    If you have tried everything and it doesn't work, have you thought maybe in pursuing weight loss surgery? I am sure you will be forced not to eat McDonalds if you have that. :)
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    when I began my journey, I decided that I wanted to be healthier so I wanted to eat healthier, but the first thing I needed to learn was what healthy eating was. I found some books and began reading. So when I started back in January, I began by getting rid of processed sugars and processed flours. I filled my fridge with lots of fruits and vegetables. Having a busy life, I will make baggies of fresh veggies (current favorite is broccoli and baby carrots). I make sure I eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day and usually more. I make it a point to eat whole grains (look at the label and make sure the first ingredient is whole grain), It is best to cook lean meat yourself and not do fried. Because I have a busy life, I tend to do a lot of Lean Cuisines and Smart ones. My snacks are veggies, fruits and nuts (watching portions on the nuts. And lots of water 80-100 ounces of water. I also work out about an hour every day. I have found that my body (even at 54 years old and post menaposal) has responded beautifully to this --. I have lost 49 pounds since January 4

    I am doing the same stuff you are doing and it has worked out great...i do fruits for snacks and have started eating veggies at lunch.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself.
    Take a good hard look at what you are eating, first of all Macca's probably isn't the best which you already know but I find for me I eat something big for breakfast, something yummy & filling with protein for lunch & then I've been having either soup, salad or a smoothie for dinner & I've been noticing the scales move. The saying goes "eat like a king for breakfast, pauper for lunch & peasant for dinner"
    Good luck - competitions can put uncessessary stress on yourself, you've got kids, be kind to yourself & go easy. :flowerforyou:
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    I went into this with my ultimate goal being to lose weight and get healthier, but I knew from the beginning I, ME!!! had to be accountable for what I put in my mouth, and that means EVERYTHING. I focused on cleaning up my diet and it was hard. Years of eating crap had become my way of life.....3 or 4 CUPS of ice cream every night, with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Fast food 3 or 4 times a week, super sizing them too. Not eating breakfast and pigging out at dinner, drowning my "healthy" salad in half cups of salad dressing and cheese. I started slow, cutting out one to two things a week and replacing them with healthier options. The last time I had ice cream was more than two months ago and it was a sugar free breyers. I haven't eaten at a fast food place in months ( I did have a chicken sandwich off BK's value menu when I left the house without eating breakfast), that was the last time. I log everything I eat after I weigh it. I stay away from processed crap and make 90 percent of my own food. I plan ahead now and take food with me if I'm going to be out for a while. I haven't felt this good in many years....I"m exercising 5-6 days a week and I'm getting ready to add strength training so I can be toned as well as smaller. I have fallen back in love with veggies and fruits and lean proteins and water. It's not easy, but it is definately doable. Can't isn't a word I say anymore. I did go to the movies last night, and I had the popcorn and some candy.......I was so sick to my stomach, I learned my lesson there. My body isn't used to that crap anymore and doesn't want it. You can choose to keep feeding your body garbage and you most likely will feel like garbage or you can choose to make a commitment and start cutting the crap out and start eating foods that will make your body AND your mind happier. Most people here are very supportive....you can add me as a friend if you like and I'll help as much as I can. Just stop with the I CAN'T, I CAN'T........YOU CAN!!!!!:drinker:
  • justjennnie
    justjennnie Posts: 39 Member
    It's really tough to eat healthily when there are so many bad choices around. Try to minimize the sweets you see and fill your house with healthy options that you can grab. "out of sight out of mind" really helps.

    Also, when you find yourself hungry try eating healthy options first. Fill yourself up with a giant salad with some type of protein before going to restaurants.

    It is really difficult, and there is always ups and downs. Please remember that this is more important than a short term contest. it's for your health and that's worth the investment.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member

    WTF, I eat about 1600 cals or more per day, moron. I eat more when I need to.

    Cuz there's no way that what we put in our body affects health in any way. (Who's delusional???)

    My diary is open to everyone, so that was a pretty silly thing to say. Just because you disagree and think you have it all figured out with just calories in/out and that our body has no complex processes to ensure survival, doesn't mean you need to LIE.

    Off topic, but... I just looked at your diary for the past week and a half, and every day your calories total less than 800.... Just sayin'.

    Thank You!

    And apparently she eats only once a day (having coffee with whipping cream doesn't count as lunch in my books) as there is no breakfast listed. This may work fine for her but it is not the norm by any means.

    OP, just keep on logging EVERYTHING faithfully. I have had problems the past couple of days, and blew it one evening but the next day I just started over. I now am battling those extra calories by walking one more time each day, and eating a hundred calories or so less each day for a few days. It balances out over a week's time because your body doesn't know if it's Monday or Tuesday or three days from now. If I can do it, anyone can do it! It's really slow for me too but I spent 30 years getting this way so 24 months to turn it around ain't so bad!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Usually ppl that that say things like "i just cant stick to it" are quitters.
    Less talking more action.
    Don't base your results against your hubby's.
    Go get whats yours girl.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Problem 1, you are stressing your gym bill - stay away from McDonalds, that'll save you money
    Problem 2, No weight loss, - see problem 1's solution

    Kids ALWAYS say they hate you, they only love you when they want something!
    Hate means you must be doing something right :)

    Eat clean, no fast food, nada, stay away from the salt..

    But in the end, it doesn't matter what any of us say, YOU have to want it more than anything else.

    Good Luck

    I stress over the bill because it is my responsibility. My hubby is the one buying McDs, not me. Just thought I would throw that out there,
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    OP, their are some very long winded posts here, lots of advice, lots of bro-science and some total nonsense. It really doesn't matter what you eat.....it really doesn't. If you eat at a caloric deficit you will lose weight. That's physics, you can't trump it. Don't over think it, log your food, accurately, calculate your TDEE and create a healthy deficit. TDEE- 15/20% is a good start. Don't worry about sugar, sodium, carbs, protein, mcdonalds papa John's, waffle house or anything else, maintain a deficit. If you exercise some, great, if not, it doesn't matter. Maintain the deficit. Here is where what I am saying and what others are saying meet. OVER TIME you will want to make better choices.......right now, keep it simple, calorie deficit is all you care about. Right now your calories in are exceeding your calories burned, therefore, you are gaining. Reverse that and you are good. And as an aside, whoever that was that said calories in/calories out is nonsense, you either need back that up with some science or shut up.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    1) Weight loss is largely controlled by your diet. Put the energy and focus you use at the gym to watching what you eat. I'm not saying to quit exercising. It's good for you, and it does help, but it does not affect you weight loss like taking control of your intake

    2) If you want to control your intake, you need to know how much you're eating. Log everything, measure everything. Figure out what your intake is now, then figure out what changes you need to make to bring it where you want it to be. Keep measuring and logging so you don't overeat because your estimates are wrong. Keep in mind that if you overeat one meal, you can compensate for it over the day, or even the week. It's not a failure. It's not a reason to give up and let the day/week/month go to hell.

    3) After you've got your intake under control, give it a couple of weeks. For some of us, our bodies won't just drop weight right away, it takes some acclimation. I fall in this category. Took me 2 weeks for a single ounce to come off even eating at ~ 400 cal per day deficit.