Let's petition MFP to use a REAL BMR/ TDEE calculator



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I actually like the flexibility of MFP. You can use the programme as is, or use custom goals. Like others, I eat much the same amount of calories whether I do the MFP system or do TDEE - x%. With TDEE - x% I'm probably still NETTING below my BMR sometimes.

    Perhaps the problem is just in how MFP prompts you to set up your goals. It seems to recommend a 1lb a week weight loss for everybody and for many of us, that will mean 1200 calories before exercise. It doesn't really explain what's meant by 1 lb a week weight loss, when in fact it just means a deficit of 500 calories a day, as long as that takes you above 1200. It's confusing at first! Espeically as a lot of people will be given 1200 calories no matter whether they choose 2lb a week loss or the "recommended" 1lb a week loss.

    It doesn't explain why a 500 calorie deficit is "recommended" and what are the advantages or disadvantages of going higher or lower. Personally, I started off with 1lb a week and changed to 1/2 lb a week when I was finding it dificult, but again it's confusing when there's not much difference between the two. I would just have liked more information and guidance from MFP to begin with. For instance, it's not clear to everyone that you fitness goals don't affect your calorie goal and that you have to manually enter your exercise each day.

    If it really is dangerous for people to lose 1 lb a week, then maybe that option shouldn't be there and everybody should be set at 1/2 lb a week. But I'm sure there are some people who could lose 1lb a week, and it would be nice if they had the option available.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Ok, there's a lot of interesting conversation but you're MISSING THE POINT. I was using my numbers as an example. If MFP were programmed correctly, so that it could tell you what your actual BMR is (based on body fat %, measurements, etc etc) then it would NEVER suggest 1200 for me EVER.

    Do you see what I'm getting ?

    How about free will and choice? Personal responsibility?

    MFP recommends 1 pound per week lost, and at least for me, those calorie counts would be close to TDEE -20%. If I choose to set it at 2pound per week lost despite their recommendations, that is on me. You, MFP or any other person or group is in not responsible for my choice, and quite frankly I don't want you to be.


    I am getting really sick and tired of people coming on this site and reading a few forum posts and suddenly they are the expert on the perfect way for everyone to lose weight. First off, no offense, but unless your ticker is wrong, you haven't managed to lose one pound yet. So whatever you have been doing, apparently isn't working for you. So when you figure out what works for YOU, and you lose the weight and prove that it does work for YOU, THEN you can have some credibility to give other people advice. You certainly do not have the credibility to even suggest that the whole website, (which is free to use, by the way) should be changed because you read from other people that it is wrong. Sheez!

    The website is a tool. If used correctly, it has helped many many people lose weight and get healthier. This site is for adults. Adults have to be responsible for tools they decide to use, and use them correctly. Adults have brains. If you try something and it isn't working for you, then WOW, how about trying something different? Nothing on this site is forcing you to eat a certain way.

    As for your BMR- there is no online calculator that can tell you your exact BMR. They can give you an estimate based on other people who are similar in size and body composition, but they cannot take in consideration all the things that factor into your BMR.

    And knowing your BMR doesn't even matter! Weight loss is achieved by creating a calorie deficit from your TDEE. That is the only number you need to know. And the only way to find out that number is by tracking your calories and weight loss accurately.

    Eating below a random number that some calculator tells you is your BMR will NOT make you go into 'starvation mode'. Because that calculator doesn't know your true BMR.
    And for most people, unless you are underweight already, you have fat stores to be used for energy when you eat at a calorie deficit.

    For someone who is 5'6" and weighs 100 pounds and wants to lose 2 pounds a week, is just crazy. Certainly that is not healthy for them. But to tell a person who is 200 pounds overweight that they should not try to lose more than 1 pound a week is crazy as well. That would take them 4 YEARS to get to a healthy weight. By then, they could have died from Diabetes or a heart attack. They can certainly eat reasonably under their BMR for a time, without causing damage.

    You mentioned common sense in one of your posts on here? That is exactly what everyone who comes on here needs to use.

    BTW, when I plugged MY stats into the Katch Mccardle calculator, it gave me a BMR that was 200 points BELOW what MFP says. I used that information to realize how different we can be, and to figure out what works for ME, not what a bunch of strangers on the internet try to tell me is right.

    Educate yourself thru research and trial and error. Sort out what works for you and doesn't work for you. Then move on and get healthier.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    MFP is not here to baby every one through there weight loss. They do not have the resources. They give the information and we decided decide how we are to use it. Limiting people to selecting only 1 pound doesn't take into account the morbidly obese who can select the 2 pound option and still be given a reasonable calories figure. ( I was given 1800 as my starting figure after selecting 2 pound). I personally have been using mfp figures and Ann happy with my weight loss and never really hungry.

    It comes down to personal responsibility and common sense no matter what they're will always be those who push it to extremes
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Ok, there's a lot of interesting conversation but you're MISSING THE POINT. I was using my numbers as an example. If MFP were programmed correctly, so that it could tell you what your actual BMR is (based on body fat %, measurements, etc etc) then it would NEVER suggest 1200 for me EVER.

    Do you see what I'm getting ?

    How about free will and choice? Personal responsibility?

    MFP recommends 1 pound per week lost, and at least for me, those calorie counts would be close to TDEE -20%. If I choose to set it at 2pound per week lost despite their recommendations, that is on me. You, MFP or any other person or group is in not responsible for my choice, and quite frankly I don't want you to be.


    I am getting really sick and tired of people coming on this site and reading a few forum posts and suddenly they are the expert on the perfect way for everyone to lose weight. First off, no offense, but unless your ticker is wrong, you haven't managed to lose one pound yet. So whatever you have been doing, apparently isn't working for you. So when you figure out what works for YOU, and you lose the weight and prove that it does work for YOU, THEN you can have some credibility to give other people advice. You certainly do not have the credibility to even suggest that the whole website, (which is free to use, by the way) should be changed because you read from other people that it is wrong. Sheez!

    The website is a tool. If used correctly, it has helped many many people lose weight and get healthier. This site is for adults. Adults have to be responsible for tools they decide to use, and use them correctly. Adults have brains. If you try something and it isn't working for you, then WOW, how about trying something different? Nothing on this site is forcing you to eat a certain way.

    As for your BMR- there is no online calculator that can tell you your exact BMR. They can give you an estimate based on other people who are similar in size and body composition, but they cannot take in consideration all the things that factor into your BMR.

    And knowing your BMR doesn't even matter! Weight loss is achieved by creating a calorie deficit from your TDEE. That is the only number you need to know. And the only way to find out that number is by tracking your calories and weight loss accurately.

    Eating below a random number that some calculator tells you is your BMR will NOT make you go into 'starvation mode'. Because that calculator doesn't know your true BMR.
    And for most people, unless you are underweight already, you have fat stores to be used for energy when you eat at a calorie deficit.

    For someone who is 5'6" and weighs 100 pounds and wants to lose 2 pounds a week, is just crazy. Certainly that is not healthy for them. But to tell a person who is 200 pounds overweight that they should not try to lose more than 1 pound a week is crazy as well. That would take them 4 YEARS to get to a healthy weight. By then, they could have died from Diabetes or a heart attack. They can certainly eat reasonably under their BMR for a time, without causing damage.

    You mentioned common sense in one of your posts on here? That is exactly what everyone who comes on here needs to use.

    BTW, when I plugged MY stats into the Katch Mccardle calculator, it gave me a BMR that was 200 points BELOW what MFP says. I used that information to realize how different we can be, and to figure out what works for ME, not what a bunch of strangers on the internet try to tell me is right.

    Educate yourself thru research and trial and error. Sort out what works for you and doesn't work for you. Then move on and get healthier.
    Well said
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I meant to mention as well, that MFP does have a BMR calculator, the Mifflin-St Jeor one. You have to look for it, but it's there if anybody wants it. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator