Excited after only losing 4lbs.



  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Absolutely be excited, 4lbs is great and it shows you you're on your way!
  • 4 lbs is great! I know how great you must feel...I know once i started seeing results there was no stopping me! For a long time I would work out and nothing happened then i looked at my eating habits and made some changes there. its been several years and 30 lbs later and i am just so happy with how i feel and look. I will never go back. you keep it going!! congrats on your 4 lbs and how ever many you have left to go! :)
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I say be excited! Seeing that what your doing is giving results is definitely worth getting excited about in my opinion :) I've lost 2.5 lbs and I'm excited haha so definitely yay for your 4 lbs!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    4lbs is totally something to be excited about! It means you worked hard and you're seeing changes! That's amazing :smile:

    Heck, 4lbs is almost halfway to my goal so I'd be jumping up and down if I lost that much :laugh:
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    Yayyyyy so proud of you and the 4lbs.!!!!!! :)
  • Pamella513
    Pamella513 Posts: 72
    When you're counting the pounds you have lost, take out the word "only". There is no "only" in weight loss totals darlin'. (this goes for everyone)

    No more "I've only lost four pounds".

    Change that to "I'VE LOST FOUR POUNDS!!!!! I ROCK!!!!"

    We are "only" human. We can "only" do so much. But when we do it....WE ROCK!!!!!!

    Great job
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member
    Personally i'm proud that I lost 4 lbs because it means that I'm actually doing something to lose weight.

    Absolutely. I'm glad I'm DOING SOMETHING! Those little pounds add up!