Obese and unable to lose weight



  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    You are on the right path... everyone says you're not eating enough, but I think that's something that you need to play around with, I for one cant eat that much, I just gain regardless of how much exercise I am doing.
    Firstly... get rid of the scales... just weigh once a month.
    Second... get your trainer to measure you and go on this only as a guide to how you are doing.

    I was starting to get very frustrated, the scale wasn't moving literally at all even though I was working very hard, then I measured myself and took a photo.... OMG!!! I had lost 14.5cm in 3 weeks and you can see from my photo <<<<<<< march, april, may, that I have changed ALOT. But going by the scales I was getting depressed.
    So the scales have been banned, I have put a reminder in my phone for a once a month weigh in, that's it.
    Eat clean, train hard and remember that you are getting all over changes... inside and outside, and I promise, 2 weeks is not long enough to see any changes but I bet you they are happening.
    Go and take a photo and take them at least once a month. Go, do it now!
    Believe in yourself!!!!
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    1200 in exercise and still only eat 1500 calories per day? That sounds dangerous. Have you shared that with your personnel trainer? I don't believe you'll be able to sustain that for very long and have the energy to keep going. Remember you are making life long changes.

    Edit - I see you have a nutritionist - good. Also measurements are showing positive changes - good. I'm just worried about calories. Take care of yourself.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I am a 130 pound, 5'7" female and I eat 1700 calories PLUS exercise calories just to MAINTAIN 130 pounds. You are not eating enough and you are likely to crash and burn netting only 300 cals a day. Why not try at least NETTING your 1500? (Still low cals, but better for your body than starving like you currently are.) Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I'm 5'11" and go between 220 and 230 pounds.

    Dude, seriously stop what your doing. If I eat anything under 1900 calories a day I'm starving. You are messing with your body's metabolism. You will feel so much better if you eat. Also your a guy. You have a trainer. Talk about lifting heavy with free weights. I do strong lifts 3x5 and run .. I started with c25k.
    Right now I'm at a point were I don't even care about my weight. I'm doing well with lifting, running and I pretty much keep tabs on my weight, but I don't let it get me down. With what you are eating you have no chance at gaining muscle. When you do lose weight, I'm guessing its going to drop like a rock.. and be all muscle mass. Your going to binge eat and spike that weight right back up. Basically replacing muscle with fat.
  • mikesavvy
    mikesavvy Posts: 108
    No no I only did that one time, netting 300 calories. I was a reply to someone who was asking if I eat my calories back.

    I eat 1500 calories no matter what exercise I do, I net still low, but besides that one time the lowest I go is 1200 net.
  • mikesavvy
    mikesavvy Posts: 108
    I'm 5'11" and go between 220 and 230 pounds.

    Dude, seriously stop what your doing. If I eat anything under 1900 calories a day I'm starving. You are messing with your body's metabolism. You will feel so much better if you eat. Also your a guy. You have a trainer. Talk about lifting heavy with free weights. I do strong lifts 3x5 and run .. I started with c25k.
    Right now I'm at a point were I don't even care about my weight. I'm doing well with lifting, running and I pretty much keep tabs on my weight, but I don't let it get me down. With what you are eating you have no chance at gaining muscle. When you do lose weight, I'm guessing its going to drop like a rock.. and be all muscle mass. Your going to binge eat and spike that weight right back up. Basically replacing muscle with fat.

    If you look at my measurements, I have gained muscle on this huge calorie defect so I cant believe that, I have gained 2 inches on arms and it isn't fat, I see more definition.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    2 weeks is a retarded sample size. Post again 4 weeks from now.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Maybe you won the genetic lottery. Could be newbie gains. It just doesn't seem like eating that little is a good idea is all.
    Seriously, Congrats of the arms!
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I agree with those that are saying that you should see a nutritionist. It looks like you rely a lot on supplements and protein powders. I really don't know too much about those things, but you do need to learn how to eat and what to eat in order to fuel your body.

    It also might help to do some research on what your daily recommendations for carbs/fat/protein/sodium/sugar are and set those in your journal.

    I preferring drinking my meals, its easier for me, I have a nutritionist. And My trainer has a ms in health and something else.

    They both seem to be ok with what I am eating, they are the ones that suggested a ketosis diet. The all have access to everything I eat.

    My doctor wanted to put me on a 500 calorie diet, which I refused.

    Ill get second opinions from different trainers and nutritionist.

    I just wanted some opinions, I will talk to more people.

    The supplements I take are for muscle growth, which it seems to have been working with my measurements.

    Haha I even had doctors tell me, to go on a doctor supervised 34 day fast......

    Hard to figure out who to trust.

    My doctor put me on Phentermine diet pills and 1200 calories a day. He was a doctor in the Bariactric weight loss center of a very large hospital around here. When I stopped losing weight, I listen to everyone here on the forums. Last time I saw him at the end of March, he nearly fell out of his chair when he saw how much I had lost. I told him I stopped the pills and increased my calories. They fluctuate daily between 1300 and 1600. He agreed with me. He said I was doing all the right things and "zig zagging" my calories and exercise kept my body from adapting.

    When your body adapts to the same routine of "X" amount of calories and "X" amount of exercise, guess what? Your body is smart. It works more efficient....meaning you won't burn what you used to.Nor will your body burn out. I do intermittent fasting as well. So from someone that fasts, I will say any doctor telling you to fast for 34 days (assuming it's a water fast), is an idiot and should have his license taken away.

    You are burning yourself out, OP. I've seen a lot of people crash and burn.....and come back having gained it all back or more. What you are doing is not sustainable. You can't live like this forever. Will you lose weight? Eventually. And then what? You have not built the skills needed to keep it off. Learn to live, OP. The scale will follow.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    I stopped reading at "unable to lose weight".

    How often are you cheating your diet? Are you lieing to yourself on your food logs? Are you snacking on foods between meals that you aren't tracking?

    Most of all, how bad do you want it? If you're "unable to lose weight" you aren't trying hard enough or you have a thyroid problem.

    Just being honest, these kinds of threads are getting old, fast.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Please...eat more. Eat your burned calories on top of upping your intake...even just a bit. I hate to see you setting yourself up to have troubles...when success is really not out of reach. You seem like a nice guy....you CAN DO THIS!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    join this group and make a post...they will help you.

  • mikesavvy
    mikesavvy Posts: 108
    I stopped reading at "unable to lose weight".

    How often are you cheating your diet? Are you lieing to yourself on your food logs? Are you snacking on foods between meals that you aren't tracking?

    Most of all, how bad do you want it? If you're "unable to lose weight" you aren't trying hard enough or you have a thyroid problem.

    Just being honest, these kinds of threads are getting old, fast.

    I don't cheat, I hit rock bottom, I have learn to hate food. I was instructed to have a cheat day yesterday, and I ate what I thought I would like and I got sick.

    I do not get hungry anymore, I never did, I ate based on cravings and not hunger. Now I eat to sustain.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member

    We already told you what the problem is, stop justifying your behavior. If you want results do what was recommend, if you don't keep justifying stuff that isn't working.

    Agreed. Eat more. A lot more. I weigh less than you and eat WAY more than you and still consistently lose. You should probably be eating ~ 2000 cals a day BEFORE exercise, and then eat back the exercise calories. Don't believe me? Fine. But what do you have to lose? What you're currently doing obviously isn't working.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    After everything that you have said, you might want to either find a new nutritionist or be more honest with the one you have now. Same thing with your trainer. Print out your food journal to show them and express your concerns and have them help you make adjustments to get in more calories with quality food. You can put in all of the work you want to in the gym but if you want results you also have to make an effort in the kitchen as well. And if you are not willing to make changes in there and do what you need to do to achieve your goal it's not going to work.

    Eat more, eat actual food and drink water.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I eat 1500 calories regardless of what I do,

    I have done 1200 in exercise and still only ate 1500 calories.

    ITs been 2 weeks, people say its muscle gain, water retention and other things. But muscle grows slowly, like .5 per week max.

    My objective it to get to 180 In 4 to 6 months, 8% bodyfat, currently at 30% bodyfat.

    I will keep training and keep at it, maybe lower my carbs to 20, hoping I still have energy for strength training.

    I also thought maybe its cause I don't drink enough water, I rarely drink anything.

    We already told you what the problem is, stop justifying your behavior. If you want results do what was recommend, if you don't keep justifying stuff that isn't working.

    I just can't argue with this^.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I started at 240ish pounds and was eating at 1800 min when I was rocking a desk job. Assuming you're 6 feet tall and in your 30's, your BMR is 2000 calories. Try eating more for at least a month. Don't overthink things. :)

    FWIW, 2 weeks isn't long enough to really do anything. I didn't see a loss for 3 weeks and, even then, I didn't start loosing regularly for 2 months. You're changing your body rather dramatically- it's not going to be easy and your body is going to rebel a little.
  • mikesavvy
    mikesavvy Posts: 108
    I have been replying to peoples questions about my diet, I will take into account your suggestions.

    And yes you have made several differ suggestions.

    But according to a majority of you, eating to lil can cause no weight loss, ie the cure for starving people.

    People made valid points, like don't pay attn. to the scale, take measurements and give it more time. Those are the suggestions I will hold.

    And eat more.... 0.0
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I have been replying to peoples questions about my diet, I will take into account your suggestions.

    And yes you have made several differ suggestions.

    But according to a majority of you, eating to lil can cause no weight loss, ie the cure for starving people.

    People made valid points, like don't pay attn. to the scale, take measurements and give it more time. Those are the suggestions I will hold.

    But not willing to try eating more (~2000) for a period of time, say, 6-8 weeks?
  • mikesavvy
    mikesavvy Posts: 108
    I have been replying to peoples questions about my diet, I will take into account your suggestions.

    And yes you have made several differ suggestions.

    But according to a majority of you, eating to lil can cause no weight loss, ie the cure for starving people.

    People made valid points, like don't pay attn. to the scale, take measurements and give it more time. Those are the suggestions I will hold.

    But not willing to try eating more (~2000) for a period of time, say, 6-8 weeks?

    Yeah I will try that, eat at my bmr or maintain. which is 2400-3500 depending.

    Help my hormone levels out.