Is heavy cream a healthy source of fats?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I find it difficult to eat enough fat, so I will put cream on my strawberries. Is this a healthy source of fat, or should I consume something like coconut oil instead?

    If you ask most nutrition experts, they would say no. But on an individual level whether it's "bad" would depend on the rest of your diet. If your diet also includes vegetable fats then a little cream on your strawberries is unlikely to be bad.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I get local organic cream-top milk delivered weekly. I scoop off the cream from the top of the bottle and add it to my coffee or berries. Heaven!

    I only get to do this once every few days when we open a new bottle. I'm sad the days I have to miss out on my cream.
  • ahmadfahmy
    ahmadfahmy Posts: 214 Member
    I find it difficult to eat enough fat, so I will put cream on my strawberries. Is this a healthy source of fat, or should I consume something like coconut oil instead?

    A healthy source of fat would be whole milk, any kind of nuts, coconut oil, hemp seeds, avocados, cheese, fatty cuts of meat.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I find it difficult to eat enough fat, so I will put cream on my strawberries. Is this a healthy source of fat, or should I consume something like coconut oil instead?

    A healthy source of fat would be whole milk, any kind of nuts, coconut oil, hemp seeds, avocados, cheese, fatty cuts of meat.

    Organic cream is also a healthy source of fat!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    If you think about how filling each of these foods are. the higher the # the more potential it has for a "dieting" food. Even though kiwi isnt listed on there, it is my signature dieting food. The kiwi still has the skin on when I eat it btw

    I think there is merit to this kind of information as a starting point to determine what foods tend to satisfy your hunger the best. At the end of the day it varies because there is an extremely strong psychological component to hunger (obviously).
    I am a big advocate of combing foods high in satiety that people enjoy with "junk food".
    Obviously depending on your goal if you are a bulker/cutter it will vary on the ratio and how much but this has always helped me lose weight.

    Finding foods you enjoy that are classified as nonprocessed whole foods, can be signature lifestyle foods that help people with caloric control
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    I totally agree. With a good assortment of herbs and spices you should be able to love "healthy" food. Sure, the best seasoned chicken or beans or rice or vegetables won't be the same as icecream, chocolate or cheese but they're still pretty damn good.

    EDIT: I can't comment on bulking strategies. If you train a lot you can eat an obscene amount of food..
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I find it difficult to eat enough fat, so I will put cream on my strawberries. Is this a healthy source of fat, or should I consume something like coconut oil instead?

    Yes it is, just the same as coconut oil, just has less marketing, even though it tastes better than the coco goo.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    agreed...IMO milk is not healthy anyways. :laugh: :tongue:

    Milk is not cream, though. Cream is just the fat in milk. Animal fats are not unhealthy. OP, I've lost 12 pounds so far using things like heavy cream and butter - in general, a high fat diet. I'm not necessarily recommending you try this approach, but if you need a fat boost, cream is a great source.

    sorry derived from a cow , unless its meat IMO is not healthy :laugh:

    Prove it

    IMO = In my opinion....nothing to prove LMAO...just my opinion!!
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    I have read quite a few milk/meat hater comments. My view- I have canine teeth, one stomach, and enzymes to digest meat. Thus, I must be a carnivore- meat/saturated fat. Those of you that do not have canine teeth and and have multiple stomachs like the grass eaters, must be herbivores- vegetables/vegetable oil. There, problem solved.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I have read quite a few milk/meat hater comments. My view- I have canine teeth, one stomach, and enzymes to digest meat. Thus, I must be a carnivore- meat/saturated fat. Those of you that do not have canine teeth and and have multiple stomachs like the grass eaters, must be herbivores- vegetables/vegetable oil. There, problem solved.

    You just don't understand. We're enlightened today and animals have feelings.


    ok, I couldn't keep that bs up anymore. ;) You nailed it. We have brains that evolved to the size they are thanks to our love of meat and animal fats. To go against that is stupid. I don't mean dumb, I mean window licker stupid.
    ANGALOVE Posts: 2
    It just amazes me how many people are misled about fat such as one gal who says , CREAM healthy? Seriously ? How bout this one ........people who obcess about FAT or any specific food? SERIOUSLY? Everything in small amounts and you will be loving life! Weight watchers ( which has been documented as the healthiest lifestyle diet ) teaches us that " No Food Is A Bad Food " !
  • brenannn
    brenannn Posts: 19
    I was hoping everyone would say it was healthy so i would think of homemade icecream as diet food :P