Anyone wanna do a goal oriented month of June??



  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    Ok, sorry for the absence. I started a new job on Monday and I have been rather naughty on the food front but I have still found the time to get some exercise done. A nice mixture of either working out in the gym or swimming. The diet starts again in earnest tomorrow alongside the exercise so fingers crossed I start to lose some weight.

    And seeing as there is only the World Cup on in m flat at the moment I figure that I should make the most of not having the TV to veg' in front of and get out to the gym. So fingers crossed that by the time it is over my waistline would have profited from the footie and I will be in some sort of a routine.

    Good luck everyone in the next week :smile: .
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    so i am not going to make it to my goal. i would need to do 130 minutes pretty much every day from here on in to make it.

    but i am still proud of myself!
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    OK, so I managed to get 1644 minutes completed out of the 1800 goal I set for myself. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get all, but I'm still proud that I exercised as many as I did. Yay! Go Me! :bigsmile: