What do you count as 'water'?



  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    This topic makes me want to kill myself.
    Via drowning.
    In water.

    Log those gulps. Even the last ones.

    But it's not water if your in it.... RIGHt?
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    I count water as water.

    1 gallon a day. COME AT ME BRAH.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I only count water as water.
    But, I don't really see why you couldn't count your juices or flavored waters.
    I would most certainly NOT count alcohol as water, it does not hydrate you, it does the opposite!
    Also, would not count coffee, as it is a diuretic. Not helping to hydrate you either.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    This topic makes me want to kill myself.
    Via drowning.
    In water.

    Log those gulps. Even the last ones.

    But it's not water if your in it.... RIGHt?
    Right. As soon as you drop a person in there, the water/person suspension ceases to have hydrating properties. Only absolutely 100% pure, no chemical trace whatsoever H2O provides any hydration. That's actually what most people died of, prior to the invention of the home water filter pitchers. *cough*
    Also, would not count coffee, as it is a diuretic. Not helping to hydrate you either.
    Please see the aforementioned Snopes article - or similar documents from the Mayo clinic - for more on "coffee/tea/caffeinated soda as a diuretic." Unless you're mainlining it, you won't be appreciably dehydrated.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Water, plain, only. I drink green tea, coffee, hibiscus water but log those wherever they (meal or snack).
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    What difference does it really make if you log all the calories in your drinks and are hydrated anyway? :drinker:

    I don't log water, I just keep myself hydrated without aspiring to some made up number of needed ounces of water.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I just fllled up my water bottle, added the juice of a lemon and some Stevia....lemonade! I consider that water.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I only count plain water in my water intake.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I log everything I eat or drink...so if I have coffee and MFP has it, I log it. If I have orange juice and MFP has it, I log it.

    If I have a glass of water or 10-15 like I normally do, I increment that little water class under my food log.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've noticed some variation in what people count toward their water intake. I usually count all non-alcoholic liquids toward water, as long as I also account for any calories the liquid may have. Then I wonder, should diet soda count, should coffee count, should decaf count, should orange juice count, should flavored waters count, should iced tea count? Maybe only calorie-free, decaffeinated beverages? I'm sure there are also purists who would say only clear H20 counts. What do you count toward your total water intake?

    No to everything ...

    Count water as water ...count coffee or tea as water if said coffee or tea is black and with out sugar or milk/cream. No soda pops ... no diet drinks no no no no
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Generally I just log the water and not the coffee/tea/occasional soda/milk/almond milk.
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    I count water as in only water as water and flavored waters, such as adding in a low calorie flavor packets.

    My husband had this conversation with the massage therapist. She asked if he drank a lot of water, he said yes, tea. She said that is not water..... It requires "processing" that water doesn't or something like that....

    I don't count diet sodas, or other non water drinks towards my water count..
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Water is water, that's all.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I always go by the Mayo Clinic's info on this. Great article.

  • lizfiz50
    lizfiz50 Posts: 179 Member
    When I was doing weight watchers, they said you could count juices and soda as water. I tend to only count pure water or flavored water though. Didn't count that 12oz coke zero I just had.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    ice makes you burn more calories i heard.
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    ice makes you burn more calories i heard.

    But let's say you adhere to the "eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day" nutritional recommendation. In 64 ounces of water, there are 1,892.72 grams. So to warm up all that water in the course of a day, your body burns 70,030 calories, or 70 Calories. And over time, that 70 Calories a day adds up. So, while you definitely shouldn't depend on ice water consumption to replace exercise or a healthy diet, drinking cold water instead of warm water does, in fact, burn some extra Calories!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I don't track my fluid intake, but if I so chose to, I would count everything except hard liquor as it all hydrates you - which is the point of the counter.