Team Fit- June



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!!

    Well I was bad this weekend...... hmmm whats new..... I weighed in yesterday and i am depressed. it said 159...... I got down to 153 and now I'm back at 159!!!! Angela and Derrick said i could be putting on muscle mass since we're doing a lot of strenght training but i'm not buying it. so i have to be extra good this week. i want to get back down! i want to weigh around 145 or 140... :cry: I feel like i wont ever get there..... but i'm not going to give up. i really need a HRM!!! Well I was in the sun yesterday so my shoulders and back and face are red and im having some kind of reacting to the proactive i've been using and i have hives all over my face! :ohwell: :cry: it sucks! they itch and my face feels weird and bloated!

    well i'm going to be good this week, and i'm going to make sure i go to the gym 5 days this week for an hour each day! i'm taking a multi-vitamin now so hopefully those help. and i set up my account so i get to see my traineronce a week. so hopefully he will help keep me on track.

    Lisa- I weigh in on Sunday's. And I think if you weigh in on Mondays then you will try to be better during the weekend. but I'm not a good example of it. lol. And I know what you mean about being hot! It was 110 here yesterday!!! :noway:

    today: 8 glasses of water and 1 hour at the gym!

    Lets keep it up ladies!!! you can do this!! :glasses: :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: :smile:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Team,

    I had a good few days. With my cleanse I lost weight. I did have a bad day yesterday. Had a glass of sangria and lots of meat! I am looking forward to starting round 2 of BBL today.

    I agree with the Monday weight in. I feel like the week is easier to have a schedule for meals and working out so weight in on Friday's goes well. The weekend is when it gets tough. So I do Monday, weight ins to make sure I try to stay on track on the wkends. I do my measurements every few weeks.
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Ariel, I was bad this weekend too. :drinker: Had a fun weekend though. Went to Birmingham, AL to meet a friend who is taking a road trip this week. She then stayed at my house last night (first houseguest!) and we went to the beach... found some tar balls. :mad: This whole oil spill fiasco is ridiculous.

    I didn't weigh myself on Friday like I usually do because of my trip, so I don't know if I have lost anything. However, I am able to wear my goal jeans again!!! They are tighter than I'd like them to be, but I can get them on, zipped and buttoned!! :happy: That's a HUGE motivator for me to lose these last 6-7 pounds so they fit right!

    Do you guys have any tips on how to lose inches from your thighs? I feel like my workouts are muscling them up, which is fine to an extent but I don't want huge muscular thighs. I can tell I've lost around my waist, but it seems like loss around my thighs is going much slower. I'd appreciate any tips. Thanks! And keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Ariel - don't be depressed. You have done an AMAZING job! You're working out hard core - it'll pay off!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    amm - yay for skinny jeans!! That's an awesome feeling!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: For thighs, I would suggest bicycling or pilates. A few years ago I was really into pilates, and it did wonders for my body! :love:

    Today was a good day for me - stayed within my calories - drank 12 cups of water - and jogged for 40 minutes. I've found that I'm consuming a lot of sodium lately - not sure why though. Well, that's not true - I know why. I can see exactly which foods it comes from. I like the V8 tomato herb soup, but it's loaded with sodium. As is lunch meat - and I love sandwhiches. Hopefully the water I'm drinking will flush the sodium out. I sure as hell don't want sodium to make me retain water weight or ANY kind of weight. :laugh:

    Keep up the good work ladies!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies!!:flowerforyou:

    Well my face is still swollen and red and full of weird little bumps. Only today is itches really bad! I hope it will go away soon! I didn't go to the gym last night becuase I didnt want to sweat all over my face and irritate it some more. I a going to go today so we will see what happens. I didnt eat bad yesterdat so thats good. And once again I'm done with soda. I had stopped drinking it for like 6 months but recently I've been drinking it again. So it's no more soda now. :bigsmile: Also I started taking a multivitamin so I hope that will help with the weight loss too. My trainer said it should so we will see come Sunday morning.

    Angie- that sucks so bad about the tar balls. I am so furious over this oil spill too!! That CEO needs to get fired already. He said "I want my life back." Hmmm I bet the 11 men who died because of your failuer to make that oil rig safe want their lives back too! I can't believe its taken this long to get something done about it. its like they dont care. All those poor birds and animals that are dieing. It makes me sick! On a side note, thats awesome you fit into your goal jeans!! :glasses: :flowerforyou: :love: keep it up! Youre almost there!!!

    Lisa- thanks for the encouragment!!! I really need it lately! haha:bigsmile: And I think I'm oing to take your advice for Angie about the pilates. My thighs are really muscular as it is (i played softball my whole life) and I dont want them getting bigger. I want to look lean, not like a bodybuilder. hahaha :laugh:

    so i'm going to go to the gym todnight and stay for at least an hour but since I didnt go ysterday I might stay longer to try to make up for it. I just need to go. I'm going to see my trainer on Saurday so I'm going to ask him some questions about weight loss/ muscle building, because like i said, im pretty muscular as it is, and i dont want it to get worse.

    Be strong ladies and keep up all your excellent work! you all are doing soo great! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :happy: :wink:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Lisa - Thanks for the advice about pilates and biking. I LOVE pilates and I haven't done it in a long time! I think yoga might also help with becoming lean instead of muscular, although I'm not sure how much good it will do my thighs. Whenever I do yoga, I can always feel it in my arms the next day. I have such wimpy arms. lol

    Ariel - I think the government should seize all of BP's assets and use them for cleanup costs and paying the people who have lost jobs because of the spill. I heard on the radio today that they haven't paid anyone!! Idiots. They don't care about anyone or anything... the people, animals, ecosystem, economy that they are ruining. I personally am boycotting BP.

    How are all you other team members doing?
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    So I didn't have that great of a day yesterday. Def didn't drink enough water. Just had a few glasses the WHOLE day. I didn't go over my calories (barely) but did indulge in a sliece of pizza and 100 calorie ice cream. The worst part is I didn't get to workout b/c I took my niece and nephew to see shrek. They loved it and it was all worth it. But gotta be good today.
    My plan is to complete my BBL workout and an additional 30 minute circuit training with my fiance when he gets home at night.
    Hope you all have a good day.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!! :flowerforyou:

    Its Wednesday!!! :glasses: So my face is finnaly not as swollen and not as red but I still have bumps everywhere! Hopefully it goes away soon! its so embarrasing. :blushing: I feel like i have reptile face :laugh: it sucks!

    I was pretty good yesterday. I had a ramen soup for lunch which probably isnt that great, but better than other things, then for dinner I had a small steak and some rice. Plus we went to the gym. I'm really hoping to lose some weight this week!

    Angie- I know its so sad. And the CEO of BP is sucj a ****! Saying he wants his life back and then I heard yesterday that he said there is so much water in the Gulf that this spill wont have an effect on anything! I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!??!?! Why hasn't he been fired yet!? He needs to go! I want to boycott BP too, how do I know what gas stations sell BP oil?? All those poor birds and all the wetlands that are ruined now....... it makes me so sad. I wish I could do something to help. And youre right, they dont care. And I dont see how that is possible if youre a human being. We're supposed to be compassionate. That CEO guy is a joke.

    Gaby- you're doing awesome! keep it up! Im sure your niece and nephew were excited to spend time with you. And its worth it. Dont sweat the pizza, it was only 1 slice! :wink: I would have had 3!! hahaha :laugh:

    Well I'm going to the gym again tonight for an hour. We did some lunges and sit ups and a few other ab and arm and leg machines. I hope it pays off! Next I want to work on the area by my arm pits. you know that far area that just hangs around?! lol i hate it! So its time for that to go!!

    yesterdat: 60 mins at the gym and 9 glasses of water
    today: 60 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    be good people and stay strong! we can do this!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :wink:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    So today I put on this button down collared shirt for work. It's has short sleeves, and lately the sleeves have been tight around my upper arms. Well, today is wasn't tight!!! I had some wiggle room!!! I'm so excited!!! Sometimes it's the small victories that make me happy!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    So today I put on this button down collared shirt for work. It's has short sleeves, and lately the sleeves have been tight around my upper arms. Well, today is wasn't tight!!! I had some wiggle room!!! I'm so excited!!! Sometimes it's the small victories that make me happy!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I know EXACTLY what you mean, Lisa!! last night I tried on this skirt I wore last summer and last summer it was really tight around my waist, well when i put it on, it fell to my hips!!!! it was AMAZING! Because its hard for me to see the difference. But it was such a great feeling! keep up the good work. girl!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!

    well i didnt go to the gym last night because i went t my dad but i did do the 30 day shred. so im glad i at least got that in. today i am going to the gym and im going to try to stay for an hour and a half. haha but we will see how that goes. i'm going to make a success story post soon so i'll come back and post the link for you guys to check it out. i am still like 20 pounds from where i wanna be, but i will get there! i'm working hard at it again! hang in there everyone!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member

    YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    OMGosh you look amazing! Keep up the great work. I totally undestand how hard it is for youself to see it. I was just looking at some pictures taken this weekend and I was like. Whos that with the skinny arms and no double chin :) Made me feel so good.

    On another note. I had another great workout last night. Did one hour of BBL - sculp and another 30 minutes of circuit training with my honey.

    He surprised me with a trip to San Diego for the weekend, but that's the beauty about BeachBody... I can just pack my DVDs and bring them along, cause I'm not going to miss my workouts while we are there.

    Hope you are all doing great!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    thanks guys!! i cant wait to see myself 20 pounds from now!! :glasses: i feel so fat still so those pics of me in the bikini are hard for me lol. as you can tell the shorts are a little tight, but they will losen up soon!!! just stick with it!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies. :flowerforyou: The past two days have been pretty good for me. I managed to stay within my calories and drink my water, but haven't been able to work out. I'm going to get up in the morning and go to the gym before work. Saturday is my wedding anniversary :heart: , and we have reservations at a special restaurant - so I KNOW I'm going over my calories that day. I'm going to have to go for a LOOOOONG run on Saturday morning, but it's totally worth it. :happy:

    TOMORROW'S FRIDAY!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Weigh in on Monday morning! :indifferent: :heart:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    It's Friday and for me its also payday!!! YAHOO!!!!!!:smile::smile:

    I did go to the gy yesterday but I didnt get in an hour. We got in about 45 mins. Man lunges really kick my *kitten*! Because we're taking a biggest step we can then going into a lunge.... its hard!!! And its weird how something like that can make you so out of breath!! But we will be going back today. So I will get in an hour and it will be good. Then tomorrow I have my appointment with Juan my personal trainer!!! I'm really hoping to see some weight loss on Sunday when I weigh in. I've been doing good this week, or at least I think I have. but the scale doesnt lie so we will see!!

    Lisa- congrats on your wedding anniversary! thats so awesome! how many years?? :heart: An dont worry, youre allowed to go over for an occasion like that!!:flowerforyou:

    today: 60 mins at the gym and 8 glasses of water!

    Be strong today ladies! hang in there!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :smile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    IT'S FRIDAY!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy: :bigsmile:

    Ariel - this is our 6th anniversary! I :heart: my hubby!

    Well, I didn't make it to the gym this morning. Shoot! But, I think I can stay on track with my calories. And I might be able to fit in a walk tonight, so that would help. I'm definitely going for a run tomorrow AM.

    I'm nervous about Monday's weigh in. I feel like I've been working so hard - if I don't lose weight, I'm gonna be ticked! :angry: :explode: :grumble: But let's hope it doesn't come to that!! :smokin:

    Have a great weekend everybody!!! :flowerforyou:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Lisa - congratulations on your wedding anniversary!! :flowerforyou: And good luck with Monday's weigh-in! We're rootin' for ya! BTW, how many times a week did you do pilates? I'm wondering if 3 times a week is enough, or if I should do it every day.

    Ariel - you look sooooo good!!! I think you pull that bikini off just fine! Keep up those lunges... they do suck though!! I wish I had taken "before" pics of myself. I am 4.5 lbs from my goal weight, and I can FEEL the difference (stuff fits better) but I can't really SEE it. I should have been measuring my thighs, waist, etc. instead of just weight. But oh well.

    And in personal news, my husband found out yesterday that he's being promoted to Gunnery Sergeant!!! He's very excited - this has been his military career goal since Day 1 of boot camp! :heart: :happy: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Lisa - congrats on your anniversary. How excited. Hope you both have a fanstastic time celebrating.

    Ariel - I totally know what you mean. I'm so sore, this round of Brazil Butt Lift is kicking my *kitten* but I keep pushing and going. I'm seeing results already and its been a week.

    Amm114 - Yey congrats to you and the hubby!

    On my side. I'm giong to San Diego for the weekend with my fiance. And I'm sooo excited to tell you guys that I went to Old Navy yesterday looking for bathing suits. I usually buy tankinis b/c never feel ready for anything else. But I got no one but two bikinis this time. I dunno if I'm 100% confident in them, but my fiance said they look great. And I did buy them, so that's more than Ive ever done in the past.