27, never married and no kids?



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I was 27 when I had my first girlfriend.

    Unfortunately, women are up against the old biological clock. If you are planning on having children, by 30 you should be having a plan for that. Between 30 and 40 your fertility rates decline a lot, and your chances of problems go up.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I didn't get married until I was 30, but had been with my husband since 25. Had my first child at 31 and second at 33. So I don't think you're weird!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    28, no kids.. never married. I have a dog though. That counts for something right?
  • zumbachika
    zumbachika Posts: 10 Member
    your not the odd ball im 25 with no kids either and gained weight from a bad realtionship and just un healthy eating habits but compared to some woman that i see that our my age but half my size (bigger) im glad im doingsomething about it now :smooched:
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    38. Never married. No kids. Don't care.

    The world appears to be be populated with perfect WASP-y families with 2.5 kids and a puppy but the world is really not so.

    I suspect you may have people in your life, typically mothers, who want to live vicariously through you and want you to have a perfect husband and kids. When it doesn't happen asthey think it should they start asking questions and inviting drama.

    It's your life. It's all good. It will happen when you think it is right.
  • missmarjushka
    missmarjushka Posts: 29 Member
    28 never married and no kids! Add me I feel like an outsider often too.
  • NeverSayNoToPanda
    NeverSayNoToPanda Posts: 6 Member
    45 years old, happily married, happily child-free. Add me if you like. :)
  • DankaCibulka
    DankaCibulka Posts: 91 Member
    33 here, no kids and never married:) but I have two dogs - my babies :happy:
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    32, never married, no kids

    lol marriage
  • April_220
    April_220 Posts: 22 Member
    As most people said you're not weird, but I think the other thing to realize is that you are NOT the only person who feels like this in your late 20s/early 30s. It happens a lot; I know it happened to me. Around that age, it seems like people start pairing off and you start getting all these wedding announcements and birth announcements; and you start to feel "left behind." It's okay to feel that way. Facebook really doesn't help because you always have friends posting pictures of their kids and families, or announcing new additions to their families or their engagement. It seems like the world is pairing off but in actuality, you are sooooo not alone.

    I'm 34, and I am single with no kids. A lot of my friends have (at least) two kids). I'm generally okay with where I am in life, because I am focusing on other things in my life, but every once in awhile I still get those pangs of feeling left behind. One thing that helps is making new friends who aren't "family people," i.e., already married with kids. You could try joining groups from Meetup.com so you can meet other people your age and older who are not family people yet. This also helps you focus on something other than what you feel you might be missing (i.e. a family), AND it gives you more opportunities to meet the person that you might actually marry and have kids with.

    I hope that helps. :)
  • jessm3
    jessm3 Posts: 50 Member
    lol. no crazy cat lady!
  • nuttingh
    nuttingh Posts: 65
    Oh I see plenty on FB!! I thought cats were cool before they blew up online! LOL! :)
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    33 and never married, no kids. You're definitely not alone!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Im 32... never married, no kids, no bf, no nothing, and not even looking .. am I weird? LOL
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,634 Member
    I'm about to be 26, never married, no kids. Living with my bf of 4 years but thats about it.
  • Luci_Green_Eyes
    Luci_Green_Eyes Posts: 32 Member
    Snap, I don't have the excuse of children to have put on my weight... just a slip into a lazy lifestyle fuelled by working very long hours in an office job... Regardless of the reasons, determined to get fit and healthy now!!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    You had me at "not getting out of bed" :love:
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    It's not so weird. Don't worry about things that just kind of... happen. You've got this.
  • MichaelaaJ
    MichaelaaJ Posts: 79 Member
    I'll be 30 soon.. no marriage- or real serious relationship as of late to speak of.. no kids.. on top of not getting off the couch i have gained my weight partying ;) LOL and living up my not having responsiblities life! ;)

    I welcome more friends as well! !
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    WT, you guys are hilarious. Enjoy life. Have kids when you want, and if never that's ok, too. Is there an "I don't get the prob" smiley.

    Second this.