Losing fat vs. losing fat while gaining muscle - pls help.



  • gottogetinshape
    gottogetinshape Posts: 124 Member
    i'll join the chorus... i was overdoing cardio and undereating (w/o realizing either) and hit a plateau. Cut some cardio, increased intensity, and thanks to the scooby calcs added 400-500 cals a day to my diet. started losing again.

    re: not being able to do it. if you're just starting out, give yourself at least a couple of weeks just to get used to exercising again. walk, don't run - you don't want to put yourself out of commission in the starting gate. after a couple weeks, add intensity and start pushing yourself.

    Thank you! I really appreciate your advice. I will start slowly. Best wishes!
  • gottogetinshape
    gottogetinshape Posts: 124 Member
    yea.. the TDEE number I get is 2230 whenever I use those calculators.. It calculated my BMR as 1270 (which I personally think is low) I am full well before I hit anywhere near 2000 calories (when I'm not sick!! When I havea cold, like now, I could probably eat 10,000 calories and still be hungry.. grrrr). I've set myself a range of 1408-1643 based on other caluclation i've done. Im hit or miss to eat that much..

    It's a battle and it requires baby step.. just pick one thing at a time and work at it until it's easy and you do it without thinking.

    I love cardio and do it around 5 times a week.. but I lift heavy 5 times a week too and do strength and balance exercises often Actually right now I am trying to cut back on my gym time.. but I'm finding that difficult cause I really do love how it makes me feel.

    Thanks for replying! I'll take it one step at a time. My ambition is to get to love exercise and being healthy (like you do). I really want that. Best wishes!
  • I would definitely change the diet of high-sugar foods and processed foods that zap your energy and lead to weight gain. The best diet for losing weight is of primarily raw (uncooked) fruits and vegetables with the remaining part of the diet being healthy meat and dairy. Raw fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight very effectively because they are very hydrating to the body, and in doing so, it flushes out all the toxins (including excess fat) out of the body. The huge load of vitamins and minerals will kick your metabolism into turbo-drive. Obviously to, increase your water intake which will help you to lose weight also.
    While cardio can be a great exercise, there are exercises that are much more effective for weight loss. Anerobic exercises such as sprinting has been proven to be more effective for weight loss than traditional cardio. Aerobics take less time, so you can actually get better results and save valuable time! Weight-lifting is also very effective, because it even burns fat for hours after you exercise
    I'm not knocking cardio, but if you want to lose weight, I recommend you at least combine some weightlifting or anaerobic exercises with the cardio.

    Nate Phillips