Pregnancy 2010 - June



  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    100 Healthies foods to eat During Pregnancy

    2nd Trimester

    Chamomile is a popular herb tea, since drinking it can calm and relax you. And staying calm and relaxed during pregnancy is definitely a goal! But as with all foods, moderation is key when you're pregnant. When used orally and in amounts commonly found in foods, chomomile (specifically, German Chamomile) has "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) status in the United States. A cup of chamomile tea would qualify as an "Amount commonly found in foods." So feel freet o unwind with a soothing, steamy cup of chamomile tea.

    * Tea is mostly water, and you need to drink plenty of water during pregnancy, especially if you live in a hot or humid climate or are exercising.

    * one cup of chamomile tea contains vitamin A, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and magnesium.

    * A cup of chamomile tea does more than calm you down. Each cup contains 0.21 mg of iron, about 1% of your daily needs. Iron is helpful in promoting a feeling of energy during pregnancy because it is part of hemoglobin, the compound in your blood that carries oxygen to your tissues to help them feel energized.

    * Chamomile tea also has copper, which helps iron absorption, improving your ability to get iron into your body.

    * There's about 1%$ of your daly needs of potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc in a cup of chamomile tea. This is a trivial amount of the major minerals potassium and magnesium, but it's a great way to get more of the trace minerals zinc, copper, and manganese into your diet. Zinc is also required for the development and growth of your fetus, the transport of vitamin A, and wound healing.

    * Chamomile can be helpful as a sleep aid for mothers-to-be. If insomnia is starting to be a problem for you, chamomile tea can calm you so you can relax into sleep.

    * In the January 2008 issue of teh American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a study noted the potential harm of caffeine to an unborn child. The study found that consuming more than 200 mg of cafeine daily 0 that's 10 ounces of coffee or 25 ounces of tea may double the risk of miscarriage. It is recommended that you consume caffeinine in moderation meaning drinking only 2-3 cups of coffee a day (a cup meaning 6-8oz not a big mug or a grande). Swi

    I love the pure,, unsweetened flavors of herb teas, so I drink mine straight. But if that's not your, uh, cup of tea, you don't need to load up on sugar or honey to enjoy herb teas. Start small - see if a half-teaspoon of honey, well stirred, makes enough of a difference. Or add a little fruit juice, choosing a flavor that will complement your herb tea. (Orange juice and chamomile tea are a nice pairing.)

    Fertility Foods:


    1st Timester:


    2nd trimester:


    3rd Trimester:

  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member

    3rd Trimester

    Crisp and delicious, celery is more than a healthy snack: Consider it your new skin-beautifying food during your pregnancy. Celery is rich in silica, a mineral that is important to the tone and firmness of your skin. With all the stretching and expanding going on during this final trimester of pregnancy, your skin needs all the support it can get. In fact, silica can help your skin hold water, keeping it hydrated and healthy while it gets pulled ot its fullest extent.

    * Even though silica is the second most abudnant element on earth, people commonly suffer from a silica deficiency and have weak, saggy skin as a result. During pregnancy, your skin is stretched to its limits, and ten after birth, the skin contracts back toward its normal position. Now, don't get any illusions that after labor, your belly goes flat and the skin around your stomach is perfect - it took nine months to get that big, and it's certainly going to take a few months to get your body back to normal. Eating foods like celery that contain skin-healthy nutrients can help your skin rebound quickly.

    * Estimates suggest that women could benefit from about 40 mg a day. This is the amount in studies that have been associated with increased bone-mineral density which could reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

    * You need more silica as you age, because as you get older, you become less able to absorb silica; your stomach acids weaken, making it difficult for your body to digest this mineral properly. For these reasons, you need to eat plenty of celery and other skin-healthy foods during pregnancy and lactation to help your skin survive this ordeal.

    * Celery is a source of many nutrients, including potassium and sodium, the most important minerals for controlling fluid balance in your body. Celery was used traditionally as a diuretic and can help you get rid of excess fluid, such as the puffiness that can build up under your eyes and in yoru deet during pregnancy.

    * Celery is a good source of vitamin C, that can help you and your baby fight off damage caused by free radicals.

    * Celery is a source of vitamin C, another nutrient known to give you natural skin support. Vitamin C is needed for sprecialized cells in your skin call fibroblasts to make collagen. Collagen is like the scaffolding of your skin - itkeeps it strong and gives it structure. You'll need it during your third trimester as the skina round your breats and belly is being stretched. THis extra stress on the skin may cause your collagen to break down.

    I love to eat celery with a spoonful of peanut of almond butter on it as a filling snack. Or very your routine by dipping a stalk in hummus or plain yogurt, with or without shredded cheese. It's so easy to pack some celery sticks and carry them with you or chop up a stalk or two and throw in on a salad or into soups, stews, or pot roast.

    But here's my favorite way to enjoy celery: juiced. Surprised? Toss a few cut up stalks into the blender with a cup-up pear and a couple of inches of peeled ginger root and then strain and serve over ice for a spicy, refreshing pick-me-up. Better yet, if you have a juicer, just juice the celery, pear, and gingerroot. I think you'll love it as much as I do!

    One work of warning: The Environmental Working Group put celery on it's 2003 list of twelve foods most contaminated with pesticides. For your sake and your baby's, buy organic celery to be safe

    Fertility Foods:


    1st Timester:


    2nd trimester:


    3rd Trimester:

  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    wow Angela, great tips! keep them coming!
    I love how you've added the previous post links too.
    You must have been busy all weekend typing this up. Whatever keeps your hands busy and away from the cravings right? :wink:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    haha, I had a super slow work day ...
  • lucy1703
    lucy1703 Posts: 18
    hey ladies,

    gonna be missing for a while. i'm leaving dubai and headig to Oz travelling for 7 weeks before getting back to the UK. who knows maybe Oz will be good for conceiving!!!

    good luck to everyone and catch up soon.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    ugg...not a good week. I am up 2.5 lbs from last week, but I am hoping it is more water retention than actual fat I gained. My husband is on a business trip, and was out partying with all his co-workers. He made me so mad on the phone that he is out partying, eatting ribs, fried food, drinking a ton of alcohol, etc, that I wanted to "get back at him", so at 9pm last night I ordered a pizza, wings, and garlic bread. I didn't do much good getting back at him (why I thought eatting a bunch of junk food would help get back at him, I have no idea), and now I feel like crap for spending $20 on junk food, and for having all that nasty stuff in me.

    Oh is a new day. I hope you guys did better.

    BTW- I am off to Minnesota for my brother-in-laws highschool graduation. They don't have internet, so I wont be back until Monday. Have a great weekend!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    WOW, everyone is going out of town! Be safe and have fun!

    I weigh the same as last week, YAY! My goal has been to work out minimum 30 minutes everyday either walking or swimming so I guess that's paid off so far. :-)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Well I fell off the wagon in a very big way! And still ended up down 0.4 lbs.... I thought I would have gone up! So I'm pleased :happy:

    If we're going to get preggo, it should be in the next week or so...eek! My fingers are crossed!

    Angela - I love the tips - I'm going to have to try making my own applesauce! I was thinking though - how would you feel about putting it in a thread of it's own? That way everyone (not just our group) will be able to find it, and it'll be all in one place, which so hopefully save you some time. What do you think? Just a though!

    I was wondering - is anyone else on The Bump? If you are, you can find me under 'Jalara48'.

    :heart: :heart: Weekly Challenge Question:heart::heart: How did you/will you tell your spouse and your parents (and anyone else) about the baby?? :heart: :heart:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I'm down 2 pounds this week!! Right now I'm the lowest I've ever been in my adult life. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hubby and I are leaving for Philly tomorrow to celebrate our 1st anniversary. :happy: I’m going to try my best to eat healthy but since we’ll be eating out the majority of the time I don’t know how easy that will be. I’m hoping that all the walking we’re going to do will even things out a bit.

    Challenge question: I have no idea how I will tell everyone. We decided that when I do get pregnant, we want to wait until we hear the heartbeat and make sure everything is ok before we start telling people, so maybe I’ll just show them the ultrasound picture.?
  • Caliwaters25
    Hey Ladies well I am glad everyone is heading out of town to enjoy some time off. I just got back from a 3 day cruise to Ensanada and wow was there a lot of eating but thankfully a lot of walking. CW 165 I am still yo yoing with the 1 lb gain and then loss. Thankfully I am still logging and trying to get in my water intake as much as possible. Next week I plan on trying water aerobics hopefully its a fun workout.
    Jalara- I am on the bump I am under Caliwaters if you want to find me or add me if you like.

    Challenge Question- (This might be long) Telling my husband was really easy since we were TTC I took the test and before I headed to class I told him that he was going to be a daddy and that I was right and I really was pregnant. ( I knew before I took the test but he didn't want to believe that we were successful on the first try lol) My Mom lives in South Dakota so for mothers day (I was like 4 weeks) I sent her a bunch of baby blanket yarn in a box with a card and made her go on skype to open it with me, it was really funny she thought the yarn was for her to get a hobby b/c she feels old. Once she figured it out she was thrilled. The rest of my family was mostly phone calls. To tell everyone in my church was really easy my Pastor had all the mothers stand up for Mothers Day and I stood up last there was a lot of shouting and excitement. I got married there and have been married for seven years so its been a long time coming.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Hello Ladies......glad to hear everyone is going to be taking some time away. Well, I'm down to 175 but its been weird because it's 175 one day then 176 the next for the past week. I thought it might be because of TOM.

    Well, I think it would be pretty simple to tell my hubby because we're planning but I think I would wait til about 5 months (or at least til I start to show) to tell everyone else. Just so once they know they won't have to wait so long to see baby.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    :heart: :heart: Challenge Answer :heart: :heart: Oh this is one that I like! I've had this planned for a while! My husband plays the saxophone, and during last Christmas I was looking at t-shirts and things that have saxs on them for him. While I was looking I stumbled upon baby items and found a onesie that says "My daddy plays the Sax" I knew then that is how I am going to tell him! I'll give it to him to open and I know he'll know :laugh:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Well I fell off the wagon in a very big way! And still ended up down 0.4 lbs.... I thought I would have gone up! So I'm pleased :happy:

    If we're going to get preggo, it should be in the next week or so...eek! My fingers are crossed!

    Angela - I love the tips - I'm going to have to try making my own applesauce! I was thinking though - how would you feel about putting it in a thread of it's own? That way everyone (not just our group) will be able to find it, and it'll be all in one place, which so hopefully save you some time. What do you think? Just a though!

    I was wondering - is anyone else on The Bump? If you are, you can find me under 'Jalara48'.

    :heart: :heart: Weekly Challenge Question:heart::heart: How did you/will you tell your spouse and your parents (and anyone else) about the baby?? :heart: :heart:

    They are a thread of their own, that's what the links at the bottom are. If everyone prefers I can just post the link instead of the whole post?
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    I was up 1.5 this week - had quite the sweet tooth this weekend. I purged all the goodies on Monday and gave them to coworkers. I can't have that stuff in my house!

    CHALLENGE QUESTION: I found out on Christmas morning....I'm sure I was the only customer at CVS on Christmas morning buying a pregnancy test :laugh: I basically took the test and came out of the bathroom waving it around telling my husband he had super sperm. Since we weren't really going to "try" until January - it was kinda of funny.

    I told the grandparents, by buying them a picture frame that said "Grandkids" on it and printed a message on the inside saying "Merry Christmas Grandma and Grandma! Love Baby X Due 8.30.10"

    I told my sister by buying her favorite bottle of wine and telling her that she has to drink it with me...but has to wait 9 months.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    My hubby was there when I took the pregnancy test, so he new right away when I showed it to him. I called my mom and dad and told them over the phone, everyone else I text messaged the picture of the positive pregnancy test. :-D
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I haven't officially weighed in today (my usual day is Friday) but I did take a peek at the scale (I know, usually that's trouble! :laugh: ) and I was .6 lbs down. I'm very happy with that because Ive been on a plateau for about 3 weeks now.

    Also, I got my heart rate monitor in the mail today so I can keep track of my calories better. Hopefully this will help me loose a few more pounds before we get pregnant. I feel like I will be able to enjoy my pregnancy so much better since I am finally feeling good about myself (eating right and exercising). I want to thoroughly enjoy the most miraculous time of life!

    FYI - today on The Doctors they are talking about being pregnant. I :heart: this show
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    FYI - today on The Doctors they are talking about being pregnant. I :heart: this show

    maybe it's a sign...:wink:

    I swear since I joined this group every second show on tv has to do with pregnancy or every article in a magazine says someone is preg or trying to get preg or about baby care! :ohwell:

    Challenge: I don't know. My hubby will be easy, his parents will be easy, my dad will be easy, I'm not sure how to tell my mom, cuz I don't know how she feels about it yet. Some days it's "your kids will be..." and other days it's "oh you guys are too young". of course by the time she was my age she already had two kids. We'll see...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    They are a thread of their own, that's what the links at the bottom are. If everyone prefers I can just post the link instead of the whole post?
    Hey Angela - Maybe post the link instead (if everyone is alright with that). I find it a little hard to track the conversation with long breaks in between. But I still really want to read them! Would that be okay?
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi Ladies.... It's been a while....
    I have been WAY off target for the past few weeks. I'm nervous to weigh-in tomorrow. For some reason I have been hungry every minute of every day and never satisfied. Ugh I really need to get out of this rut. DH and I are giving up on trying 'not' to get preggo and giving up on the hopes of getting preggo. I am taking the view "if it happens it happens." Therefore, we will be ready either way. I have heard too many horror stories about ladies that were on Depo not getting preggo for years. It makes me sad, but if its meant to be God will make it happen.

    I love hearing your stories and progress. Hope everyone has safe travels.

    :heart: :heart: Challenge Answer:heart::heart:
    I haven't really thought about this much. I told my mom and Mother-in-law that we were thinking about trying just so I could get their advise about what to do to prepare and they both were SUPER excited as if I told them that we were preggo. So I will have to think of something really cute... I like the yarn idea. Both my moms are knitters. Humm... this is going to get me thinking... :smile:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I heard a story about a couple who's parents lived out of town, so they went to a build-a-bear center and made a bear for their families that had a little recording inside so when you squeezed it, the bear said "congrats you're going to be grandparents!" I always thought that was cute