Coworker attempting sabotage...



  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    OP. This should solve your problem.

    Fat Coworker: "Hey eat this junk"
    You: "Sorry I'm not a fat cow."

    End conversation.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Missery loves company. She sounds like a bully to me. Invite her on your walks everyday or a least every time she offers you unhealthy food. I think you will be her motivator to make the life style changes most of is need. Keep up the good work,stay on track.

    Inviting her on the walks is a GREAT idea!
    "I feel bad cause I never come out for lunch now that I'm eating healthy, come on a walk with me" if she does truly just want to spend time with you she will come, if not then I think it's obvious what she is trying to do. Misery absolutely does love company - I have a similar thing going on with a "friend". I just dont really talk to her that much anymore, or go out of my way. It's sad but people really do like it when you are fat, poor, down and out... whatever. It makes them feel better about their situations whatever they may be.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Yeah, she's aware that I'm trying to eat better.

    Like today I had my salad and went for a walk at lunch and she came back with Carl's Jr, asked if I "was a good girl" and had my salad today to which I said yes.

    Then she offered me french fries.

    I'm so confused!

    Also- I go out with her 1/2 times a week. Our desks are back to back. We see each other quite a bit.

    Interestingly, the wife and I had a similar instance. We are doing "Meatless Mondays" now, and have been for a while. Mainly for socioeconomic reasons, not health reasons.

    The wife got a lecture on not going vegan, and don't turn into a PETA person, and how vegan diets can be dangerous from a friend... She had to explain,"No, I love bacon, I love meat, I love all kinds of food."

    Her friend was trying to look out for her, albeit from a misinformed position. Since this co-worker is kinda "momma bearish", maybe she doesn't think you're eating enough, and is looking out for you.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Thanks to everyone who validated my feelings! Whether that comment is tongue in cheek or not, seriously, thanks for SUPPORT because that's what I was looking for and I really do appreciate it.

    Sometimes, it helps to know that you're are not alone.

    You're right. She's clearly extremely jealous of you and trying to ruin that for you.


    Why do you keep posting rude and unhelpful replies?

    I suppose genuine questions that the OP had can bring out the idiot in us all.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I have kind of the same situation, I dont have a ton to lose, i started w/ wanting to lose 15 pounds, but the pressure to eat at my job is HUGE! It's noone specific,just soo much food here and noone else thats watching their weight! Its hard to eat my turkey sandwich when everyone else is chowing down on good stuff!
    Turkey sandwich IS good stuff! What are you talking about?