Anyone done Slim Fast?



  • Maharet
    Maharet Posts: 4 Member
    m-f i'm on slim fast and following the zone diet as best as i can the rest of the time. because there are more "snacks" on the zone diet i never feel hungry. the first week was murder i won't lie. murder because i wasn't getting enough calories and because i was re-learning how to eat in the zone.

    i don't drink the shakes sat or sun because i'm trying to work hard to learn how to eat on my own without the help of the shakes and in the correct portions. eventually i'll cut them out altogether, but for me it's been a quick and easy way to keep my calories down while learning a new way of eating.

    my goal is to incorporate these healthy eating habits into my daily routine. eventually i'll cut the "diet" (slim fast) part out.

    the sugar is a bit on the nasty side though. you really have to watch that.
  • mommy8777
    mommy8777 Posts: 15
    I think it has some benefits but not for the long run. I'll admit, I don't like eating breakfast.. by lunch time i'd pig out from not eating. Right now, I will drink 1 shake in the morning and, come lunch time, I don't feel deprived. Steering away from anything that is processed (like slimfast) will be your best bet. In short, if you want to lose weight, it does work for some people. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, gradually move yourself into a healthy lifestyle change- something I am working on :)
  • carchie94
    carchie94 Posts: 45
    My parents did. It didn't work. But they've tried every quick fix stupid diet from the lemonade fast to the salt water cleanse and would end up binging on fried ****.

    I'd personal rec eggs or one of the Odwalla bars, tbh, if you're going to eat breakfast or trying to replace a meal.

    I, however, don't eat breakfast. Back when the semester was on, I had swimming and jogging in the morning. I throw up if I eat before I work out. And now, I wake up so late in the day, my breakfast is my lunch. And I think it would literally be insane for me to eat before I do insanity or 30 day shred or run or whatever.

    Plus, from trying those shake things once—they're kind of gross. I don't like forcing myself to eat nasty things. I'd rather just eat a small amount of something good. Or one of the barely edible protein bars. Or a soy/turkey sausuge—high protein to keep you full and the calories aren't that bad.
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    Not as a diet no. I do however like Target diet shakes (milk chocolate) as breakfast sometimes if I am in a hurry. They taste good and keep my vitamins from upsetting my stomach.

    I will have to check those out next time i'm in there.
  • rachelklewis3
    rachelklewis3 Posts: 69 Member
    I have tried Slim Fast a few times over the past 10 years. Never really saw results any time I tried it. Just ended up hungry and wanting to binge! Also- their Chocolate Royale shake should be called Chalk-late... yuck :/
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Hey, anyone tried slim fast or similar diets? What do you think of them and are they worth it? I know most of them are like "crash diets" or are supposed to be good for short term diets. Just curious about them and if anyone has any thoughts.
    In other words "I'm looking for a quick fix." ANY PROGRAM will work if you follow it. Sustaining it is the problem. Basically you're swapping food out for liquid and just consuming less calories. Do realize that this is POSSIBLE while still eating food.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    I tried them years ago before I woke up to the reality of healthy living. They didn't fill me up at all! Just a can of sugar. If you want a shake that will keep you full and isn't full of sugar try a protein shake. I wouldn't use it as a meal replacement though. Eat your food, don't drink it. And have a protein shake as a snack to hold you until your next meal when you are feeling hungry. I like to use natural flavorless protein powder and mix that with whatever I choose. It doesn't have a strong flavor so it won't change the flavor of what you add it to.
  • tarac98
    tarac98 Posts: 65 Member
    I found that they have a lot of sugars in them....:noway: but....I do drink them OCCASIONALLY as a quick breakfast sometimes...
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    I did Slim Fast about 25 years ago. I would use the powder mix though, not the cans, and mix in the blender with ice. I would replace dinner with a shake Mon-Friday and relax on the weekends. I lost 50 lbs in a year's time.
  • janetbythesea
    yes. It made me really ill.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    no. Just use this app/website as it's designed. There's no point in doing it. Why pay more for that when you can have real food, at a reasonable deficit, lose weight, and not have to choke down godawful shakes?

    The forums have been full of people that sign up for this website, then hit the forums for shortcuts/jumpstarters/kickstarters/cheats...

    You'll see a dozen accounts with 2 forums posts, that have been around for maybe a week... and they're asking what shortcuts are available or how the community feels about them. Sure, it's just my .02, but you're here.. you've already signed up for the best tool you can use. Track your intake, eat back your ex. calories, and just be patient. This is a marathon, OP, not a sprint.

    ^^ This so much.
  • prue1004
    prue1004 Posts: 1
    I started slim-fast about three weeks ago. I agree the ingredients are bad - too much sugar and corn syrup is normally something I avoid. However, I had been trying to lose weight for a while and I wanted to do something really regimented to get me going. In addition, needed to fit back in to some pants for spring and summer so I wanted to lose 10 pounds quickly.
    I do a shake in the morning before work with lactose free skim milk and ice and I use the high-protein slim fast mix. This does taste better than the bottles and lasts me until my first snack at work - about 31/2 hours later. I have followed the diet exactly as your are supposed to. I have a shake for breakfast, meal bar for lunch, 3 100 calorie snacks and a 500 calorie dinner. In many ways I am eating healthier than before because my three snacks are a combination of fruit and yogurt and my dinner is a large tossed salad that includes black beans, walnuts and usually a boiled egg or some other protein. I have lost 12 pounds in three weeks.

    At some point, I will substitute the meal bar at lunch for a 300 calorie lunch of real food but for now this is working. I am excercising about 4 time per week but only about 20minutes at a time. To prevent myself from gaining when I go off the slim fast, I think if I continue to count calories here and excercise a bit more, I'll be able to mantain. There are healthier meal replacement options but if $$$ is an issue, slim fast is very reasonable priced and is the lowest calorie that I could find.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Can you see yourself drinking nasty milkshakes for the rest of your life?

    If it's not something you can stick with, don't do it.

    Over time make little healthy changes. They'll add up. Develop new habits and your body will thank you.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    Don't bother with it. I stuck to the plan for two months and put on a lot of weight. Those things have insane amounts of sugar in them and don't really taste good anyway. i had to pour mine into a giant cup and load it with crushed ice to even make it cold enough to drink, because putting the cans in the fridge didn't help.

    Now I have a Special K protein shake every morning for breakfast. it's loaded with fiber, still has 18g of sugar, but I only need the one and I'm good to go until lunch. It holds me over for 4-5 hours so I'm not complaining. If I don't have a protein shake, I'll find a special K fiber bar and it has the same effect. my stomach seems to do better with liquids in the morning anyway.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I add slimfast to my morning coffee for breakfast. You still have to balance everything else out.
  • Maggie1moo
    Maggie1moo Posts: 89 Member
    I do admit to having the odd one now and then but thats just when im not that hungry, in a rush, just want a quick fill. Dont get me wrong they are tasty and somewhat filling however i dont think i could do the whole 3 2 1 diet thing.
  • WalkingAway2013
    My doctor put me on slim fast for the iron after having my kids, I was anemic. I always just used it as a quick breakfast , my stomach gets upset if I eat a heavy breakfast. Anyways I'm using it a little more now that I'm trying to loose weight. I love how it taste I recommend getting the powder not the ready to go , tastes a lot better and little more healthy too. I find it keeps me full .

    Your doctor thought slim fast was a good idea when you were anemic?
    Why wouldn't he recommend or give you a prescription for iron pills?

    I was anemic after both kids and had to take iron pills, even though most times I forgot :blushing:

    To OP I've tried slim fast but find them to be chalky tasting and not worth their price if you're looking for added protein cheaper just to make your own protein shake which will give you less sugar and more protein
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    no. Just use this app/website as it's designed. There's no point in doing it. Why pay more for that when you can have real food, at a reasonable deficit, lose weight, and not have to choke down godawful shakes?

    The forums have been full of people that sign up for this website, then hit the forums for shortcuts/jumpstarters/kickstarters/cheats...

    You'll see a dozen accounts with 2 forums posts, that have been around for maybe a week... and they're asking what shortcuts are available or how the community feels about them. Sure, it's just my .02, but you're here.. you've already signed up for the best tool you can use. Track your intake, eat back your ex. calories, and just be patient. This is a marathon, OP, not a sprint.

    Sure, it's just your 2 cents but here comes another 98 so OP can have a whole dollar. I've been here a week, and then another, and then another, and another, and then a few more etc...since January. I've been doing slim-fast since January 1st. I'm losing weight on schedule. I follow the plan daily and then on the days I workout I eat back my exercise cals. I like all the products they make but haven't tried any of their new snacky chips things. I use the ready made shakes and bars and like them all. I do not feel the need to drink a second shake, choke anything down, or go over cals on the days I don't workout. This is my main reason for using them they make it easy to count cals and to have plenty leftover for the end of the day when I really need them as I have a husband who LOVES to go out to dinner. I don't get an insulin spike, but then I'm not a diabetic so if I'm getting that, I'm not aware. I haven't fainted, ran amock on a sugar high, or pooped in flourescent colors yet. Back in the day I lost some weight on this plan and chose it over another which I knew would also work, but would not allow me any sugar and thus chocolate, so I knew I'd need to be on something for a year to reach my goal, so I chose this one as more to my liking for a year long stretch since slim-fast makes lots of chocolate things.

    I'm not one of those people who feels they need a "lifestyle change". My eating habits have always been pretty healthy so I don't feel I need an eating plan to teach me how to eat for life. I just need something to make the cal counting easy and the food consumption quick and tasty, so the lbs can come off, and this works for me. I'm not the type of person to bash other people's choices or else I'd ask the above poster what eating plan they are on, so I could say insulting and mean things about their plan, because for the most part, nobody's perfect and I'm sure if I were looking I would find something.

    That being said, OP do what's right for you. If you try it, like it and it works for you, do it. I prefer the ready made shakes and bars for convenience. I know someone recommended the powder but for my lifestyle that's too much work. Once I lose the weight, I am perfectly capable of getting on maintenance with 3 full meals and know exactly what a normal healthy diet looks like and feels like since I did that for years and years at my normal weight so that's my plan. Sorry if some of your replies have been less than helpful, but I think you'll figure it out for yourself. You don't have to feel like you are failing or less than anybody if you don't do things their way. I think the only people who run into problems on it are people who abuse the plan by not eating any real food, or not taking into account exercise cals, but that type of person would screw up anything. Right?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Don't bother with it. I stuck to the plan for two months and put on a lot of weight. Those things have insane amounts of sugar in them and don't really taste good anyway. i had to pour mine into a giant cup and load it with crushed ice to even make it cold enough to drink, because putting the cans in the fridge didn't help.

    Now I have a Special K protein shake every morning for breakfast. it's loaded with fiber, still has 18g of sugar, but I only need the one and I'm good to go until lunch. It holds me over for 4-5 hours so I'm not complaining. If I don't have a protein shake, I'll find a special K fiber bar and it has the same effect. my stomach seems to do better with liquids in the morning anyway.

    same thing.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I do admit to having the odd one now and then but thats just when im not that hungry, in a rush, just want a quick fill. Dont get me wrong they are tasty and somewhat filling however i dont think i could do the whole 3 2 1 diet thing.
    guilt. I only do it sometimes and only when I'm really rushed yada yada, WHO are you apologizing to? It's your body and your eating plan, if you drink a shake you don't have to justify it. It's not contraband for goodness sake.