FitBit..... is it worth it?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If you're someone who has pretty much no concept of how many calories you burn in a day, even at rest, it can be worth it. It's a real eye opener for people who insist they have to do a VLCD and spend infinite hours in the gym to lose weight.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Using this chart on the FitBit site....

    Between the Flex and the One the only difference in functionality that I see is the One will count flights of stairs and the Flex will not, also the Flex will allow goad setting and the One will not.

    For me the big advantage of the Flex is that I can wear it on my wrist.

    Does that sound about right?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Flex and Zip don't have an altimeter so they can't do stairs / elevation changes.

    Useful summary link that - thanks.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Flex and Zip don't have an altimeter so they can't do stairs / elevation changes.

    Useful summary link that - thanks.

    Yeah, I get that, but what I wonder is if the altimeter is a deal breaker or not?

    I don't go up and down a lot of stairs in my daily routine, nor is there opportunity to go up and down a lot of stairs.
    Being able to wear the Flex on my wrist like a wrist band, that seems to me a really good thing, I worry about wearing the One like a pedometer as I've lost a total of two of them now.

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Flex and Zip don't have an altimeter so they can't do stairs / elevation changes.

    Useful summary link that - thanks.

    Yeah, I get that, but what I wonder is if the altimeter is a deal breaker or not?

    I don't go up and down a lot of stairs in my daily routine, nor is there opportunity to go up and down a lot of stairs.
    Being able to wear the Flex on my wrist like a wrist band, that seems to me a really good thing, I worry about wearing the One like a pedometer as I've lost a total of two of them now.


    naa, the altimeter isnt a deal-breaker. the flex vs one just comes down to functionality. the flex doesnt tell you much at all on the device. the one tells you everything you ever wanna know, i.e distance, time, steps, calories.
  • louisemallas
    louisemallas Posts: 59 Member
    If you're looking for a pedometer it's the best one IMO. It's reliable, accurate and it's super compact so you can clip it anywhere on you and it won't be bothersome. I used mine for a few weeks and it definitely makes you more aware of how many steps you're taking throughout the day and gets you up and walking around. One night I was literally doing laps in my kitchen just because I wanted to reach my daily goal. I would definitely recommend it for someone who is relatively sedentary to begin with and looking to walk more as walking is a great tool for weight loss, but if you're already active and work out regularly then you'll probably get a kick out of it to begin with but ultimately it may not be worth the money which is basically what happened to me. I haven't used it in months but it's nice to have on hand I guess, haha. If you get it definitely get the FitBit One.
    Laps round the kitchen, lol - glad to know there's someone else as daft as me!
  • slhodge78
    slhodge78 Posts: 16
    I got a fitbit one a week ago and I love it. It is so much easier than trying to figure out my calorie burns. Fitbit's estimates are pretty close to what I had been estimating. I really like the altimeter function. I live in a 2 story house and go hiking a lot. It really helps me keep track of the intensity of my hikes. 5000 steps on level ground is very different than 5000 steps and 50 stories. It also encourages me to run up and down my stairs at home if I haven't met my stair goal for the day. I am much more active now that I get smiley faces on my computer when I meet my goals. My husband has been looking at me weird when he sees me running/prancing around the house because I need 8 more very active minutes to get my smiley. The sleep tracking function hasn't been all that useful. I have noticed that it assumes I am sleeping if I lay still even while awake. It is more accurately a time spent still at night tracker.
  • elisew34
    elisew34 Posts: 27
    I'm glad someone else asked, I've contemplated getting the zip but wasn't sure. On the days I don't do cardio workouts or running it would be handy to have that little 'nudge' to keep moving.
    I'm presuming running on a treadmill would be counted on the zip? Is the 'One' really much better than the zip? :indifferent:
  • uscooleys
    uscooleys Posts: 34 Member
    I have had a zip for a couple of weeks and I switched from another fitness site to MFP specifically because the fitbit syncs up with the site. I find it to be a great reminder that I need to move more. Since getting it, I have really noticed more of a tendency to get up and walk around plus seeing the calorie burn can be helpful.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    How accurate are the calorie counts on the Zip? I'm thinking it may also help to get an idea of my TDEE.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    How accurate are the calorie counts on the Zip? I'm thinking it may also help to get an idea of my TDEE.

    I'd say just as accurate as the flex & one. They use the same method to count calories. I'm not exactly sure what that method is, but it seems to be pretty close to accurate for me. Based on my fitbit calorie burn vs calories eaten, I should have lost 3.5lbs since I've had it (almost 1 month) and I'm actually down 9.1lbs in that time. So it might be on the low side for me and that's okay, because no device is going to be 100% accurate. I think it's a better estimate than an online calculator, because your no longer guessing at your activity level.
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    I think FitBits are great for getting you to move more in your "regular" life - taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking the long way around, etc. They don't really track "exercise" sessions, per se (except for walking/running), but I wear a HRM for that. All in all, it's a fun gadget that does help me reach my fitness goals.

    Same here, I have a FitBit one for about 6 months now and I love it.
    It definitely got me moving more. I absolutely think it's worth it.

    I just looked at the Flex yesterday...seems pretty cool, and I may end up going with that one eventually.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    OK I'm now looking at the One seriously as I can buy it here in Japan, the Flex is not out yet here, and they are not giving a release date, seems the Flex has been sold out in the US etc, so the release has been delayed here in Japan.

    Many of the ladies here have said that they wear the clip on One on their bra, out of site, out of mind, and you can't easily drop it. I don't wear a bra, obviously :laugh: so where do the guys keep their fit bits? I have lost/dropped two pedometers, I had them on my belt, but I wear these 3/4 length shorts all the time, and they have four pockets on the front, the lower pocket on each side sits about my knee level, these pockets have zippers on them so I'm wondering if I can put the FitBit One into that pocket and zip it up, will it function as it is supposed to, or should it be on my waist?

  • jcs0530
    jcs0530 Posts: 70 Member
    I dont leave home without it.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I had the Fitbit Ultra for over three years, then upgraded to the ONE. I can't say that it's helped me lose weight ... I had been using a regular pedometer and got my Fitbit near my low. Unfortunately I've gained, but probably would have gained more/faster without it. I know it's my eating, not really my exercise (which is why I've jumped on here). I love the visual feedback of the Fitbit, the graphs SHOWING you your activity throughout the day. Just got one for my mom and she is really liking it too, and thinking of getting one for my dad.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I just wanted to thank everyone for the help. I went to a big electronics shop here, they did not sell the FitBit, but they do sell a bunch of similar devices made by Omron, Tantia, Panasonic etc. All of these units were about half the price of the FitBit too, and I think some of them are on par with the FitBit, but they are all in Japanese, the software is in Japanese, and I just don't want to deal with all of that, it would most likely involve bothering my wife for some translation.

    Yesterday we spent hours walking around Costco, and then the Electric shop, I have no idea how many calories I burned yesterday, and I decided that I should just buy the darn thing so I can do a better job of sticking to my calorie goal.

    I got online and ordered the FitBit One.

    It is a Japanese market unit, but I'm hoping the software that I downloaded from FitBit in English will work with the Japanese Market unit.

    Should be here soon, again, thanks to you all for your input.

  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    It's great, so easy to lose though...
  • gingermax
    gingermax Posts: 5 Member
    I didn't pay for mine I won it in a contest. I have the fitbit one. I didn't even know what it was until I won it. NOW... I love it. I would pay the $99 for it for sure! I have not had anything that motivates me like this little guy. Love the app too.
  • anne6540
    anne6540 Posts: 1 Member
    Bought the FitBit Flex a week ago and I LOVE it!!!! It syncs with your computer or phone and helps to keep you motivated. You put it on your wrist and wear all the time , even in the shower.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I've worn my FiBit One every single day since I got it in January. I obviously love it and I love that it syncs with MFP