Weight gain with contraceptive pill



  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I was on microgynon for just over 7 years and didn't really notice any significant weight gain initially. It was when I turned 30 (5 years after being on this pill) that I noticed I started to gain a little bit of weight so I will not blame the pill for this one. In November last year my doc switched me from microgynon to cerazette and I am convinced I might have gained a little bit because cerazette. It might be down to water retention though. Because of this and other horrendous side effects, I quit taking cerazette last month so am watching to see if I lose the last few pounds quicker. It feels great to be pill free after almost 8 years!
  • krissynicole787
    krissynicole787 Posts: 121 Member
    I gained a TON when I was on Loestrin but I was also going bonkers with food, so I can't really blame the pill. It also made me into a crazy insane lunatic mad woman but I guess I can't really blame the pill on that either :laugh:

    People thought that I was bipolar when I was on Yaz. :tongue:

    Hormonal treatments affect people in strange ways...and it seems that they affect everyone differently as even people on this thread have different experiences with the same pills!

    OMG YAZ MADE ME GO PSYCHOTIC!! One small thing and I would blow up with such rage!! I got off of it right away lol.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I've been on lots of different types of pills and now using the Depo injection and have managed to lose weight while on them. They increase your appetite, they don't stuff the food in your mouth though, that's what causes the weight gain!
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    Five years ago, I started taking BC, and I gained A LOT of weight... of course, I blamed the pill.

    Now I'm on the pill again, and I've managed to lose a little over 15lbs, just this year, by watching what I eat and working out several times a week. So I was just making excuses back then. The truth is that I had a terrible diet (fast food many times a week) and didn't exercise.

    BC shouldn't be held accountable for my weight gain... I should.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I started taking the pill about a year ago and when I went for checkup a year later I gained 10kg!!

    But I can't blame the pills since my food intake increased a lot in the past year. The pill probably contributed to my increase in appetite. But at the end of the day it's coz I ate too much.
  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    Has anyone had any experience of weight gain on the pill? I was only on it briefly about 20 years ago but found it gave me tummy pains so stopped. I did put some weight on but that could just have been down to eating more not really sure.

    I was thinking of going back on it, even just briefly, as TOM is due when I go on holiday and I don't wan't my holiday ruined by feeling crappy.

    Probably won't be on it long if it still has the same effect it had before so may not have any effects but just wanted to see if anyone could advise if they experience this and how quickly it happend?

    My doctor told me that weight gain from the pill isn't usually related to the pill directly, but is actually because it can increase appetite and make you subconsciously eat more. Just continue to track your calories and for the most part you'll be fine. Though water weight can increase on the pill in some circumstances.

    I've been on two different birth controls recently and have had no issues from them with my weight loss. I say go for it :)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member

    My doctor told me that weight gain from the pill isn't usually related to the pill directly, but is actually because it can increase appetite and make you subconsciously eat more. Just continue to track your calories and for the most part you'll be fine. Though water weight can increase on the pill in some circumstances.

    Although one side effect can be increased appetite, this is not fully-accurate information. Anything that affects your hormones can aid or prevent changes in body composition, irrespective of calorie consumption. That's why most birth control pills list both weight gain and paradoxically, weight loss, as potential side effects - it depends on how your body reacts to the specific medication.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    The first pill I was on (don't remember the exact name; but it was the traditional kind) I had lost some weight. But it gave me super super bad cramps and actually made me get ovulation pains so bad that I couldn't stand up, so my doctor switched me to one where I got my period only every 4 months. That one I gained 15-20lbs on and made me so bipolar and crazy and depressed it was horrible so I didn't stay on that long either. I decided to stay away from the pill for awhile since.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I just got on the pill a few weeks ago and I've actually lost a few pounds. It seems to have made me lose my appetite. I guess it depends on which pill you're taking and how your body reacts to it.