Is there such a thing as unhealthy calories???



  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Depends on if you're talking weight loss or health.

    For weight loss, calories are the most important factor. Last night I ate almost 300 calories of ice cream, and 800 calories of taco bell. I'll still lose weight, because I stayed under my calorie goal.

    Nutritionally, of course, my choices last night weren't healthy. Chocolate is full of refined sugars and fats (not the healthy kind of fats). Taco Bell has so many refined carbs I don't even want to think about it. Of course eating fruit, or a homemade quasadilla made with grilled chicken and a whole wheat wrap would have been HEALTHIER. It would have provided me with healthy carbs, lots of protein and some healthy fats if I added avocado or something in there.

    So I try to eat healthy most of the time, because I know my body needs proper nutrition, especially because I work out a lot. But there's nothing wrong with eating ice cream, calorie-wise.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    The way I decide is by looking at what those calories are going to get me. For example, last Friday I had a chance to have a small piece of cake worth 400 calories but instead was able to have a large dinner with my family and a small snack afterward. I would have thrown away 400 calories on something that would have left me hungry shortly after and would have had to skip dessert and eat less dinner to stay under my goal. So I don't look at what I eat as being good or bad but I choose whether I will feel full or am just wasting my calories. In the end its all up to you.
    Hope that helps.